Where to find essential learnings in life?

Where to find essential learnings in life?

This post will tackle the different places or situations that can provide good learning. Aside from books, where can we learn?

When we were young, we were taught to read the ABC, to count 123, to say good words, and to show a good attitude. We were trained by our parents and elders to do so because they know that it is important. Also at home, our family taught us good lessons that we can carry along with us, as we leave the doors of our houses.

Essential ways to find learnings.
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The basic lessons that we learned in our home were the things that will direct and help us in seeking to learn more because there are still numerous things that we should know in life.

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In school, we’ve got to use and show what we know. We’ve got to enhance it as we go along with our classmates and teachers. We learned to use our abilities and capabilities in the best way we can, especially in dealing with the different subjects and activities in school.

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We can also learn from our community. We can learn by simply observing, and simply listening to things that are worth our time. Furthermore, we can learn from different people, animals, nature, and situations.

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Life experiences:

In our daily lives, it’s important to pay attention to the experiences we’ve been through. They may be positive or negative experiences, but we will always be assured that it teaches us a lesson. This is the best teacher that can mold our life to what we wanted. So, it’s vital and very meaningful if we were able to appreciate and learn about the lessons that it taught us.

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We have to accept that there could be times when the people around us do things that aren’t amenable to us. We cannot control this, so what we have to do is just go with it, but remember to always do what is right and what is acceptable.

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One general experience that we all have been through is our experience with the pandemic. The pandemic taught us to be more self-reliant in terms of guarding ourselves against the deadly virus. It taught us to be more disciplined and to follow the rules. It also taught us to be more loving, caring, and giving.

We should always find meaning in the experiences that we encountered in life. Identify what we can learn from it, and be able to apply it to achieve the improvement that we want for ourselves.