How to turn a negative mindset into a positive mindset?

How to turn a negative mindset into a positive mindset?

Have you ever wished not to have negative thoughts at all? Are you tired of absorbing negativity around you? Well, this post will help you turn the negative mindset that you have now into a positive mindset that will be going to help you navigate your life in the right direction. Every one of us experiences negative thoughts from time to time, this is due to the numerous factors that are present around us.

Turning negative mindset to positive mindset.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Now, let’s move into turning your negative thoughts into positive thoughts:

1. Instead of telling I can’t do this, tell yourself that you can do it!

  • Most of our failures in life are brought by our self-doubt. Telling that you can’t do a certain thing will most likely bring you nothing. Your perception and the way you view things for yourself can greatly impact how things will going to happen. Likewise, if you tell yourself that you can do it, you’ll likely achieve something, and your strong self-assurance will bring you to action.

2. Instead of telling yourself I don’t know, tell yourself I’ll find it.

  • While it’s true that we don’t know all the answers that life wants us to learn, we have all the will to find them for ourselves, how? By learning it, observing it, and doing it. You can learn by reading books, articles, and inspiring journals, you can use your observation skills to learn from other people, and you can find all the answers that running in your head if you give yourself a chance. A chance to explore the world with something worth living for.

3. Instead of telling yourself that it’s unfair and it’s too hard, tell yourself that it’s a challenge you have to conquer.

  • One thing that makes us stuck is that we treat problems as punishment, we see problems as unfair, and we feel that challenges are hardships that makes our life miserable. But if we treat problems as a way for us to grow and see problems as a challenge that we have to conquer then everything will come to its place. You aren’t just the person who is facing challenges, disappointments and misfortune so don’t be hard on yourself.

4. Instead of telling yourself that you’re worried and you might fail, tell yourself I’m curious about what will happen and I will try.

  • Our worries can affect our confidence, and low confidence drags our courage to take a step. A small step each day can build us one day at a time. No stepping back because it will just consume you little by little. Failures aren’t a reason to be fearful of everything, it might be painful but it’s a driving force that there is success above all of those circumstances. Just be willing to continue and enhance your abilities, learn from all the mistakes that brought some failures in your life, and strengthen yourself enough for the battle of life.

5. Instead of telling yourself that you’re not good at something, tell yourself that you can get better.

  • Always remember this, there’s nothing that you can’t learn if you are just willing to put an effort into it. Where do those successful people start? Where do those brilliant people start? They started from scratch, they started learning how to make it, and they started by believing that they can do it one day!

6. Instead of telling yourself that you’re not yet ready because you need to find out more, remind yourself that there’s no better time than now.

  • Procrastination is one of the distractions that can contribute to our unproductive life. Don’t be a victim of “I can do it later” because time won’t wait for you. We can’t take back time as much as all of us wanted. Laziness can make us stuck and it consumes the days that we should be doing something to improve ourselves.

7. Instead of telling yourself that you are too old of doing something, tell yourself it’s never too late.

  • Yes! Age isn’t a hindrance to achieving the dreams that you wanted in life. Take it as a strength because you’re mature enough to take on the goals that you wanted. The more you age the better your understanding of the complexity of life here on Earth. You are more courageous to take risks because you are already capable to value every detail of life.

Having a negative mindset can consume our hope and dreams if we don’t do ways to fix our thoughts and actions. The list above can help you turn those negative thoughts into positive thoughts and be able to have that mindset that will guide you to become a better version of yourself.

Steps of communication process and basic communication skills you need to know

Steps of communication process and basic communication skills you need to know

Can you imagine a world without communication? Probably the majority of us would say that it might be a sad life without it! Communication is already a part of our day-to-day life activities and without communication, our lives could be so dull and quite boring! It’s one way to make an environment alive and colorful. Also, it’s an essential component of socializing with people, giving and gaining information that we needed each day.

Communication process and basic communication skills.

Communication is important because it helps in building relationships with other people.

It allows an individual to share life experiences, thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Additionally, it’s a way to make better decisions, and increase efficiency and productivity whether at work or in our personal lives.

Below are the 6 steps in the communication process:

  • Ideation – The first step begins when the sender decided to share a message with someone, be it with loved ones, relatives, friends, classmates, or workmates. The person senses that there is a need to communicate a piece of information or an idea and he/she wants to share it with somebody.
  • Encoding – it involves putting the meaning of something into symbolic forms. This may be in the form of speaking, writing, or nonverbal behavior.
  • Transmission of the message – this is how the message is transmitted. To have a clear transmission, the sender must overcome interference like garbled speech, long and complex sentences, distortion from recording devices, illegible handwriting, and noisy environment.
  • Receiving – the receiver’s sense of hearing and sight are activated as the transmitted message is received.
  • Decoding of the message by the receiver – this is the time wherein the receiver defines words and interprets his/her gestures during the transmission of speech.
  • Response or feedback – the sender wants to know that his/her message has been received and interpreted by the receiver.

Basic communication skills that we should know

We should ensure an understanding of the topic by assuming its value, clarifying what has been said, and confirming our understanding.

  • Assuming the value is the attitude wherein you project that the person is worth listening to. This opens the lines of communication because it helps you to understand what the sender feels and thinks at the moment. This increases the chance that the other person will also listen to you when it’s your turn to communicate.
  • Clarification is being used when you aren’t sure what the other person is saying or communicating about.
  • Confirmation is used when you think that there is already an understanding of what the other person said.

You should be able to enhance value. This is done by identifying the merits mentally, building ideas, balancing merits and concerns, and giving support.

  • Identify the merits mentally and you should ask if the idea can be improved without mentioning any concerns. Merit is an important idea that was addressed that gives a good intention to the topic.
  • Build ideas – if you believed that the other person doesn’t give a strong idea, you can build the communication by suggesting a few changes.
  • Balance merits and concerns if the sender needs to know what should be changed. Again specify the merits and any concerns, ask for reactions, and be able to check back.
  • Support by giving timely and specific feedback to promote cooperation. You can state positive aspects of the other person’s ideas and efforts to give value to his/her contribution. Remember that most people would love to hear any recognition for their accomplishments and efforts given.

In conclusion, effective communication is helpful in our day-to-day life be it at home, outside the house, or at work. Listening and offering appropriate feedback is essential to help people recognize that they are being heard and understood. It helps to resolve problems, clear viewpoints, and make a situation even better.

Topic reference: Nursing Management and Leadership Book.

The basic attitudes to live by daily

The basic attitudes to live by daily

Are you having trouble daily because of unknown reasons? Maybe you have attitudes that need to be changed. This post will help you manifest good attitudes to live by daily so that you could be able to reach your goals and focus on what is essential in life.

Basic attitudes that we should have.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Be kind even if others are not!

Kindness is an attitude that we need to offer to ourselves and others. Sometimes the way we treat other people is by the way they treat us. So, if that person is kind to you, then you have to show the same kindness that he gave you. On the other hand, if the person is rude then we also show them the rudeness that person gave us. Or we sometimes show it to other people who are weaker than us. But remember that the majority of the people who shows rudeness were just thrilled by the situations they are experiencing at the moment. It’s their response to what is happening inside their head and hearts. For example at work, your boss scolded you because of a little mistake that you made regarding your work. Not knowing that this boss also is experiencing something in life which made him/her irritated easily. Maybe the boss is having a family problem. Maybe the boss is pressured by someone else. Maybe the boss is experiencing a life crisis? Don’t follow the train of negativity. Wherein you experience something wrong and will hand it to someone to suffer. So, be kind even if others are not!

Be courageous when situations look fearful!

A courageous attitude will make wonder! Because our fearfulness to take action brings us to inaction. If we dare to do things then we are likely building ourselves personally. There is no growth if we are always fearful of the next step. Yes, stepping forward won’t assure success, we may fail at times and it’s not a comfortable experience to accept. But remember that those who already reached their spot to the positions or status in life that we believed as successful were once experienced what we are experiencing at the moment. They are unsure, but they tried, they failed but they tried again. Until they finally made it.

Our courage will take us to something great. There is something we must do, there is something we are meant to do and there is something for us to do. I always believed that we are meant to do something because we have a purpose on this planet Earth.

Be acceptable and lovable.

Accepting things is an attitude that we have to live by. We have to accept ourselves for who we are. We have to accept our loved ones for whom they are. We have to accept our weaknesses to know how to improve. Sometimes we respond negatively when things don’t go the way we want them. And this becomes the unconscious reason why our day feels so bad. When we don’t get what we want we feel as if life was so unfair and that we are so unlucky. But we should be aware that this negative perception will only add up in attracting negative vibes that will only worsen our day.

Be confident especially when someone wants to drag you down.

Self-confidence is an attitude that will take us to do what we can. Some of us just let things pass because we thought that it won’t make any sense if we do something to those people who want to drag us down. Indeed that’s a great way to avoid conflicts, but we can do something to let them know that what they do isn’t affecting our worth. Be confident! Showing self-confidence isn’t for others’ benefit, it’s for our well-being. It helps us to be more focused on what is essential.

Be humble if you have abundance in life. You won’t have it forever!

Being humble is an attitude that aligns us to show gratitude in whatever we do or have in life. If you want to stay on track with great values and principles in life, then this is something we need to commit to, being humble means maintaining humility and being able to understand that all the material things we have aren’t ours. We came to Earth with nothing, and we will leave the Earth without the material things we gained, but with the legacy, we built when we are on Earth. It’s something weird but it’s something real. We will leave this world and as well everything we have.

Be truthful even when situations want you to lie.

The attitude of being truthful or honest could help us to live without worries and hidden agendas. It is very tempting to tell a lie especially if the situation wanted us to. For instance when we face a confrontation and it seems that the other person and everyone around might get angry or sad when the truth will come out. So, the only way to make the situation better is to tell something that isn’t true because if you will say the truth it might cause further trouble or you might be scolded, but remember that any form of deceiving people will always be unacceptable. If we want to make things right, then we have to always tell the truth. Telling the truth makes us free and relieves any unnecessary feelings and thoughts that will ruin our day. It might be hurtful to accept the consequences of any negative actions we made, but at the end of the day, it will always be the best solution. So, be truthful even when situations want you to lie.

Be adaptable to change and commit to transforming yourself.

Being able to adapt to the changes that occur in our life is an attitude that will help us to avoid being left behind. You will never grow or develop personally and professionally if you always avoid changing old habits that make you unproductive. And we would not change if we don’t adapt to what the situation needs. For instance, we need to adapt to the digital world to make things easier or to make our tasks work great. This will improve our efficiency and will help us gain the confidence to perform other things that are worth our attention.