Ways to protect kids’ health during the holiday season

Ways to protect kids’ health during the holiday season

The holiday season makes us busy in preparing, decorating, cooking, going outside to visit other places, gathering with friends and relatives. These activities are very enjoyable because it makes us happy and forget somehow life’s circumstances that we experienced from time to time.

Many of us will be going to spend time with numerous groups of people, travel to the nearby town or provinces, and go to places that kids will surely enjoy! But be wary that these days could also mean increased exposure to microorganisms like bacteria and viruses that can predispose our kids to develop illnesses.

To help protect children during the holiday season, you can try the following ways to make them healthy.

Protecting the health of kids during the holiday season.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.
  • Consider boosting your child’s immunity with vitamins and minerals to protect him/her from catching illnesses.
  • Choose to prepare and cook healthy meals for your kids like fiber-rich foods to control fats and blood sugar build-ups.
  • Don’t skip meals so that your kids won’t skip them too.
  • Make sure that your child is drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Remind or assist them with their hygiene, such as bathing, brushing their teeth, and using clean clothing.
  • Encourage your child to be active, and spend a few minutes exercising to stay fit and healthy.
  • Help them to avoid stress, by reminding them to be happy, and enjoy simple things that they have.
  • Check if your child is already experiencing too much playtime, tiredness can ruin the immune system. Encourage them to have enough rest and sleep.
  • Watch out for their emotional and mental well-being, too. Manage their expectations, or advise them not to expect too much. Holidays bring so much fun to many of us, and it sometimes brings high expectations like receiving gifts and getting what they want.
  • Get them vaccinated for a flu vaccine, and make sure that their routine vaccination is up to date. It increases their immunity to fight diseases.
  • Remind them to keep their hands clean, especially before eating any food.
  • It’s a good idea to have kids play in an area where there is high ventilation.
  • Make sure they are wearing masks, especially when in a crowd. And remind them to have social distancing, especially from someone with signs and symptoms of an illness, like a cough and cold.

Aside from the health and wellness of our children, let us teach them to spend the holiday season with greatness from above, and let’s all feel the importance of this celebration.

Ways to nurture a child’s mental well-being

Ways to nurture a child’s mental well-being

Are you making ways to nurture your child’s well-being? This post will help you recognize what are the important things that a child needs to be mentally healthy.

Most of us parents understand the benefits of healthy eating habits that we should teach or be able to implement in our children. Staying physically fit like teaching them of attaining physical health is a common thing that most of us are aware of. Like helping them to play their favorite sports, biking with them outside, allowing them to play on the playground, etc. But there’s a topic that we must deal with because it’s just as important as being physically healthy.

Child's mental well-being
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

There are already high rates of mental health issues among children and it’s a bit serious! But to know that more and more parents are already becoming aware of the importance of nurturing and supporting their child’s mental health is a good factor to lessen the chances of children suffering from mental issues.

Good mental health is something we have to look into as parents.

Mental health affects an individual’s way of thinking, feeling, and behaving and it can greatly influence daily activities such as academic performance and overall health. The most common mental problems that attack children are related to anxiety, ADHD, behavioral disorders, and depression.

We are not perfect parents and accepting this could mean we are aware of our flaws and we are aware that there is still room for improvement. The best thing is that we are trying to be better parents day by day.

Here are the ways to nurture our children’s mental well-being:

  • Show love and trust! The child follows their parents especially if they feel loved, protected, and understood. As parents, we are also careful with protecting our children from any failures or pains, but those are also helpful in learning to face life uncertainties. Allow the child to explore given that the child is safe, consider supporting them, and encourage them to stand up instead of fixing things for them easily. A good relationship between parents can protect children from mental health disorders. This can also give children a sense of security when they see that their parents have good companionship with one another.
  • Be honest and patient. To nurture mental health, we should be attentive to the child’s verbal and nonverbal cues as well. Do they need support and attention? Do they need to be understood? Children can sense if parents are interested in what they are saying. This is the reason why we should be able to be patient in listening to their queries or opinions and be able to give honest feedback.
  • Listen to them before giving your advice, comment, or suggestions. Encouraging them to do their kinds of stuff, creating a happy environment, and having healthy habits daily can make a big change in their mental health. Like acknowledging their efforts, sharing your feelings about a certain behavior, correcting unhealthy and unhelpful thinking, showing empathy, and building resiliency.
  • Validate their feelings and share yours. As parents, we can easily sense if our children or child is experiencing a bad mood! We can ask them what happened and allow them to vent their feelings. After listening, we should be able to have clarity with what they are going through and slowly share our opinion or some related stories to lift their mood.
  • Show healthy behaviors like promoting healthy eating habits, and having adequate rest and sleep as these can greatly help in maintaining a healthy mind and improved mood.
  • Connect them to positive thinkers. Allow them to have social interactions, especially with people who have a positive outlook on life. Their ideas and good attitudes can help in building your child mentally.
  • Set a family time. Days are passing too fast! And that means we’re not going any younger so as with our children. That’s why spending time with them is worthful to fill in memories that you as a family can look back on as time goes by. These bonding moments can build your children’s mental wellness because you are filling in space in them that they will never forget. And that’s -TIME-
  • Teach them about forgiveness. Forgiving someone who made a mistake to you can relieve stress and heartaches that bring negativities to your mind. That’s why teaching our children the importance of forgiveness is essential.
  • Be present, especially for important events. Involvement with our children’s life activities can greatly impact their academic performance. It raises their self-confidence and brings positivity to them. Your support as a parent is very important as they are going through their growth and mental development.
  • Be calm in responding when their emotions are elevated. Sometimes children suddenly change their mood and prefer not to go out or play with their friends. Don’t worry as they are finding ways to manage their feelings, how to solve problems, develop self-control and independence, and manage time.
  • View their behavior and personalities as a window to their feelings and needs. One example is when a child showed temper tantrums in the middle of a busy grocery store. The initial reaction of some parents would be to ask their child to stand up or stop doing the action because it’s uncomfortable in adults’ eyes. If this is the scenario we should show empathy instead of asking the child too many questions and telling the child to stop because it’s embarrassing. Be considerate of their feelings and see whether there are factors that contributed to their tantrums like maybe they are hungry, tired, or sleepy!
  • Recognize their positive choices. Parents must show good modeling and continuously instill healthy habits and behaviors so kids can face the challenges that come their way. To do this we have to build a close relationship with them, provide boundaries and structures whenever possible, encourage independence, and boost social interaction.
  • Set limits and respect each other’s boundaries. You and your child have different personalities, you have different perspectives on how to view things. And it’s imperative to show respect at all times to them so that they will also show it to you in return. But, always remember to set boundaries so that they won’t fall into the negative side.
  • Practice gratitude and teach them how to pray. Mental wellness comes with having gratitude for all things that we have in life.

Take every day as a happy journey with your children. Avoid too much pressure because children who are under constant pressure also experience constant anxiety. The countless stress that they feel places them at higher risk of depression, mood or behavioral problems, and other mental health conditions. The list above can greatly help parents to nurture their child’s mental well-being to raise a happy, stress-free childhood for them.

A child’s view of life: A must view of life

A child’s view of life: A must view of life

Weekends are children’s favorite because it means leisure time with the family!

Going outside to eat, do some sightseeing. Eat meals, and of course, what they love above all is playing different types of games and having fun! It’s their way of life, to enjoy each moment with greatness in their hearts!

View of life

Some of us think that kids are the only appropriate people to do these things.

Because they are young and because we have already gone through these days. We sometimes think that it isn’t for us anymore because doing it will gonna make us look childish. And we hold on to being mature in how we view life. We often don’t realize that we can still enjoy these moments. And feel like a child as if every day is a fun day! And live like a child who doesn’t worry too much about life’s situations and challenges.

We often see them fearless to do something because they want to try what it feels like. We see them enjoy good food and stumble with joy whenever we bought something that they like so much. Their view of life is very simple but overflowing with priceless appreciation. We see their genuine laughs as if they don’t bother anything. They easily forget situations that once made them upset, move on and continue enjoying the moment. And they choose to live life as if they have unlimited time.

What if we imitate the way they view life?

As adults, we feel like we should make even faster in life. This is because of the fear that we are being left behind. Time runs so fast that we feel like we are being unproductive. Well, who would even love the life that isn’t moving? Who would even love a life that feels no growth. And who would even love a life where you felt like you are moving like a turtle on a lonely seaside?

Honestly, we want to improve ourselves, we want to be appreciated, we want to feel important, and we want to be useful.

And adult stage makes us feel like we should fear if we aren’t doing any progress because time is important to us now, and time cannot go back once gone. How many years would still be there? How many chances can we still get? And how many fun moments could we still share with our loved ones?

Rushing can push us towards our goals, but it could also mean that rushing can only alter what we should have to do. Things could be better if it is done with preparation. Don’t rush too much because time isn’t your enemy, make time as your friend who can prepare you to do the things that will equip you towards something that will serve your purpose. View life like a child who doesn’t afraid to fail and try again. View life like a child who would smile after an upsetting scenario. And view life like a child who dreams even the most impossible!

There are times that life is like a carousel, it can move you up and down, steady, slow and fast. But whatever life could bring, you should remind yourself not to be bothered by the challenges that you meet along the way. There are tough moments but remember that it always ends.

Sometimes, life is like a ball and if you aren’t willing to move it, it will just stay where it was. We are here on Earth to live each day, and we shouldn’t just let the day pass without living it because of our grudges, anxiety, fear, and hopelessness.

Our success is not measured by the material things that we bought. It’s not the awards that we achieved. It’s not the title that attaches to our name. But, it’s the happiness that glows within us. It’s the values that we have and the kindness we were able to impart to other people.

Viewing life like a child is not a childish thing to do. It’s something that will make us live the way we should.

Guide for parents who have school children

Guide for parents who have school children

Studying in a school environment has good benefits for our children. Interacting with other children of their age, learning how to follow rules and regulations, figuring out how to socialize with other people, and adjusting to different situations are just a few of the things that our children would learn outside our home premises. And that’s the reason why a lot of us parents would prefer a school set-up learning.

School children
Images source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

But, to be able to fully help our children unleash their full potential we have to assist them in going to school and guide them in all their school activities. While this may sometimes make us overwhelmed due to other life activities that we have to do, just remember that we are making it for the future of our child or children.

The guidance and support that we were able to show and give to them daily mean so much to them. This could help them to be more confident in going to school because they have the ample support they needed.

Things to let them know:

  • Reminding them of the importance of going to school, meeting their classmates and teachers, and of course studying in a school environment.
  • Tell them the relevance of social connection to their well-being. Socializing with other people, most importantly to children of their age can help them to show what they are capable of, and it helps them to relate to different individual’s attitudes.
  • Inform them about the rules and regulations of their school. Before the school classes, institutions come up with the orientation phase. So, here they enumerate all the rules and regulations that their school is implementing.

Things to prepare for them:

  • The night before the school day, you should prepare their clothing or uniform, socks, shoes, hygiene essentials, and their school bag with books, notebooks, and other things needed for that day.
  • If you are the one who prepared their things in their bag, be sure to let them know where the specific things are located.
  • Inform them of their class schedule and important activities that they will be going to do or perform for that day.
  • Remind them to participate in their class discussion, respect everybody in their school and enjoy studying!

During the day:

  • Prepare a healthy breakfast for your child and let them eat before going to school. Eating breakfast can help to kickstart their day by providing the essential nutrients they needed to have a strong body and an alert mind.
  • Prepare healthy snacks that they can eat during their break time in school, and choose nutritious foods to energize and nourish their body.
  • Don’t forget their water. Drinking water will keep them hydrated throughout the day.

After their class:

  • Greet them with a happy face, and ask what happened in their class. Assessing their mood will help us figure out what the child had experienced in school.
  • Ask about how the child gets along with classmates, and how he performed in their class activities.
  • Check whether the child ate the snacks you prepared.
  • Check any assignments that they have for tomorrow’s class, and remind the child to make them ahead of time.

Allow your child to make their assignments so that they could build their confidence in solving different circumstances. We are only allowed to guide and assist them. And it won’t give any merits if we are the ones doing it for them.

Going to school must be a fulfilling activity that our children must experience and they can do it by providing them with their essential needs, ample support, and giving time to improve their skills.

10 Things that children might want their parents to know and understand

10 Things that children might want their parents to know and understand

Being a parent could take you to different feelings or emotions. Sometimes, they can be sad or happy, they can be stressful and there could be overwhelming moments that accompany them! But to know that these moments will bring you a lot of experiences and little journeys would remind you that you are one of a kind in this world. Those little journeys with your kids are like gems that you would never want to let go of. It’s more than a suitcase of money that you wouldn’t like to spend. It’s more than the career growth that you ever wanted to achieve!

Things kids wanted from their parents.
Images on this post (source): Photo library provided by Pexels.

Don’t feel too bad if there might be things that you gave up, there might be adventures that you didn’t join or there might be opportunities that you missed because you’re already a parent. Being a parent is a wonderful thing that can happen to the chosen ones. And you are worthy to be given the chance to be one of them. So, be glad and appreciate that gift.

Sometimes, we don’t recognize that our children might want something from us, this isn’t material things but are things that could make them a whole person.

This list below may be the things that children might want you to know and understand:

1. Love me wholeheartedly, I want to feel it by showing me exactly what it means. Don’t just tell it, don’t just provide things that you think will let me recognize that you love me.

2. Be my role model. I learn a lot from you. I learn how to be good to others by seeing your good examples. I learn how to be genuine by recognizing that you are genuine too. I learn everything that I see in you, so please choose to show me the good things to do.

3. Show me kindness when I’ve done wrong. As I am still in the process of developing myself emotionally and mentally. If I am slow I’m sorry because I am still learning. I want you to know that I am willing to learn if you can patiently teach me. Be kind to me even if you feel like it’s already repeating.

4. Be my home. Promise me that you will always be there no matter what. I appreciate the priceless moments you spend with me. Those are treasures that I would always remember from you until I grow old.

5. Talk with me just like how you would like to talk to the most important person in the universe. Avoid talking to me for the sake of talking or responding to my queries. I would like a genuine conversation with you, that could let me feel that I am worth your time.

6. Listen to me, I know that I talk and asked countless questions, I give comments and suggestions that are sometimes annoying to you. But can you please listen to me without scolding or judging me?

7. Be proud of me, I may be that child who can only do things with simplicity. I may be that child who can’t excel enough, or I may be that child who can’t exceed your expectations, and if that is so? Please be mindful that children develop at their own pace and at their own time. I want you to accept me, and avoid comparing me to other kids, especially to my sibling/s.

8. Allow me to explore the world. Let me play outside, let me make simple decisions that aren’t harmful to me. By making decisions for myself. You are teaching me the independence that I needed. So that when I grow old I wouldn’t be that independent of anyone. Allow me but guide me, encourage me as this could take my confidence high enough to do the things that I should be doing as a child.

9. As much as possible, give me foods that are nutritious and can make me healthy. Provide clothes that I can wear to comfort me. Give me shelter that can make me safe. Give me the education I needed to improve my knowledge. Cook my favorite dish. Take me to groceries so I can choose the foods that I want. Let’s eat at your favorite food stall or restaurant! That could be a great bonding with you, isn’t it?

10. Teach me how to pray. I May not yet understand my purpose of being here on Earth, but I want to slowly understand it. Teach me values that could help me to develop my full potential.

A verse to remember:

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Our children deserve our attention and understanding. Hopefully, this list could help you clarify your importance as a parent to your children. There might be challenges that you’ll be going through, but one thing is for sure, you’re on a fulfilling journey. Enjoy the days that your children are under your roof!

Dangers of putting too much pressure on children

Dangers of putting too much pressure on children

Some parents want their child or children to achieve the best that they can be. This isn’t bad if accompanied by proper guidance and by means of not pressuring the child too much in achieving something. Because too much pressure that parents give on their children can also put too much pressure on their child’s performance. Unknowingly that putting too much pressure can have serious consequences for their child’s welfare too.

The dangers of putting too much pressure on children, and the negative consequences of it.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Some parents have this thinking that putting pressure on their children will lead to their children’s success. This is caused by their intense desire for a successful future. The sad thing is that there are parents who are trying to fulfill their dreams which they strived for once in their life, that they pass through their children.

Parents who are focusing too much on the academic performance and extracurricular activities of their child are limiting the importance of other skills that a child can achieve on their own. Constant pressure on children can be harmful and there are negative effects that a child might experience later on in their life.

Below are some dangers of putting too much pressure on children:

1. Higher rates of experiencing the mental related condition.

  • Children who are under constant pressure also experience constant anxiety. The countless stress that they feel places them at higher risk of depression, mood or behavioral problems, and other mental health conditions.

2. Higher risk for injuries

  • Children who are pressured to do well in physical activities for example sports might choose to continue participating despite an injury. Continuing the sport with unhealed injury could lead to further problems or permanent damage.
  • The same is true with children who are pressured to study well for an exam and might choose to read for long hours without rest. This may lead to eye strain. Eye strain is defined as a common condition that occurs to an individual when his/her eyes get tired from intense use.

3. They might involve themselves in cheating

  • They are likely to cheat if you are pressuring them to focus on what they should achieve rather than what they should learn. Because they feel like they are obliged to do well or perform well, and that they might think that they will disappoint you or that they will receive a punishment for not doing well.

4. They refuse to join or participate in a competition

  • When your child believes that they should always be the best, they will not likely participate in a competition. It’s because they feel like they won’t win or shine at that moment. This brings problems to children as they won’t take chances to improve their skills. They won’t take the chance to enjoy themselves with other children of their age.

5. Damaging their self-confidence

  • Pressuring your children to make their best can be harmful in developing their self-confidence. The stress that they feel to perform well could interfere with building their identity, it will lead them to feel or think that they aren’t good enough.

6. Poor nutrition

  • Pressuring can also affect a child’s nutrition because they might tend to skip or be in a hurry to finish their meals just to spend additional time studying.

7. Depriving themselves of proper sleep and rest pattern

  • Children who are always pressured to do well might stay up late because of too much studying or practicing, this leads them to struggle in getting enough sleep and rest that children of their age needs.

Motivation takes the child to concentrate or focus on his/her journey to success. On the other hand, too much pressure makes the child sacrifice their play and join some recreational activities or entertainment because they want to spend more hours learning. This is immense stress which affects the child’s normal mental development. The emotional adjustment that a child is experiencing at a very young age may result in problems like that of interpersonal relationships with parents.

If proper guidance is given rather than too much pressure then the child is more likely to embrace success.

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any comments or something to share regarding this topic don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment section. If you found this post helpful, please don’t forget to share it with other people!

The benefits of playing blocks to children

The benefits of playing blocks to children

Benefits of block play to children.

Blocks are play materials that come from solid pieces which children used to build different shapes and structures depending on what comes into their imagination at the time of playing.

Block play is a process of learning through playing blocks, be it in smaller or bigger sizes. It is also defined as open-ended play, meaning that there are no rules that are needed to follow and that children are fully in control of the activity. It promotes imaginative and constructive play in children.

Block play doesn’t require a lot of adult supervision as compared to other activities that you can offer to children while at home. As a parent, you can also benefit from this play. They are busy playing while you can continue to do important tasks at home.

Block play is a good activity that can give a lot of benefits to our children.

Lately, my two kids are having fun with this activity and I can see that there are really good benefits to it. With blocks they can do sorting, counting, building up a tower or village, fill in blocks according to shapes and colors, representations, pattern making, create imaginative animals, vehicles, etc.

Below are the benefits of playing with blocks for children:

  • It helps them to be self-reliant, they rely on their capability to create something. And are very happy when they complete a simple structure that they want to build. It uplifts their mood and therefore increases their self-confidence.
  • Block play helps with their communication skills. When they play with other children, they tend to talk or communicate about the structure that they are building or are about to build. They also ask their playmates what they are building, and will share ideas as to how to make it more beautiful.
  • Helps them develop friendships by helping each other in finishing their creation.
  • Increases their attention span, they learn how to be patient and kind as they stay in constructive play for an extended time or until they finish building their preferred structure.
  • Helps them to be cooperative with their playmates. They learn to collaborate with their playmates through building block structures together. They learn how to take turns and share materials needed by each other.
  • Teaches them about balance. They learn to make way on how to avoid falling off their structure.
  • It helps them mathematically. Through block play they gain some understanding of 3D shapes, counting blocks as they add or eliminate from the structure that they are making. Helps them learn how to describe shapes, colors, positions, and sizes as they build different structures. They also explore measure, symmetry, and different patterns.
  • Ideal play to improve a child’s cognitive development. They are building their cognitive skills by simply sorting, designing, and stacking different towers.
  • It supports our child’s development in terms of social skills, creativity, and abstract thinking. They are creative in doing role-playing or storytelling about their output.
  • Improves their fine motor skills, for example in positioning and manipulating blocks precisely.

Block play is already known for its simplicity and self-directed play to motivate children to take action according to their will.

They are a good idea to entertain children, making them busy while learning how to create something. But take note that even though block play is a less supervised activity for kids as mentioned, it doesn’t mean we have to be complacent or we can already leave them for long hours without supervision. We still need to look after them from time to time to make sure that they are in a good condition.

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any comments or something to share regarding this topic: The benefits of playing blocks to children, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment section. If you found this post helpful, please don’t forget to share it with other people!

How to live peacefully as a parent?

How to live peacefully as a parent?

Living peacefully as a parent seems impossible, you might frown at me, you might raise your eyebrows! You might say living peacefully as a parent is hard and it’s a big no to have the peaceful moments that you are longing for yourself!

Living peacefully as a parent.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

But why is it hard? Is it because of the noisy kids, the cluttered toys? The demanding environment? The expectations that you don’t meet? The stress that you feel? The tasks you didn’t accomplish? The feelings you are avoiding to express? The opinions of other people? The standard of the society?

Or it’s because of not purely accepting your role as a parent?

Being a parent is overwhelming when you try to compete with other parents, when you are trying to prove something, when you want to be the best parent, and when you’re basing your parenting on what other people suggest you to do. Remember that you don’t have to prove anything to other people, because this will cause bad emotions and negativities that would ruin your happiness. This will cause you to always limit your actions to what other people expect you to do. And it’s very uncomfortable if you follow that thinking! It will not only destroy your mental and emotional well-being but also your relationship with your family.

What makes you comfortable will make you feel better!

That’s why you should own your parenting style that best fits your personality, values, and goals as a parent. We aren’t into raising and we shouldn’t raise to anybody else. Those who love to compete or to show up will end up unfulfilled with their roles as a parent. Because they keep on comparing themselves and looking after what people want to see in them.

Parenting is a happy journey, and shouldn’t be something you need to hurry up because you want to do something…

Living peacefully as a parent is something we can find when we are laughing with our children. When we play with them wholeheartedly. When we accept the responsibility. When we set aside our personal goals to see them happily reaching theirs.

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any comments or something to share regarding this topic: How to live peacefully as a parent? Don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment section. If you found this post helpful, please don’t forget to share it with other people!

Essential life lessons that you can learn from children

Essential life lessons that you can learn from children

Children look to adults as their educators, role models, and sometimes someone they want when they grow up. But often we don’t consider that there are things that they can also teach us!

Things that you can learn from children.
Image source: CTTO

Below are the essential life lessons that you can learn from children:

  • Feel your emotions and be true to them. Children show their emotions about a certain situation based on what they feel. When they are happy they will laugh and will stumble with joy! When they are sad they will cry, when they are angry they will make their voice louder and do things that will relieve their frustrations. As an adult we have already grown at that stage, when we are happy, we just smile or laugh. And limits everything not to look awkward. When we are lonely we sometimes manipulate our feelings and don’t show it up, because we don’t want to look miserable. When we are angry we often keep it ourselves so not to hurt anybody else. And what usually happens is that we find ourselves living a stressful life. Showing our emotions won’t make us less, instead, it’s something that could even help with our health and wellness!
  • Explore your curiosity and be excited about it. The curiosity of a child’s mind leads to more learning and creative works. When we grow older we stop finding things that can help with our development. We assume to be contented with what we have already because we thought that it is for good. But what if there are things that you can still do to improve yourself?
  • Be fearless, be courageous. Children usually do things without worrying too much about the result. They think that whatever it takes they must do it for the sake of making themselves happy. When we mature we sometimes avoid things that we feel like we can’t do, this is because we are afraid of failure. We are afraid of judgments that other people might throw at us. But do their words matter?
  • Deal with your life, and start a new day! Children would always be happy to wait for tomorrow’s activities. They would plan it and see to it that they will act on it. They don’t mind about the bad things that happened yesterday because it’s finished already. They lookup for a new beginning, which a new day is willing to bring. As an adult, we are preoccupied with what happened in the past, with the things that we didn’t make, the failures that we experienced, or the challenges that we are facing. But thinking about it will only ruin our well-being. Be like a child! Avoid worrying about the things that you can’t change, and be happy to make good memories for the days to come!
  • Be happy and be active. Children always have a happy outlook on life. Adventures seem endless and fun! They don’t mind going home tired and sweaty! The experience and joy that each activity brought into their lives are very important to them. When we get older we just want to stay in our comfort zone. We don’t explore like a child because we think that we’re already done with those things. But we have to realize that going outside will not only help with our well-being, but it will also help us to see other opportunities that life reserved for us.
  • Socialize and connect to your community and society. Children love to make new friends, they love to socialize and build a circle of friends from the community they belong to or places they visited. As adults, we should also be friendly, and we shouldn’t limit ourselves to making connections with other people because it is important in life. You can gain learnings from other people through their experiences and helpful thoughts, you can use that information as a basis or guide in managing a difficult situation.
Ways to balance your life and tips to enhance your parenting skills

Ways to balance your life and tips to enhance your parenting skills

As parents, it’s our responsibility to look after our children, take care of them, give their needs, provide their rights, nurture and raise them well.

Balancing life and enhancing parenting skills.

We have the role of offering them the support and encouragement that could help them to get into the activities that will enable them to complete their developmental tasks. And for us to provide all of these, we have to balance also our own life.

If there is an imbalance in our life this can account for an imbalance as well in our parenting skills. So, below are some tips to help you with taking the necessary action that could help you in parenting your children.

  • Face your children with a relaxed mood or aura. Manage your stress, and maybe you can do some self-care activities early in the morning while they are still asleep. Consider it as your me-time routine.
  • Learn with your children, and do something together. Like playing with them, eating meals, and praying together.
  • Enjoy the night routine. This is the moment that you are complete because maybe one of you is working in the daytime. Use this time to bond and interact with your children and spouse.
  • Delegate and set boundaries. Do not do all the tasks alone, share your parenting roles with your spouse. You are one into this beautiful journey.
  • Prioritizing your well-being is a helpful way for you and your children. It increases your self-confidence as a unique person, thus improving your ability to become a good parent.
  • Honor each other’s words. Go along with your children. Listen to what they are saying so that they will also listen to you.
  • Manage your schedule and spend it wisely. To avoid getting stress that could ruin your day, you should plan things.
  • Be true at all times, tell your children what is going on. Update them with your current activities so that they would know why you aren’t present sometimes.
  • Think of every decision that you will make. Set your priorities and consider your children.
  • Be present if you can, especially during important days or occasions in their life.
  • Lastly, aim to better yourself so that you can successfully help with their development.
The priceless moment of being a parent!

The priceless moment of being a parent!

A parent's priceless moment.

It was 9:00 am that morning when I wrote this post. But it looks too early to get up! My kids are still on the bed sleeping at that time. They were maybe tired from yesterday’s fun activities and games! While sitting at the table next to them, they captured my attention, and little by little stopped my pen to write the article I supposedly writing.

Staring at their faces while they are sleeping was so calming and peaceful. It brings me a priceless moment that I enjoyed!

It makes me miss them so much. During the day, when they are at their active hours, I sometimes uttered these phrases! Please minimize your noise, please fix your toys, please listen and cooperate with mom! But then suddenly I realized that it’s their freedom, it’s their moment to be a child, to explore things, to express themselves, and it’s their time to utilize their childhood stage.

To all parents, let’s just enjoy being parents and let’s allow them to enjoy their childhood too!

Let us make it easy for them, and let us make it easy for us as well. Soon they will grow up and things wouldn’t be the same anymore! Those cluttered toys. Those noises and childish attitudes will soon change. This will make us miss them so much when we are sitting on that rocking chair with our significant other, holding hands and reminiscing the yesterdays of our lives.

Time flies so fast, and as that happens things also won’t stay the same. A few years or decades from now, they would have their own family and life apart from us. They will stay in their houses, go or work to other places and will fulfill their dreams in life through their decisions.

But what will stay in our memories, mind and hearts are the experiences we encountered and enjoyed with them. How we treat them well, how we help them with their growth and development. How we play and enjoy every activity with them, and how we instill the appropriate values they need as they grow and become good human beings, will ever be as good as wealth!

30 parenting mistakes that you should avoid!

30 parenting mistakes that you should avoid!

This post will tackle about some mistakes that we must be willing to avoid as parents. Avoiding these mistakes could be very beneficial to our children’s welfare.

Image source: Credit to Photo library provided by Pexels.

Yes, it’s true that as parents we can’t really avoid making mistakes 💯 percent, but we should try our best and do as we could, for the betterment of our children. Our goal as parents should be to raise a child in a way that is acceptable and right.

Bad parenting has a considerable effect later on to our children, that’s why we have to do our best to avoid those effects. Parenting is a period in our life that we should enjoy and be happy with. Be willing to set your child as your big priority now, “I am” should be replaced with “my child”.

Your child or children will grow and the time that they are young, is the best time to fulfill the love and care that they needed. To be nourished with love and affection that they will bring along as they grow old must be one of our goal as parents.

Here are the 30 parenting mistakes that you should avoid!

  1. Being uncaring and cold.
  2. Unrealistic expectations regarding your child’s achievements.
  3. Being inconsistent about your parenting style.
  4. Fighting in front of your children.
  5. Not considering setting of limits and rules.
  6. Ignoring the questions of your child because you are busy.
  7. You don’t spend quality time with them.
  8. Poor listener, you don’t mind your child’s opinion or suggestions.
  9. Allowing bad behaviors because you think that it’s normal for kids.
  10. You don’t supervise them, even though you are free.
  11. You’re too authoritative and manipulative.
  12. Not recognizing their good behaviors. You are only noticing them if they do bad, by scolding and correcting them.
  13. You’re allowing the child do the things which are not acceptable.
  14. You are protecting your child from failure. You’re limiting the child’s self-development.
  15. Not offering praise for a job well done.
  16. Criticizing and comparing them to other children.
  17. You don’t show gratitude and positive behaviors.
  18. You are trying to hide their negative sides.
  19. Disciplining the child in public or in front of other people.
  20. You always give advice, but you don’t encourage them.
  21. You are not proud of their little efforts or life’s achievements.
  22. Not letting them explore and learn on their own.
  23. Not showing empathy or sympathy when they get hurt.
  24. You are a perfectionist, trying hard to raise a perfect child.
  25. Emotionally unavailable, you are physically present, but you don’t show it.
  26. Doing the actions or completing tasks for your child.
  27. Emphasizing that your child could do better than what the child can.
  28. Telling your child not to act like a baby.
  29. Asking the child, why are you so hard-headed?
  30. Telling your child that children like his/her age don’t act like the way he/she does!

Let’s create a happy childhood for our children, if ever you did some things listed, please don’t think that you are too bad, recognizing and correcting those mistakes isn’t too late!