Tips when traveling with kids

Tips when traveling with kids

This post is all about the things that we should consider while traveling with kids, specially if it will take a few hours or a long drive before reaching your destination.

Traveling with kids
Image source: photo library provided by Pexels

Traveling is a very fulfilling and a fun activity to most of the kids. To fully enjoy it, we have to know some of the things that we should be alert, avoid, and prepare as parents or guardians to avoid tantrums and eliminate stress along the way!

It’s our responsibility as parents to make sure that they are comfortable along the road. Below are the tips that we should do to have a good and enjoying trip with our kids!

Make sure to:

  • Prepare your child’s personal kit. If you have 2 or more, it’s better to provide each of them. It should include your child’s extra clothing, towelette and other hygiene essentials like toothbrushes, toothpastes, soap, alcohol, powder, wipes, tissue paper etc. (Based on how long you would stay to your destination).
  • Don’t forget to bring a first aid kit, their vitamins, over the counter medicines for possible headache, vomiting and stomach aches that are commonly occurring problems during travel.
  • Bring some foods that are energy boosting such as bread, biscuit crackers and fruits, avoid too much sweet and salty foods, choose non-greasy tidbits and non-acidic drinks that may bring about gastrointestinal concerns, nausea, and vomiting. Don’t forget to bring drinking water for hydration.
  • Bring umbrella for sun or rain protection in case the place you are about to visit is sunny or rainy.
  • Check your car engine, and make sure that the one who will drive your car gets enough rest or sleep before the travel to avoid any accidents that are brought by sleepiness and tiredness, remember that kids are with you.

How to avoid boredom and moodiness while on the road?

  • Keep them active by offering them energy boosting foods and water.
  • Listen to their queries.
  • Ask them if they are comfortable, if they want to use a comfort room (pass urine or anything else). You can stop over to do so. Most gasoline stations and food establishments have it.
  • Explain to them the importance of your travel.
  • Let them enjoy the nature’s view.
  • Tell them the names of the places that you see along the road! Specially if it’s something historical or something for the kids to learn about.
  • Tell short stories that could engage your kids into a conversation.

So, these are the tips when traveling with kids. I hope that it could help you achieve a better, enjoying and a knowledge gaining trip that could fulfill the different aspects of your child’s life, specially socially and intellectually.

Helpful tips on how to manage sibling rivalry and to promote good relationship among them

Helpful tips on how to manage sibling rivalry and to promote good relationship among them

Siblings rivalry

No matter how your kids are playing together and no matter how they bond during playtime, let’s face the fact that there are things or situations wherein they come to the point of having misunderstandings and disagreements.

A sibling rivalry occurs when there is jealousy, fighting, and competition between children, and it’s really a big concern for parents that shouldn’t be taken for granted. As parent, you have to fix things right so that they won’t grow with the idea of competing to their younger or older brother and sister because it may develop into personality problems later on. Sibling rivalry is normal, but it can become a concern if handled wrongly by parents.

But what causes this?

A child is developing and finding ways to define them as an individual. When they feel that they are getting unequal and undivided attention from their parents, and they see that it is more given to their brother or sister, they will form the idea of competing for your attention. It also happens before a new baby is coming, wherein they feel threatened by the arrival of their sibling. So, before the new baby is born, you should explain and reassure them that equal love and attention will be provided for them.

Here are helpful tips on how to manage sibling rivalry:

  • Don’t compare your children in front of them because it will embarrass them and their self-esteem will be affected.
  • Make them feel important and treat them as a unique person or individual.
  • Teach and allow your older child to help in caring younger brother or sister, this is done through your supervision.
  • Help your children to have a healthy sibling relationship, teach them to play without quarrelling and educate them the importance of sharing.
  • Never show favoritism, be calm and objective when disciplining them.
  • Come up with basic rules, for example: no bullying and fighting, approach mom or dad if something is wrong.
  • Never blame or punish, be objective rather than subjective, and be able to solve their problem in a good way.
  • At an early age, teach them already how to be a good brother or sister and inculcate positive life views for them to do what is always right.
How to help your children to become successful in life?

How to help your children to become successful in life?

How to raise a successful child

As a parent, what will be your feeling if you have children who are successful in life? Of course, you will be happy, isn’t it?

Parenting is not an easy thing to do, but with all the love that you are willing to pour on it, surely you can handle it effectively. You cannot control the future of your children because they have different dreams, abilities, and intelligence. So as a parent, what you need to do is to guide, teach and show them the right things that they will need as they grow and reach their dreams.

Tips/reminders that you can do to help your children:

  • It is important to give them a happy childhood– because they will be able to build self-esteem and resilience that are needed while they are growing. They will develop a good attitude and a better outlook towards life. They will be more creative because they are not afraid to try out new things. Furthermore, they will grow up as a happy and fulfilled adults, and they will have a high chance of being successful later in life.
  • Establish good parenting– Successful children have parents who are willing to put their efforts on working out their parenting skills. If you have a good parenting skills, it will be easier for your children to learn many skills at home that are very essential and helpful as they go outside and meet other people.
  • Make it a habit to smile, laugh and bring joy to their faces! When you go home from work, be joyous and show excitement when you see them! When they wake up, greet them with a wonderful word of good morning! Fill your home with lots of love, hugs, happiness, laughter, and playtime as it enhances their emotional and social well-being.
  • Teach them how to have a happy relationship, they must know the importance of happiness in building a graceful connection with other people.
    Appreciate their efforts, avoid being perfectionist. Failures shouldn’t be the one to look at, it must be the effort that they put in accomplishing something.
  • Teach them to look at the brighter side of life. Life isn’t about fun and joy at all, there will be times that they will cry and feel sad but remind them that it’s just a part of being human.
  • You should also teach them self-discipline and good attitude. If you know that they have a bad attitude that needs to be corrected, as early as they are young, you should teach them the right attitude so that they will be able to grow with the proper one. Be reminded that the right explanation should also compliment to their age, speak in a way that they can easily understand.
Important tips to help each child grow as a happy adult

Important tips to help each child grow as a happy adult

Growth and development of a child.

As parents, we have to provide the following important things that will help our children to grow as a happy, energetic and healthy children.

  • Health and food– they need to be nourished with essential nutrients that their body needs to grow healthy and strong and to avoid illnesses. If ever they get sick be sure to treat them with care, until they get well and bring them to a proper health care provider whenever necessary.
  • Education– they need to be thought and be educated for them to be knowledgeable about the things they will need as they go along with life. It is one of the most important wealth they will ever receive from you.
  • Have a happy family life– provide them the warmth of love and belongingness they deserve. Their social life starts at home, so we have to teach them of the correct ways on how to treat other people.
  • Let them play and experience recreational activities– every child loves to play and as a young child before, definitely you’d also experienced some time in your life the interest to play and explore outside your comfort zone. Let them play outside if they wanted too. It will expand their motor skills, social skills and will develop their brain more.
  • Protection from abuse and harm– they need to be protected from violence, hurtful words and any kind of maltreatment. Be sure to keep them safe at all times.

As a responsible parent or parents to your children, you have to make sure that you also provide them other things they needed in life like clean clothing, happy environment, peaceful surroundings etc. Regarding their attitude, if it’s unusual or bad you also have to correct them with the proper attitude as early as now so that they will grow with good outlook towards life. But, be sure to allow them to express their emotions as well. Listen to what they are saying and come up with a better solution that both of you will agree.

Advantages and disadvantages of home schooling

Advantages and disadvantages of home schooling

Home schooling

Homeschooling is a method of teaching your child or children at home regarding their school subjects. The teacher is basically one of the guardian (mother, father), anyone at home who can teach or a private tutor. It needs one to be motivated to teach in order for it to be effective. It includes modular form, online and blended form of learning. There are already some parents who choose to homeschool their children, maybe because they are more comfortable with this kind of education.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of learning:


  • It can offer an educational freedom, and it is flexible. The student and the educator can choose the time that is more comfortable to study.
  • Parents can be able to focus on the things they want to add to their child’s education aside from the lessons on the book or module.
  • Beneficial for the learner because he or she is the center of attention and he or she can absorb numerous learnings (depending on how you teach, and depending on the learning attitude of the child).
  • Practical because parents can save for transportation, uniforms, and other miscellaneous expenses.
  • Parents can be comfortable of their child’s emotional security.
  • There is an assurance of safety.


  • One guardian needs to sacrifice a job or career to focus on the child’s education, thus sacrificing an increase in family income.
  • The social life of the child has minimal exploration. Yes, he or she can play outside with friends, but the learning inside the school and at home is different. The child needs to socialize with children of his or her same age.
  • The child couldn’t be able to explore school facilities (like library, computer or science laboratories, school playground etc.) which are needed to enhance his or her knowledge.
  • The child will have a limited experience of the real world, we need to explore them to a real teacher, schoolmates, and playmates at a regular time, to prepare them for the challenges outside the home.

Whatever your reasons or whatever you choose as a form of educating your child, it will always be respected. Just consider choosing what suits your preference, budget, and you must also consider your child’s thoughts or decisions about it. If he wants to be homeschooled or if he wants to go to a physical school, like private or public school because these factors also matter.

Help your child to learn more by this easy tips

Help your child to learn more by this easy tips

Have you been asked a lot of questions by your child? Is he or she seems very curious about almost everything? Well it’s a good sign that your child is very eager to learn more things, and it’s also a good sign that he/she can achieve something in the future.

So, here are the ways on how you can help your child to learn more:

  • Listen to them- active listening by us “parents”, are very important in order to boost our child’s self-confidence, when they know that we are listening they are more willing to share a lot of ideas that comes into their mind. Sometimes because we are too busy we ignore and tell them to just continue what they are doing and ask their questions later which is not good. Just give them a little moment to ask, give them a brief answer and tell them to wait for a while to continue your conversation because you’ll just need to finish something. We have to listen to them and give time for their curiosities in order for them to know that we are supportive of their interests.
  • Encourage them to read- nowadays, there are a lot of online videos for learning that are readily available on the internet, but it’s more important and beneficial on the part of your kids to indulge in active reading, because you will be able to explore to them more. We have to be aware that too much screen time can cause eye problems and other related diseases. So we should limit them in using those gadgets.
  • Be your child’s teacher at home- we usually here some sayings about “parents (mother and father) are the first teachers of a child” it’s because they first learned to us a lot of simple things (like talking, reading, singing, dancing, social bonding and interaction) before they go to proper school. So we have to consider giving the best way we can when teaching them. Parents with small kids can do visual cards (identity what’s in the picture), music (sing a song then let them fill on the missing lyrics), memory games (read a simple story to them, then ask them to repeat the story etc.).
  • Praise each effort of your child- small or big achievements of your child should be praise for them to build their self-esteem and will encourage them to improve more. Be excited in actions and in words but always be honest on your comments or suggestions, because they will know and feel whether it’s genuine or not.
  • Support what they loved- we have to support them on what they want to explore (but off course, only if it is right and will lead them to a good direction). It will give them a lot of rooms to grow, to do better, to develop more etc. It will lead them to be successful in the future.
Help your child to learn more through these easy tips

Help your child to learn more through these easy tips

How to learn more.

Is your child curious about almost everything? Well, it’s a good sign that your child is curious, it means that he/she is very eager to learn more things, and it’s also a good sign that he/she can achieve something in the future.

So, here are the ways on how you can help your child to learn more:

  • Listen to them- active listening by us “parents”, are important to boost our child’s self-confidence, when they know that we are listening they are more willing to share many ideas that come into their mind. Sometimes because we are too busy we ignore and tell them to just continue what they are doing and ask their questions later, this is not good. Just give them a little moment to ask, give them a brief answer and tell them to wait for a while to continue your conversation because you’ll just need to finish something. We have to listen to them and give time for their curiosities for them to know that we are supportive of their interests.
  • Encourage them to read- nowadays, there are many online videos for learning that are readily available on the internet. But it’s more significant and beneficial for your kids to indulge in active reading because you will be able to explore to them the physical words. We have to be aware that too much screen time can cause eye problems and other related diseases. So, we should limit them in using those gadgets.
  • Be your child’s teacher at home- we usually here some sayings about “parents are the first teachers of a child”. It’s because they first learned to us simple things like talking, reading, singing, dancing, social bonding and interaction, before they go to proper school. So, we have to consider giving the best way we can when teaching them. Parents with small kids can do visual cards (identify what’s in the picture), music (sing a song then let them fill on the missing lyrics), memory games (read a simple story to them, then ask them to repeat the story).
  • Praise each effort of your child- small or big achievements of your child should be praise for them to build their self-esteem and will encourage them to improve more. Be excited in actions and in words, but always be honest in your comments or suggestions because they will know and feel whether it’s genuine or not.
  • Support what they loved- we have to support them on what they want to explore (but, of course, only if it is right and will lead them to a good direction). It will give them rooms to grow, to do better and to develop. It will lead them to be successful in the future.
10 tips on good parenting and raising a child effectively

10 tips on good parenting and raising a child effectively

Photo by Berendey_Ivanov / Andrey_Kobysnyn on

Parenting is the process of raising a child in a way that can promote and support the aspects of a child’s life like: physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development from infancy to adulthood. It involves a lot of consistency and routine, which can give children a sense of control, belongingness and achievements.

We have different parenting styles as parents and sometimes what we like is not what is meant. It is not an easy road for us, but we need to show them the right way.

Good parenting focuses on developing a child which can benefit him/her in daily life basis and in the future. Bad parenting on the other hand, will bring a child in an opposite side of life that could lead to behavioral attitudes, negative and criminal behaviors.

Try these parenting tips:

1. Be your child’s role model. What they see, they will imitate. Show them good behavior, because their greatest influential and role models are no other than you, “their parents”. How they act and behave will show up on how you raise them.

2. Set limits and be consistent. Let them follow your rules (ex. finish your homework before playing, no television or gadgets during mealtime, ask them to say sorry for their mistake etc.) This will inculcate to their mind the importance of following rules by an authority, preparing them for the outside world.

3. Show them unconditional love. A love without condition, show them that they are a precious gift from God, that every step of the way you are there no matter what.
Let them feel they are loved, and in return they will also show that to you.

4. Talk to them if they misbehave, do not criticize or scold them right away. Misbehaving is their way to show you that something is not ok, or I need your attention Mom or Dad. Understand that they are human beings too, maybe they feel stressed, hungry, angry, jealous, bored etc. ask them what is going on, and decide for a solution.

5. Teach them positive attitudes. They will learn this from you. Show them how to be kind, how to treat people, how to sympathize etc. but remember that they will also learn this from other people, so always guide and tell them what is right from what is wrong.

6. Praise them for a job well done. It will increase their self-esteem. You must be sincere also in praising because they will feel that and be honest about your comments. Appreciate their effort and not just the award or achievement they received.

7. Monitor them when using the internet. Guide them regarding what they read and watch, making sure it’s age appropriate and always remind them not to use the screen for a longer period of time because it is not good for the health.

8. Be a flexible parent. Adjust your parenting style if necessary for what is good. This helps your children for a room to grow, to learn and will reduce their stresses and frustrations.

9. Let your kids do things independently. Allow them to choose and to decide on their own, just be watchful if their action is right, and they are not in danger. Let them see the result of their own action. It will make them feel capable and motivated. This will benefit them in the future.

10. Give them time, your time is precious for them. They are very happy when they see you in front of the stage while they are performing. They are happy when they can play, laugh, eat meals and go out with you. Moments like this is a treasure that they can keep in their heart and look back in the future. This will be the one they will recall and not the material things you gave them.

Effective tips on good parenting and raising a child better

Effective tips on good parenting and raising a child better

Photo by Berendey_Ivanov / Andrey_Kobysnyn on

Parenting is the process of raising a child in a way that can promote and support the areas of a child’s life like physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development. It involves a lot of consistency and routines, which can give the children a sense of control, belongingness, and achievements.

We have different parenting styles as parents, and occasionally, what we like isn’t what is meant. It is not an easy road for us, but we need to show them the right way.

Good parenting focuses on developing a child which can benefit him/her in daily life basis. Bad parenting, on the other hand, will bring a child in an opposite side of life that could lead to behavioral attitudes, negative and criminal behaviors.

Try these parenting tips:

  • Be your child’s role model. What they see, sometimes they will imitate. That’s why you have to show them good behavior because you are their greatest role models. How they act and behave will also adds up on how you raise them.
  • Set limits and be consistent. Let them follow your rules (ex. finish your homework before playing, no television or gadgets during mealtime, or asking them to say sorry for their mistakes). This will inculcate in their minds the importance of following rules from an authority, preparing them for the outside world.
  • Show them unconditional love. A love without condition. Show them that they are a precious gift from God, that every step of the way you are there no matter what. Let them feel they are loved, and in return, they will also show that to you.
  • Talk to them if they misbehave, do not criticize or scold them right away. Misbehaving is their way to show you that something is not ok, or I need your attention Mom or Dad. Understand that they are human beings too. Maybe they feel stressed, hungry, angry, jealous, or bored. Ask them what is going on, and decide for a better solution.
  • Teach them positive attitudes. They will learn this from you. Show them how to be kind, how to treat people, and how to sympathize. But remember, that they will also learn this from other people, so always guide and tell them what is right from what is wrong.
  • Praise them for a job well done. It will increase their self-esteem. You must be sincere also in praising because they will feel that. Be honest also about your comments. Appreciate their effort and not just the award or achievement they received.
  • Monitor them when using the internet. Guide them regarding what they read and watch, making sure it’s age appropriate and always remind them not to use the screen for a longer period of time because it is not good for their health.
  • Be a flexible parent. Adjust your parenting style if necessary for what is good. This helps your children to develop, to learn and reduce their frustrations.
  • Let your kids do things independently. Allow them to choose and to decide on their own. Be watchful if their action is right, and they are not in danger. Let them see the result of their action. It will make them feel capable and motivated. This will benefit them in the future.
  • Give them time, your time is precious for them. They are happy when they see you in front of the stage while they are performing. They are happy when they can play, laugh, eat meals and go out with you. Moments like these are already a treasure that they can keep in their hearts and look back in the future. These will be the things that they will recall, and not the material things you gave them.