Ways to protect kids’ health during the holiday season

Ways to protect kids’ health during the holiday season

The holiday season makes us busy in preparing, decorating, cooking, going outside to visit other places, gathering with friends and relatives. These activities are very enjoyable because it makes us happy and forget somehow life’s circumstances that we experienced from time to time.

Many of us will be going to spend time with numerous groups of people, travel to the nearby town or provinces, and go to places that kids will surely enjoy! But be wary that these days could also mean increased exposure to microorganisms like bacteria and viruses that can predispose our kids to develop illnesses.

To help protect children during the holiday season, you can try the following ways to make them healthy.

Protecting the health of kids during the holiday season.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.
  • Consider boosting your child’s immunity with vitamins and minerals to protect him/her from catching illnesses.
  • Choose to prepare and cook healthy meals for your kids like fiber-rich foods to control fats and blood sugar build-ups.
  • Don’t skip meals so that your kids won’t skip them too.
  • Make sure that your child is drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Remind or assist them with their hygiene, such as bathing, brushing their teeth, and using clean clothing.
  • Encourage your child to be active, and spend a few minutes exercising to stay fit and healthy.
  • Help them to avoid stress, by reminding them to be happy, and enjoy simple things that they have.
  • Check if your child is already experiencing too much playtime, tiredness can ruin the immune system. Encourage them to have enough rest and sleep.
  • Watch out for their emotional and mental well-being, too. Manage their expectations, or advise them not to expect too much. Holidays bring so much fun to many of us, and it sometimes brings high expectations like receiving gifts and getting what they want.
  • Get them vaccinated for a flu vaccine, and make sure that their routine vaccination is up to date. It increases their immunity to fight diseases.
  • Remind them to keep their hands clean, especially before eating any food.
  • It’s a good idea to have kids play in an area where there is high ventilation.
  • Make sure they are wearing masks, especially when in a crowd. And remind them to have social distancing, especially from someone with signs and symptoms of an illness, like a cough and cold.

Aside from the health and wellness of our children, let us teach them to spend the holiday season with greatness from above, and let’s all feel the importance of this celebration.

How to turn a negative mindset into a positive mindset?

How to turn a negative mindset into a positive mindset?

Have you ever wished not to have negative thoughts at all? Are you tired of absorbing negativity around you? Well, this post will help you turn the negative mindset that you have now into a positive mindset that will be going to help you navigate your life in the right direction. Every one of us experiences negative thoughts from time to time, this is due to the numerous factors that are present around us.

Turning negative mindset to positive mindset.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Now, let’s move into turning your negative thoughts into positive thoughts:

1. Instead of telling I can’t do this, tell yourself that you can do it!

  • Most of our failures in life are brought by our self-doubt. Telling that you can’t do a certain thing will most likely bring you nothing. Your perception and the way you view things for yourself can greatly impact how things will going to happen. Likewise, if you tell yourself that you can do it, you’ll likely achieve something, and your strong self-assurance will bring you to action.

2. Instead of telling yourself I don’t know, tell yourself I’ll find it.

  • While it’s true that we don’t know all the answers that life wants us to learn, we have all the will to find them for ourselves, how? By learning it, observing it, and doing it. You can learn by reading books, articles, and inspiring journals, you can use your observation skills to learn from other people, and you can find all the answers that running in your head if you give yourself a chance. A chance to explore the world with something worth living for.

3. Instead of telling yourself that it’s unfair and it’s too hard, tell yourself that it’s a challenge you have to conquer.

  • One thing that makes us stuck is that we treat problems as punishment, we see problems as unfair, and we feel that challenges are hardships that makes our life miserable. But if we treat problems as a way for us to grow and see problems as a challenge that we have to conquer then everything will come to its place. You aren’t just the person who is facing challenges, disappointments and misfortune so don’t be hard on yourself.

4. Instead of telling yourself that you’re worried and you might fail, tell yourself I’m curious about what will happen and I will try.

  • Our worries can affect our confidence, and low confidence drags our courage to take a step. A small step each day can build us one day at a time. No stepping back because it will just consume you little by little. Failures aren’t a reason to be fearful of everything, it might be painful but it’s a driving force that there is success above all of those circumstances. Just be willing to continue and enhance your abilities, learn from all the mistakes that brought some failures in your life, and strengthen yourself enough for the battle of life.

5. Instead of telling yourself that you’re not good at something, tell yourself that you can get better.

  • Always remember this, there’s nothing that you can’t learn if you are just willing to put an effort into it. Where do those successful people start? Where do those brilliant people start? They started from scratch, they started learning how to make it, and they started by believing that they can do it one day!

6. Instead of telling yourself that you’re not yet ready because you need to find out more, remind yourself that there’s no better time than now.

  • Procrastination is one of the distractions that can contribute to our unproductive life. Don’t be a victim of “I can do it later” because time won’t wait for you. We can’t take back time as much as all of us wanted. Laziness can make us stuck and it consumes the days that we should be doing something to improve ourselves.

7. Instead of telling yourself that you are too old of doing something, tell yourself it’s never too late.

  • Yes! Age isn’t a hindrance to achieving the dreams that you wanted in life. Take it as a strength because you’re mature enough to take on the goals that you wanted. The more you age the better your understanding of the complexity of life here on Earth. You are more courageous to take risks because you are already capable to value every detail of life.

Having a negative mindset can consume our hope and dreams if we don’t do ways to fix our thoughts and actions. The list above can help you turn those negative thoughts into positive thoughts and be able to have that mindset that will guide you to become a better version of yourself.

Steps of communication process and basic communication skills you need to know

Steps of communication process and basic communication skills you need to know

Can you imagine a world without communication? Probably the majority of us would say that it might be a sad life without it! Communication is already a part of our day-to-day life activities and without communication, our lives could be so dull and quite boring! It’s one way to make an environment alive and colorful. Also, it’s an essential component of socializing with people, giving and gaining information that we needed each day.

Communication process and basic communication skills.

Communication is important because it helps in building relationships with other people.

It allows an individual to share life experiences, thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Additionally, it’s a way to make better decisions, and increase efficiency and productivity whether at work or in our personal lives.

Below are the 6 steps in the communication process:

  • Ideation – The first step begins when the sender decided to share a message with someone, be it with loved ones, relatives, friends, classmates, or workmates. The person senses that there is a need to communicate a piece of information or an idea and he/she wants to share it with somebody.
  • Encoding – it involves putting the meaning of something into symbolic forms. This may be in the form of speaking, writing, or nonverbal behavior.
  • Transmission of the message – this is how the message is transmitted. To have a clear transmission, the sender must overcome interference like garbled speech, long and complex sentences, distortion from recording devices, illegible handwriting, and noisy environment.
  • Receiving – the receiver’s sense of hearing and sight are activated as the transmitted message is received.
  • Decoding of the message by the receiver – this is the time wherein the receiver defines words and interprets his/her gestures during the transmission of speech.
  • Response or feedback – the sender wants to know that his/her message has been received and interpreted by the receiver.

Basic communication skills that we should know

We should ensure an understanding of the topic by assuming its value, clarifying what has been said, and confirming our understanding.

  • Assuming the value is the attitude wherein you project that the person is worth listening to. This opens the lines of communication because it helps you to understand what the sender feels and thinks at the moment. This increases the chance that the other person will also listen to you when it’s your turn to communicate.
  • Clarification is being used when you aren’t sure what the other person is saying or communicating about.
  • Confirmation is used when you think that there is already an understanding of what the other person said.

You should be able to enhance value. This is done by identifying the merits mentally, building ideas, balancing merits and concerns, and giving support.

  • Identify the merits mentally and you should ask if the idea can be improved without mentioning any concerns. Merit is an important idea that was addressed that gives a good intention to the topic.
  • Build ideas – if you believed that the other person doesn’t give a strong idea, you can build the communication by suggesting a few changes.
  • Balance merits and concerns if the sender needs to know what should be changed. Again specify the merits and any concerns, ask for reactions, and be able to check back.
  • Support by giving timely and specific feedback to promote cooperation. You can state positive aspects of the other person’s ideas and efforts to give value to his/her contribution. Remember that most people would love to hear any recognition for their accomplishments and efforts given.

In conclusion, effective communication is helpful in our day-to-day life be it at home, outside the house, or at work. Listening and offering appropriate feedback is essential to help people recognize that they are being heard and understood. It helps to resolve problems, clear viewpoints, and make a situation even better.

Topic reference: Nursing Management and Leadership Book.

Reasons to study for a Master’s degree

Reasons to study for a Master’s degree

Some of you might ask do I need a master’s degree. Why is he/she pursuing a master’s degree? Or why do some people need to get a master’s degree? What are the reasons for getting it?

Important reasons to study a master's degree.

A master’s degree is a graduate program that you can study after graduating with a bachelor’s degree. Schools offering a master’s degree also have different policies regarding admission, so if you are interested you have to inquire and see what is suitable for you to take.

The two main reasons for taking a master’s degree are your personal development and professional development.

  • Some people seek a master’s degree if they want to improve themselves.
  • They want to fill in a gap in their profession.
  • To upgrade their knowledge regarding the current trends that are happening inside their field.
  • They see themselves as future leaders in their field of expertise.
  • They have a goal of contributing something to their profession. Be it to enhance an existing program or to develop a new program that can be very beneficial to their profession.

A master’s degree will need you to shed amounts of money to pay for the school fees (the amount depends on the school where you will take it and what field you are taking), you also need money to buy essential needs which can greatly help with your study. You need more time to do all the coursework and attend the class so that you won’t feel behind your classmates. You need to put a lot of effort to study and research your subjects. And you must have the focus and determination to finish it.

Take a look at this list of general reasons why you should study for a master’s degree:

  • It will help you develop personally because it will enhance your skills that are also important in your daily life. What are these skills? These skills are your critical thinking skills, management skills, organizational skills, presentation skills, behavioral skills, and a lot more.
  • In a master’s degree, you will study in-depth theories, and write a paper and class presentation, these all can help you uplift your confidence because you’ve got to learn a lot of things that you needed in life.
  • It will help you to grow professionally because it enhances your knowledge about your field of expertise.
  • It strengthens your ability to become a leader or to manage a group of staff in your workplace or organization.
  • A master’s degree doesn’t only make you more knowledgeable in your field but it will also give you credibility. The passion you have for studying further makes others think that you are a credible person in your field.
  • It helps you to connect with like-minded individuals. Your classmates are a bit like you in terms of thinking. They are the people who are also interested to master a specialty in your field. They are the people who are looking to improve their career or they are the people who are finding their purpose in their profession.
  • A master’s degree would help you to look into what you can do with your profession, and what you can do for yourself.
  • Helps you to explore and create new things that you haven’t realized you can do.
  • It gives you a sense of purpose. It gives you a good reason to do something with your abilities and capabilities.
  • You become a lifelong learner because of your innate desire to improve yourself and contribute to your field.
  • It can greatly help you if you want to change your role, you can study for a master’s degree to help you push through to higher positions like being the leader of the organization where you belong or even running your own.
  • It will boost your career to a higher level. Because it adds up to your qualification. A higher qualification can also increase your chance of getting a higher position. And it means a higher salary.
  • People who have a master’s degree are said to be earning higher than those having a bachelor’s degree. It’s because of the roles they fulfill on the job.
  • Having a master’s degree helps you to become competitive. We are living in a fast-paced environment and it’s a good decision if you are taking ways to develop yourself even more.
  • It sharpens your skills in managing human relations, understanding your field, problem-solving, communication skills, leadership, management, writing, and researching abilities.

Whatever your reason to pursue a master’s degree, remember that you should be able to figure out something that can be useful to yourself and your field.

Studying for a master’s degree isn’t an easy thing, but all the hard work you are pouring into it will soon pay off. Just believe that you can make it. And remember this note from a man of wisdom ⬇️

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

– B. Franklin

Thank you so much for reading this post and see you around for the next post! If you found this post helpful, please feel free to share it with other people.

How to make a responsible decision?

How to make a responsible decision?

Here are 8 steps that you can follow to make a responsible decision in life.

How to make a responsible decision.

Deciding for ourselves is a form of a cognitive process wherein it helps you realize the consequences of your action.

There are numerous events and situations in our lives that we need to handle on our own, and one is decision-making. We have to realize that we need to think about the final decision later on, before we take an action, in order not to condemn anyone for the result it may bring.

There are countless factors to be considered that can have an impact on how we make decisions, and it includes governing rules, beliefs in life, emotions, and experiences.

These steps below will help you on how to decide on your own so that you’ll confidently make a responsible decision without asking others to make it for you.

  1. You have to know the problem. Define the problem, and distinguish if it’s something that you need to solve.
  2. Look for helpful information that can guide you, such as information from people you trust and other reliable sources.
  3. List your options. Take enough time to think about the possible ways that you will be going to solve the problem.
  4. Think about the possible results. Be able to accept that once you decide, you have already made two possible results. Whether positive or negative.
  5. Make your decision, pick the best solution that will solve the problem that you are facing.
  6. Take the desired action. Do it on your own!
  7. Check for the outcome, did the decision you made solve the problem? Did it improve the situation?
  8. Accept the outcome, and never blame anybody for the result of the action you’ve done.

The most important thing that you achieved from that decision-making process is the experience you gained from it. Maybe positive (you like the outcome) or negative (you aren’t satisfied), and it’s ok because you made it independently, you had proven something for yourself.

Beautiful scenery near Pico de Loro Philippines

Beautiful scenery near Pico de Loro Philippines

Nature's view near Pico de loro Philippines.

After dropping by the Kaybiang tunnel, we went to this nearby area where we captured these beautiful views. Clearwater, a peaceful environment, awesome land formations, and relaxing rays of the sun, just made this road trip as beautiful as we wanted it to be.

Mount Pico de Loro also known as Mount Palay Palay in the province of Cavite is a part of Region IV-A Calabarzon, Luzon, Philippines. According to Wikipedia, the mountain is about 688 m above sea level. The highest peak of the mounts Palay Palay- Mataas na Gulod protected landscape.

The 300-meter-long Kaybiang Tunnel was opened in the year 2013, and it was said to be the longest road tunnel in the Philippines as of this time. It connects the places of Ternate Cavite and Nasugbu Batangas through the mountain of Pico de Loro, also known as Mount Palay Palay. This place was very popular with motorists, cyclists, and riders from nearby cities or towns. It’s a great weekend getaway if you enjoy visiting different places and to see the beauty of nature.

The rays of the sun were so astonishing that it looks like a shadowing hope that enlightened nature!

Sightseeing can help you achieve peace of mind because you’ve got to spend time with nature and in a new environment. It allows you to unwind from your daily life routine. It relaxes and calms your body and helps you to think creatively.

This sweet escape from the city would teach you to slow down, appreciate the unappreciated, and love what is there.

Traveling makes you happy because it redefines your meaning of life and how you view and appreciate all things around you.

Tips for making your three-year-old child happy on his birthday!

Tips for making your three-year-old child happy on his birthday!

Making your three year old child happy on his birthday.

Yesterday was our second child’s birthday! The same day when we went to our doctor for scheduled Cesarean delivery. Though a bit nervous because it’s been five years since my last delivery. What I did at that moment is to pray and thank God for the wonderful baby that he entrusted to our care.

The same feeling five years ago! A mixed emotion because you never know what will happen after a few hours while in that delivery room, contrary to others’ belief it’s not like you are just lying there and waiting for the baby to come out!

During that time, I calmed myself and believed that everything will go well. At exactly 1:45 pm, this little boy came out in this world, making his first cry and first movements outside my womb. I can’t just explain how hubby, the eldest son, and I was so happy with the new member of our family!

Unnoticeably, day by day this little boy is growing too fast! Making countless changes as he reaches his growth and developmental milestones. We are so happy because he grows well, is healthy, and be able to reach every step accordingly.

Here are simple tips to make your three-year-old happy on his birthday:

  • Ask the celebrant of what food he would like on the day of his birthday! Our little one smiled and showed priceless happiness when we asked about his food choices. He showed that emotion because he believed that we like to know and consider his opinion.
  • Prepare ahead of time to avoid rushing on the day of your child’s birthday. Such as decorations (you can make it one day before his birthday) and a list of recipes to make or buy during your child’s birthday.
  • Set a specific time to start the celebration, and be able to set the table ahead of time.
  • Be able to know and get ready for the gift he would like to receive on his birthday.
  • On the day of the celebration, don’t forget to pray (depends on what religion you are), be happy, and make the moment alive by singing a birthday song before the celebrant will blow the cake’s candle!
  • Be able to take some pictures or videos for remembrance.

Remember, that the joy of the celebration isn’t on the food, decorations, or gifts that are to be given to the celebrant. It’s about the presence, support, and love of the people around him or her.

Things you should consider for being too nice!

Things you should consider for being too nice!

Being nice is a pleasant thing that will give you fulfillment and will bring numerous benefits to your body. But the question is do you consider yourself a good person? A good person will do what is right and what is acceptable. But of course, it should always be beyond control. A problem will occur if you do it too much!

Being too nice personality
Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels

What does it mean by being too nice?

  • People are already manipulating you.
  • You are already being abused for your kindness and generosity.
  • You already have a guilt feeling regarding telling someone that they hurt you, and as a result, you prefer not to react to avoid losing them.
  • Furthermore, you keep worrying about being liked by someone or everyone else.
  • You’re becoming the so-called people pleaser.
  • You are already acting like buying friends or people to come into your life, that’s why you’re giving whatever they wanted.

Signs of a people pleaser:

  • You always agree, and you apologize too much.
  • Always double-check every detail to avoid missing out.
  • You are too affected by someone’s feelings and emotions.
  • You’re becoming overly humble.
  • Imitating actions just to fit with other people.
  • You always agree and say yes, even you’re not amenable.
  • You love to be liked by everyone, even to those you don’t like.
  • Telling white lies just to impress somebody.

Remember that being too nice could bring some self-neglect, you are already neglecting the things that matter in your life because you are busy providing everyone’s needs and wants, that they should do and find a way out themselves.

Note: You’re not responsible for anyone’s feelings and emotions.

Here are bad things that might happen if you’re too nice:

  • Being too nice can also affect you.
  • If you are always giving, some people will be used to it, and they will expect that from you always.
  • You will develop false expectations from other people.
  • Some people will come to you whenever they need something.
  • You will develop a fear of rejection and will have difficulty accepting judgment.
  • Being too nice can lead you to self-crisis. What does this mean? Being present in someone else lives all the time contributes to losing the sense of who you are.

What can you do about it?

  • Do what makes you feel good, build yourself.
  • Give yourself time.
  • Identify your goals and make them happen.
  • Avoid toxic and negative people.
  • Stop overthinking, and overanalyzing every situation.

The health benefits of having cats in the house!

The health benefits of having cats in the house!

The Health benefits of having cats.
Image source credit to: Photo library provided by Pexels

Do you remember the time that you are lonely and then suddenly your cats came to you, that as if wanting to cheer you up? Playing around to make you happy, or touching your hands or feet? As a result, you responded by smiling and subsequently it made your mood feel better? It happened because of their charismatic and friendly behavior. The cats are aware that you are going through a hard time, or a difficult period in life, that’s why they are making ways to pick you up and help you feel ok!

Here is a list why having cats are very beneficial into your life!

  • Cats help to improve your general well-being. The cats’ soft voices helps to calm you down.
  • Helps to lower stress and anxiety. They can turn a bad day into a fulfilling one by providing you comfort and love.
  • Helps to lower your risk of getting heart related or cardiovascular diseases.
  • Considered great companions because they can reduce sadness or loneliness.
  • Cats have a healing effect, their naturally sweet and caring affection can help you deal with a difficult situation.
  • They can be one of your support system, if ever you are battling from mental related problems, they can help you to cope better.
  • According to a study, cat owners can have a better psychological health than people without pets.
  • Cat owners looks happier, more confident, they are less nervous, and can be able to face life’s challenges easily.
  • Encourages exercise, makes you more secure and have an active living.
  • Cats are valuable companions, specially to older adults who are prone to loneliness and isolation.

Aside from the health benefits that they can offer to you, they are also helping your household free from insects and rats.

They are wonderful housemates! They are beneficial to our lives, and therefore they deserve to be treated well. Below are some tasks which you have to do to keep them safe and healthy as well.

Your tasks as a cat owner:

  • Maintain your cats’ cleanliness or hygiene because just like a human being, pets also need this for them to be healthy, and for them to avoid or catch diseases.
  • In addition, make sure not to expose your cats to harmful microorganisms because it might transfer to you.
  • Furthermore, feed them well, but do not give foods that are inappropriate to them. Make sure not to give expired or spoiled foods, so better to check the food always.
  • Give them water, make sure they are hydrated.
  • Socialize with your cats! They love to be around you.
  • Consider them as a part of your family.
  • Appreciate their presence into your life.
  • Show them love and care too.

Tips on how to respond appropriately

Tips on how to respond appropriately

Photo by Christina Morillo on Pexels

Recently, I encountered a student in my tutorial session who asked me if how will she respond to a question? Considering that the person who is asking, was already aware that she took a certain course about health and nutrition, and wants to hear something regarding what she learned about the course? This is a part of her preparation for her incoming screening interview.

Just like in a normal scenario, we really can’t avoid being questioned, measured and being tested by anybody else. Whatever the reason, you always have to prepare in dealing and handling such kind of situation. This scenario shouldn’t alarm you, as this is one way for you to learn, and be aware of the things which you are good at, and to know the things which you need to improve.

Let me share with you some ways on what you can do if ever you encounter a similar scenario in the future.

Here are the tips on how to respond appropriately:

  • Before an interview (if ever this is the case, just like my student), you have to review and summarize what you learned about your entire course.
  • Plan possible answers, but make it natural or simple. Meaning, you should be using your original words or way to answer, and it should always be relatable to the topic.
  • Aim to stand out in giving your answer. (It should serve as your objective for the entire screening interview).
  • Make sure to eat your meal! Food is our greatest fuel in order for our body and mind to work properly.
  • Be calm and make sure that you are presentable.
  • Be confident and avoid overthinking.
  • Aim to focus and relax.
  • Make sure to answer the question in a way that is simple and straightforward.
  • Avoid to sound like you are bragging, and as if you know everything.
  • Always make it sure to present yourself as an educated person.
  • Do a restating of the question, like this. You are asking me about what I know, and what can I share with you regarding what I learned about my course?
  • Give a simple definition of your course.
  • Give a brief overview of your knowledge. The important keynotes regarding your course.
  • While answering the question, you have to maintain eye contact with your interviewer. It will show that you are confident in what you are saying.
  • Speak clearly and loud (but just enough to be heard).
  • Give appropriate hand gestures if possible.
  • Be kind and be humble.
  • Be able to ask the person back, regarding what else he/she would like to hear from you.
  • Give gratitude for the experience you encountered.

What if you were asked on the spot?

  • Stay relax and focus on answering the question.
  • Be confident, but don’t brag.
  • Maintain eye contact while giving your answer.
  • Express your answer by simple and clear sentences.
  • Don’t go off the topic.
  • Give gratitude for the experience you encountered.

Whatever the reason, or the outcome of the experience you’ve encountered, it will always be very beneficial for you. As it increases your exposure to different people and experiences that could help with your mental and social development.

Top areas of your life that might need an improvement!

Top areas of your life that might need an improvement!

This post will help you recognize what are the parts of your life that needs changes and how you should handle it, for you to be able to reap the grace that you deserve in life!

Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels

Improve your life skills

  • Your life skills are your weapon to achieve what you wanted out of life. These are your abilities and capabilities to do or perform something. These are the things which you’ve learned through your life experiences, learnings in the School, and other information and resources which contributed in leveling up your knowledge. Enhancing your knowledge is a good way to fulfill what it really meant for, and one way to do it is to be able to share it to other people.
  • Use your learning style! We have our own way of learning, my style is different from yours and your style is different from me as well. In addition, we also have different time when it comes to achieving our goals. So, do not feel worrisome or intimidated to someone you know that are already successful in their field because you’ll soon achieve it also, just be willing to trust the process and work for it!
  • Find meaning in everything that you do, and you’ll see that everything will follow as well. As a result, you will be able to focus and exert the needed effort to accomplish something.
  • Learn to be a hungry learner! Meaning, you are eager to get a lot of information and learnings that you perceive to be worth knowing. Motivating yourself to input numerous learnings into your brain is a good way to develop your curiosity, it will add up to your self-development. Encourage yourself to do more and work for the things you’ve found some difficulties.
  • Follow your intuitions, do what you feel like you are supposed to do. You will find more learnings by doing it in action. Never be afraid of trying out things which you think can improve you as a person. Trial and error are just a part of it, don’t be afraid to try or fail because it’s better to fail than not trying at all!

Improve the way you deal with your life.

  • This is the way you handle your life. Avoid feeling bad or negative about something. Make sure to remind yourself that it’s just a part of life, and remember that even the nature has ups and downs as well. There are also challenges just like the storm, but one thing for sure is that it will soon go away.
  • Be cheerful! Smiling and feeling happy are very beneficial to our health and wellness. By doing these, we are attracting positive energies into our lives. So, explore on the things that makes you the happiest person on Earth.
  • Learn to say thank you for everything. For the blessings that you received, and for all the blessings that are coming up daily. Your ability to breathe every day is such a great blessing already.
  • Organize everything, your house, your relationship with other people and specially your thoughts. Your thoughts should be taken care of, similar to how you take good care of your physical self.
  • Always remember to be watchful of what you say or do to other people, and always be watchful of the things that you are putting inside your mind.
  • Keep an eye for your health and wellness. These are your battery in life, these will help you in achieving your goals. You cannot do your tasks, and achieve your goals anymore if you are weak and ill.

Improve your lifestyle

  • Make sure to prepare and eat a healthy meal each day. Be able to provide adequate nutrients that your body needs and make sure to fulfill the demand needed by your body for its nourishment and overall health.
  • Encourage yourself to perform daily exercises which can make you feel better. Your cells, muscles, and body organs would be so happy if they feel that you are helping them to be well. Of course, just avoid vigorous exercising, light exercise each day are helpful.
  • Avoid negativities and focus on life-changing habits that could improve you as a person. Examples are: reading instead of too much screen time, making yourself busy instead of chitchatting to other people, understanding things, why it happened that way? Instead of why does that happen, I can’t get it. It means that our character should be based on what is good and what is right.
  • Be willing to spread goodness in everything that you do. Claim it that all your efforts will be paid off soon. Blessings and good fortune will come to those who have a clean and humble heart.
3 Important activities that promotes a healthy lifestyle

3 Important activities that promotes a healthy lifestyle

This post will tackle about the important activities which we should do and must be able to perform daily to promote a healthy lifestyle, to avoid illnesses and to improve the quality of life that we are living.

Important activities to promote a healthy lifestyle
Image source: Photo library, provided by Pexels.

1. To promote a healthy lifestyle, we should eat a healthy meal.

Every breakfast, lunch, and dinner and drink enough water. Each meal is crucial in achieving overall health, specially breakfast because avoiding or skipping it is not good. Each meal should provide you with a balanced diet which composed of the essential nutrients that our body needs to perform its daily function well. Such foods that are really helpful to include in each meal are foods that are rich in nutrients, such as:

  • Energy boosting foods, like carbohydrates that can be found in rice, bread, beans, potatoes and oats.
  • Body building foods, these are foods that helps your body to maintain a stronger muscles and bones. Food examples of this group are: lean meats, poultry, fish, prawns, crabs, lobster, milk, eggs, yogurt, and cheese.
  • Your meal should also include body regulating foods. These are foods which contains a good amount of vitamins and minerals that are found mostly in fruits and vegetables. Foods such as apples, bananas, oranges, green leafy vegetables, broccoli and tomatoes.

2. To promote a healthy lifestyle, we should exercise regularly.

Including at least a 30 minute of exercise daily is a good way to promote a better blood circulation. Some exercises that you can do are: brisk walking, jogging, jumping ropes and other head and leg exercises which keeps your body moving, that you can perform at home even without going to the gym. These simple exercises will enhance your overall health and wellness.

3. To promote a healthy lifestyle, we should perform self-care and hygiene activities.

These are also important in achieving a healthy lifestyle because it helps you to avoid and wash away harmful microorganisms that may come in contact with your body, such as taking a bath. Harmful microorganisms are responsible in sickness and diseases, which makes us vulnerable and can bring about our inability to perform our daily tasks. Self-care also includes rest and sleep, it’s our responsibility to take some rest and not to overindulge our body to do an action. We need to rest in order for our body organs to perform their functions well also. According to study, a proper rest and sleep at night helps our body to regulate blood pressure and promotes cardiovascular health too.