Just learn from it, a new journey won’t harm you!

Just learn from it, a new journey won’t harm you!

Journey in life should not harm you.

Uncertainties are always there, but what’s important is that you were able to embrace whatever it is!

This past week was so fast that I have to decide to try something which I am not that sure if I can be able to grasp and go along with others. My curiosities have led me to juggle this journey. And I am happy that I tried it compared to not trying at all. I don’t know if I was just overwhelmed with what I can do after finishing this up. But what I am sure of is that the experiences that I will be gaining in this journey will give some learnings that I can use as I go along wherever it takes.

Risk-taking isn’t that easy because you have to come out from that comfort zone that is protecting you all the way. Shielding you from hurts and frustrations that you might experience as you go through your new journey.

My advice to all of you who are having a hard time deciding if you should push yourself in starting a new venture or not is that just go with it. And accept whatever outcome it may produce. You might achieve success or failure out of it, but what’s important is that it both gave you new knowledge that you can use with the new skills that you can develop.

Lastly, a new journey won’t harm you because it’s the key to widening your scope and broadening your understanding of what life is!

Enjoy the little things while it lasts

Enjoy the little things while it lasts

Every so often, our temperament is so short that we often react immediately to situations and hard times that we experience from time to time.

Because of this, we feel sad, pressured, worried, and rushing to get rid of the challenges that we are facing. But we forget that all of those have something to impart in our lives. Challenges happen to give us a lesson and to open our eyes to simple things that we need to appreciate and be thankful for.

Little things in life that we need to enjoy.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

There are numerous reasons to appreciate and enjoy life.

It’s just a matter of realizing it on our own, accepting it certainly, and being contended for what we have.

Here are the little things that you need to enjoy and be glad for every day:

  • Your life! Being able to wake up each day is a great blessing already. It means a new day and a new chance to explore the gifts of life.
  • The people around you. Don’t spend a day interacting only with the virtual world! You are human, and humans need to interact with real people with whom you can connect and learn something. Enjoy their company and embrace whatever lessons you might get from them.
  • Nature and environment. Be glad that you can still see some trees and be able to breathe some fresh air each day.
  • Enjoy every clean water that you drink, food that you eat, clothing that you wear, and shelter where you live. You don’t know how other people are wishing to have those blessings.
  • Appreciate and be glad for the experiences that molded you to be a better person. Good or bad, the important is that it taught you something.
  • Lastly, be happy for the memories that you’ve created from other people, places, and adventures along your life’s journey.
How to have a good partner in life?

How to have a good partner in life?

Every woman or man wishes to have a good partner, better half, or spouse in life. Someone who will be there through ups and downs, and who can give the strength to cheer each other when things go wrong.

How will you have a good partner in life?
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

But how to have a good partner?

In a relationship, the golden rule applies as well. If you treat your significant other nicely, he/she will also treat you that way.

Here are tips on how to have a good partner in life:

  • Always make sure to give each other genuine love, trust, and honesty.
  • Be good regardless of what problems and challenges you are facing.
  • Share your life with him/her. Be each other’s coffee and cream or bread and butter.
  • Be his/her best friend for life. Someone who can share a shoulder to cry on, and arms to comfort when something goes tough.
  • Spend time communicating with your partner. Communication is very much important to succeed in any relationship.
  • Make your him/her smile and laugh. Have some humor. A happy relationship is a healthy life to share with your significant other.
  • Be supportive of each other’s choices in life.
  • Whenever there is a difficulty, choose to talk it out rather than blaming someone right away.
  • Respect your significant other, especially in front of other people, never embarrass him/her. Treat each other with dignity.
  • Appreciate the little things that he/she is doing.
  • Prioritize giving quality time and creating great memories.
Important self-advices to ponder this year

Important self-advices to ponder this year

The following are some of the things that we should reflect on, to lighten how we deal with our daily lives.

Things to ponder this year.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.
  • It’s ok not to win in every argument.
  • Crying with somebody is more healing than crying alone in the corner.
  • Don’t compare your life with other people, they have their struggles too.
  • It’s never too late to be happy, keep smiling! Those worries and concerns that you feel will be forgotten as time goes by. As they say, time heals almost everything.
  • Today is a special day! Use that beautiful clothing in your closet. Eat that delicious food in your refrigerator, and travel to that wonderful place that you love!
  • Get outside every day, spectacular gifts are waiting for you!
  • Jealousy is a waste of time, treasure what you have.
  • Life isn’t in a box, but it’s still a gift that is worth opening each day.
  • Don’t worry, as all things will happen if it’s meant to be. But of course, you also have to move and do your part, and avoid being afraid.
  • Stop comparing the past to the present. Live each moment, live today.
  • Leave your painful experiences so that you can go forward with confidence into the future that you are about to develop.
  • Tell your loved ones that you love them. Be glad that they are the ones placed in your present life. Seek and appreciate every knowledge and memory that you learned from them.
  • Invest more time with your family. It’s never wrong to have those material things that you worked hard for, such as your wonderful house, your awesome car, pretty clothing, or things, if it took part in creating those memories.
  • Strive to just be yourself, be the person that defines you.
  • Don’t allow yourself to be a shadow of someone else life, or to be the accessory of who they are.
  • Love yourself every single day, and choose to live with no regrets at all.
What is the importance of expressing and accepting an opinion?

What is the importance of expressing and accepting an opinion?

An opinion is a personal view or judgment about a certain thing. It is based on the person’s perception and the way he/she understands or perceived something. Certainly, opinions may be accepted or rejected, but what’s important is you were able to voice them.

On the other hand, it is scary to say something and give an opinion because of the negative possibilities.

Importance of expressing and accepting opinions.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

And sometimes thinking about these possibilities, just like rejection and being misunderstood by everyone, limits our ability to express our thoughts. Moreover, leaving us empty because we didn’t be able to take the chance to convey ourselves.

However, remember as well that voicing your opinion should be at the right time and also use the right words. Wrong words and at the wrong time can make your opinion looks useless. So, you also have to determine it.

Giving your opinion about something makes you fulfilled, and it boosts your self-esteem. Expressing your thoughts and words is your way of living in a free environment. You own it and it’s your right. So, why scared if you can say something?

Above all, if you are the recipient of the opinion, remember to:

Be considerate also, just listen and calm yourself not to give words that can hurt the person. Opinions are just their opinions anyway! If you like it, then say you do and agree with them. But if not, just say it too! Tell the reason you don’t agree, and give your idea peacefully. Accept opinions even when they are different from you or even if you don’t agree with them that much. Accept opinions, even though you think you are more capable. Furthermore, accept opinions so that others will also accept yours.

Some people might spend a few minutes or hours formulating it into their minds. And when you oppose, disagree, or even said something that is not good, you might hurt them, leaving an idea that they shouldn’t even raise their opinions. It might scare them the next time, and give them the reason to belittle their capability.

In conclusion, what are the importance of expressing and accepting an opinion is that it both helps us to grow and mature. It helps us boost our self-confidence, and it increases our wisdom.

Where to find essential learnings in life?

Where to find essential learnings in life?

This post will tackle the different places or situations that can provide good learning. Aside from books, where can we learn?

When we were young, we were taught to read the ABC, to count 123, to say good words, and to show a good attitude. We were trained by our parents and elders to do so because they know that it is important. Also at home, our family taught us good lessons that we can carry along with us, as we leave the doors of our houses.

Essential ways to find learnings.
Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels.


The basic lessons that we learned in our home were the things that will direct and help us in seeking to learn more because there are still numerous things that we should know in life.

Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels.


In school, we’ve got to use and show what we know. We’ve got to enhance it as we go along with our classmates and teachers. We learned to use our abilities and capabilities in the best way we can, especially in dealing with the different subjects and activities in school.

Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels.


We can also learn from our community. We can learn by simply observing, and simply listening to things that are worth our time. Furthermore, we can learn from different people, animals, nature, and situations.

Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels.

Life experiences:

In our daily lives, it’s important to pay attention to the experiences we’ve been through. They may be positive or negative experiences, but we will always be assured that it teaches us a lesson. This is the best teacher that can mold our life to what we wanted. So, it’s vital and very meaningful if we were able to appreciate and learn about the lessons that it taught us.

Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels.

We have to accept that there could be times when the people around us do things that aren’t amenable to us. We cannot control this, so what we have to do is just go with it, but remember to always do what is right and what is acceptable.

Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels.

One general experience that we all have been through is our experience with the pandemic. The pandemic taught us to be more self-reliant in terms of guarding ourselves against the deadly virus. It taught us to be more disciplined and to follow the rules. It also taught us to be more loving, caring, and giving.

We should always find meaning in the experiences that we encountered in life. Identify what we can learn from it, and be able to apply it to achieve the improvement that we want for ourselves.

How to make a responsible decision?

How to make a responsible decision?

Here are 8 steps that you can follow to make a responsible decision in life.

How to make a responsible decision.

Deciding for ourselves is a form of a cognitive process wherein it helps you realize the consequences of your action.

There are numerous events and situations in our lives that we need to handle on our own, and one is decision-making. We have to realize that we need to think about the final decision later on, before we take an action, in order not to condemn anyone for the result it may bring.

There are countless factors to be considered that can have an impact on how we make decisions, and it includes governing rules, beliefs in life, emotions, and experiences.

These steps below will help you on how to decide on your own so that you’ll confidently make a responsible decision without asking others to make it for you.

  1. You have to know the problem. Define the problem, and distinguish if it’s something that you need to solve.
  2. Look for helpful information that can guide you, such as information from people you trust and other reliable sources.
  3. List your options. Take enough time to think about the possible ways that you will be going to solve the problem.
  4. Think about the possible results. Be able to accept that once you decide, you have already made two possible results. Whether positive or negative.
  5. Make your decision, pick the best solution that will solve the problem that you are facing.
  6. Take the desired action. Do it on your own!
  7. Check for the outcome, did the decision you made solve the problem? Did it improve the situation?
  8. Accept the outcome, and never blame anybody for the result of the action you’ve done.

The most important thing that you achieved from that decision-making process is the experience you gained from it. Maybe positive (you like the outcome) or negative (you aren’t satisfied), and it’s ok because you made it independently, you had proven something for yourself.

Things you should consider for being too nice!

Things you should consider for being too nice!

Being nice is a pleasant thing that will give you fulfillment and will bring numerous benefits to your body. But the question is do you consider yourself a good person? A good person will do what is right and what is acceptable. But of course, it should always be beyond control. A problem will occur if you do it too much!

Being too nice personality
Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels

What does it mean by being too nice?

  • People are already manipulating you.
  • You are already being abused for your kindness and generosity.
  • You already have a guilt feeling regarding telling someone that they hurt you, and as a result, you prefer not to react to avoid losing them.
  • Furthermore, you keep worrying about being liked by someone or everyone else.
  • You’re becoming the so-called people pleaser.
  • You are already acting like buying friends or people to come into your life, that’s why you’re giving whatever they wanted.

Signs of a people pleaser:

  • You always agree, and you apologize too much.
  • Always double-check every detail to avoid missing out.
  • You are too affected by someone’s feelings and emotions.
  • You’re becoming overly humble.
  • Imitating actions just to fit with other people.
  • You always agree and say yes, even you’re not amenable.
  • You love to be liked by everyone, even to those you don’t like.
  • Telling white lies just to impress somebody.

Remember that being too nice could bring some self-neglect, you are already neglecting the things that matter in your life because you are busy providing everyone’s needs and wants, that they should do and find a way out themselves.

Note: You’re not responsible for anyone’s feelings and emotions.

Here are bad things that might happen if you’re too nice:

  • Being too nice can also affect you.
  • If you are always giving, some people will be used to it, and they will expect that from you always.
  • You will develop false expectations from other people.
  • Some people will come to you whenever they need something.
  • You will develop a fear of rejection and will have difficulty accepting judgment.
  • Being too nice can lead you to self-crisis. What does this mean? Being present in someone else lives all the time contributes to losing the sense of who you are.

What can you do about it?

  • Do what makes you feel good, build yourself.
  • Give yourself time.
  • Identify your goals and make them happen.
  • Avoid toxic and negative people.
  • Stop overthinking, and overanalyzing every situation.

Do you consider yourself a good person?

Do you consider yourself a good person?

What makes you a good person? Being good means that you are not a self-centered person. You often feel compassion, you are selfless in so many ways, you are willing to sacrifice towards a greater cause and without expecting anything in return. Being good is a great step towards achieving a happy and a wonderful world that we all need!

Being a good person
Inner reflection
-What you feel inside, will reflect outside-
Image source: Photo library, provided by pexels

Helping other people could not only mean, giving a smile to their faces, but putting a warmth reward within you! When you do something good, your brain also releases happy hormones that could bring a great feeling of accomplishment, thus helping your emotional health to stay healthy as well.

Photo: CTTO

Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

A verse to remember
Image source: Photo library

Never give up with your good intentions, appreciated or not, remember that you don’t need to impress other people because you are already seen and appreciated by the most powerful one from above!

Always remember not to feed your mind with material things because it could make you forget being good or ethical. Instead, feed it with thoughts on how to help or make a way to lift and give hope to other people. Realized it, and live a more meaningful life, you will know that there is more to life, than those material things, and you’ll be able to live differently. You will be able to have a higher view on good relationship and character instead of being busy building fame, wealth, or achievements which sometimes the reason of having a selfish attitude. As a result, you will be able to live simply, but rich with the most fulfilling things that money can’t buy, like love, trust, and respect from other people.

A good start to do better!

A good start to do better!

Good start

Some of us might be driven or controlled by many challenges, problems, and deadlines to do something. Too much pressure, worries, fear, anxiety and other negativities. Which sometimes we thought as a motivation, as a way we can improve, cope in life and develop, but we should not consider it just like that. Our life’s motivation should be good, should be positive, should make us feel better and must be something which would not ruin our mental and emotional health.

Do not spend your life thinking about your regrets in life. Thinking of material things that you didn’t achieve, and waiting for the approval from other people, do not allow yourself to be controlled by these for the rest of your life. Yes, life isn’t perfect, and it’s really full of uncertainties, but what is sure is that we still have the chance to improve our life. God is giving you numerous chances, every time you open your eyes when you wake up, so grab it!

Verse to remember:

Psalm 37:24 — Though he falls, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand. Even when life gets hard, and we begin to crumble, we must know that the Lord will not let us be lost forever. He will guide us through each step of our lives.

Pour love into your hearts, pour faith into your souls, and pour good memories into your mind, as simple as this will make you fulfilled, and it’s a good start to do better. Always remember that God can do spectacular things with the rest of your life. Pray, read the bible and follow his words.

Never underestimate yourself!

Never underestimate yourself!

Have you ever felt the feeling that you are not enough? That you can’t do this and that? That you are incapable of doing something and as if no one is there ready to listen, understand and appreciate you? We have to remember and remind ourselves that we are all unique in our own little or simple ways! We have given talents and abilities which we need to develop or improve to better ourselves. Furthermore, we have given capabilities that others don’t have and vice versa.

Don't underestimate yourself.
Image source: photo library

We should avoid underestimating ourselves because this thinking could lead to more serious problems, like emotional stress, anxiety, and depression.

Occasionally, what causes this is our fear of the unknown, we often skip important life milestones because we tend to play it safe because we want to avoid rejections, hurts, etc. This shouldn’t be the driving force of your life! Remember the verse below ⬇️.

Image source: Photo library
Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

How to stop underestimating yourself?

  • Always trust yourself, your abilities, and your given talents, and improve them.
  • Don’t be afraid of criticism, successful people didn’t make it without experiencing such.
  • Never compare yourself to other people. They also have their battles!
  • Don’t reject compliments by other people, say thank you.
  • Never refer your final decisions to other people, it’s ok to ask for opinions, but the final thoughts or decisions should be yours.
  • Accept failures or mistakes, make it as a lesson that could lead you to learn more about yourself and life. Always take note that mistakes are inevitable, and it’s something that could help you to do better.
  • Boost your confidence and lastly, never give up!
Do you believe that you are a great creation?

Do you believe that you are a great creation?

Had anyone told you that you’re a great creation? I believed that you are! Whoever you are, whatever life status or the way of living you have, you, all of us, are very lucky! In the sense that we are breathing, and be able to wake up each morning. The gift of life, is something which we have to be thankful for, in each day of our lives.

Great creation
Image source: Photo library
Image source: Photo library
Psalms 139: 13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. -14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

From the moment you were in your mother’s womb, you’ve already proved that you are wonderful. You may be planned or unplanned by your parents, but one thing for sure is that you were planned by our creator, he wants you to live, to experience this world, and to fulfill what you are purposefully made for.

You cannot choose your parents because they are uniquely chosen for you. You are who you are because of a great reason. Love them, and love their imperfections, love them wholeheartedly. They also didn’t choose you either, but you were given under their care and protection. They might not be the perfect parents for you, but they were given for you perfectly.

Image source: Photo library
Isaiah 44:2 “I am your creator, You were in my care even before you were born”

There might be times in your life that you feel like the world is against you. That as if you are unlucky, and as if you are alone, but remember that he will not leave you, he is always by your side. You’ve experienced all of those challenges to shape you, and to build you as a strong human being.