What is mommy burnout and how to deal with it?

What is mommy burnout and how to deal with it?

This post will help mommies to better understand what is mommy burnout, what’s going through them, the symptoms of mom burnout, and how to deal with it.

Mommy burnout is the feeling that makes a mom feel exhausted from the chronic stress of parenting or running the house on a daily basis.

Just like the burnout that employees went through with the high demands of work that they experience at their jobs. Moms also experience this scenario in their lives due to the daily activities that they also have to perform. Such as looking after their children, assisting the children in school activities, serving the whole family from morning to evening, doing household chores, organizing and managing the house, and so on. And what is left for them?

Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Sometimes they even don’t have the time to do their endeavors in life. Sometimes people even think that they are just acting out. Misjudging them from what they feel and what they do at home. There are also times that they can no longer do some self-care activities due to the overwhelming tasks that they need to make.

Both working and stay-at-home moms are experiencing mom burnout symptoms from time to time. And this isn’t something that moms and family members have to ignore because it adds up and might lead to other problems if left unmanaged. Moms experiencing burnout often show disengagement, feeling inefficient or useless in raising their children, feeling ineffective, losing the confidence to socialize, they feel intimidated to perform their personal and professional duties and may act outside of their true personalities. Like being angry at small things and losing patience easily compared to normal days. And they sometimes think of spacing themselves among their children.

Mommies are great human beings and needs also your attention, love, and care.

General symptoms of mommy burnout that you should watch out for:

If there are numerous symptoms you already identified to yourself as a mom or to other moms you know, you should ask for help earlier to implement the needed intervention.

  • Being exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically.
  • Being irritated, they easily loss temper.
  • They feel disconnected from the present situation.
  • They show guilt about their parenting style. They feel like they are inadequate.
  • They feel anxious, and preoccupied with approaching events.
  • Their attitude isn’t matching with the present situation.
  • They feel incapacitated in raising their children.
  • They indulge in fantasies like detaching themselves from reality.
  • Having an intense feeling of being not good enough.
  • Thoughts that their children deserve someone better.
  • Disconnection from spouse or inability to maintain a good relationship.
  • Unable to ask for help or support.

What to do with Mom Burnout:

  • Understanding your risk factors are important to help you to be aware of everything.
  • Avoid comparing yourself. Remember that other moms have their ups and downs as well. And it’s up to you how you will face each challenge.
  • Do journaling to better track your mood, and see whether you already need some time to replenish your mental health.
  • Offer yourself time alone. You need to spend some time alone each day to give yourself the love it deserves. The person who will love you without a doubt (you). Do a simple self-care activity that will boost your self-esteem.
  • Choose to be a mindful parent. It’s ok to make some mistakes, accept it as this will help you grow as a parent. No one is perfect and everyone passes through all the tough times of parenting.
  • Talk to someone who can relate to you. Talking to a mom that knows what you are going through can be a good help in understanding what you feel, this can give you comfort and relief from stress.
  • Do some physical activities. Moving around just like brisk walking can help to relieve your stress level and uplift your mood.
  • Have enough rest and sleep to recharge you.
  • Do things one at a time. Plan your day always, prioritize what should come first, and divide tasks from simpler to complex.
  • Engage in a group that can help you unleash your capabilities. Connecting with like-minded people can help you grow as a person.
  • Accept your imperfections as a parent. It’s ok if you can’t do it all. Be kind to yourself.
  • Grow spiritually and always make sure that your values are set as a good example and are aligned with what you want your children to follow.

Mom burnout is something that needs our intervention. If you believe that you have a lot of symptoms already, then you should take the necessary action to pass through it. You can do a lot of things to go on in life. Live simply, don’t stress out everything, and live one day at a time. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help if you feel like you need it the most.

A virtual hug to all of you amazing moms!

Guide for parents who have school children

Guide for parents who have school children

Studying in a school environment has good benefits for our children. Interacting with other children of their age, learning how to follow rules and regulations, figuring out how to socialize with other people, and adjusting to different situations are just a few of the things that our children would learn outside our home premises. And that’s the reason why a lot of us parents would prefer a school set-up learning.

School children
Images source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

But, to be able to fully help our children unleash their full potential we have to assist them in going to school and guide them in all their school activities. While this may sometimes make us overwhelmed due to other life activities that we have to do, just remember that we are making it for the future of our child or children.

The guidance and support that we were able to show and give to them daily mean so much to them. This could help them to be more confident in going to school because they have the ample support they needed.

Things to let them know:

  • Reminding them of the importance of going to school, meeting their classmates and teachers, and of course studying in a school environment.
  • Tell them the relevance of social connection to their well-being. Socializing with other people, most importantly to children of their age can help them to show what they are capable of, and it helps them to relate to different individual’s attitudes.
  • Inform them about the rules and regulations of their school. Before the school classes, institutions come up with the orientation phase. So, here they enumerate all the rules and regulations that their school is implementing.

Things to prepare for them:

  • The night before the school day, you should prepare their clothing or uniform, socks, shoes, hygiene essentials, and their school bag with books, notebooks, and other things needed for that day.
  • If you are the one who prepared their things in their bag, be sure to let them know where the specific things are located.
  • Inform them of their class schedule and important activities that they will be going to do or perform for that day.
  • Remind them to participate in their class discussion, respect everybody in their school and enjoy studying!

During the day:

  • Prepare a healthy breakfast for your child and let them eat before going to school. Eating breakfast can help to kickstart their day by providing the essential nutrients they needed to have a strong body and an alert mind.
  • Prepare healthy snacks that they can eat during their break time in school, and choose nutritious foods to energize and nourish their body.
  • Don’t forget their water. Drinking water will keep them hydrated throughout the day.

After their class:

  • Greet them with a happy face, and ask what happened in their class. Assessing their mood will help us figure out what the child had experienced in school.
  • Ask about how the child gets along with classmates, and how he performed in their class activities.
  • Check whether the child ate the snacks you prepared.
  • Check any assignments that they have for tomorrow’s class, and remind the child to make them ahead of time.

Allow your child to make their assignments so that they could build their confidence in solving different circumstances. We are only allowed to guide and assist them. And it won’t give any merits if we are the ones doing it for them.

Going to school must be a fulfilling activity that our children must experience and they can do it by providing them with their essential needs, ample support, and giving time to improve their skills.

Helpful ways to develop your children without pressuring them

Helpful ways to develop your children without pressuring them

In the last content, we deal with the dangers of putting too much pressure on children. Now we will tackle about 3 helpful ways to develop your children without the need to pressure them. This helps to free you and your child from stress. Enables more love and compassion with your child while giving the whole family better mental and emotional well-being.

Ways to develop children without the need to pressure them.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Here are the helpful ways to develop your children without pressuring them:

1. Encourage and praise your child

  • Encourage your child to do his/her best. You have to be mindful that you should focus on the process rather than focusing on your desired result. Encouragement will help children to learn how to evaluate themselves in their little ways. Whenever adults give feedback about what the children are doing, they learn to appreciate themselves without the need to compare their efforts to other children.
  • Usually, our initial response when our children did something well is to say something regarding their efforts, we praise them for a job well done. Praising our children the right way builds their confidence and sense of self. They feel worthy and encouraged to continue achieving better performance. When we praise our children we are helping them to think and talk about good things that they have to see in them.
  • Words can leave a profound meaning on human behavior and we have to know that children are sensitive about it. They naturally loved hearing words that are good to hear. In that case, we have to be sensitive to whatever words we tell them. It might build them or tear them apart.
  • Imparting courage to our children teaches them to recognize whenever they do well in their activities and makes them feel proud of what they achieved.

2. Give the right information and guide them on the right information.

  • The information made by people like our teachers, parents, siblings, and friends, from other sources like television, the internet, and books must be guided. As parents, we have to know how to elicit positive information from negative ones.
  • Give the right information that our children can use as they grow older. Teach children about their personal information, proper attitude, and behavior. Give them information about the importance of good manners, healthy food selections, time management, and decision-making.
  • In giving them the right information, we have to be patient, warm, and responsive to whatever questions they might raise. Remember that a good relationship with our children is one way to help them achieve a happy and successful life.
  • They will love learning if you love imparting helpful information to them. They will used to it until they seek it themselves already. Well-informed children are more likely to face any challenges with confidence.

3. Communicate with your children.

  • You have to talk to your child about a certain goal that he/she is working on. Children often thrive with healthy communication that is filled with compassion and honesty.
  • Allow your child to express his/her emotions. Listening to our children when they talk boosts their self-worth. It enables them to feel that their words are important or valuable.
  • If ever they have bad days, you must listen to them with interaction. It will encourage them rather than feeling that they disappointed you in some ways.

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any comments or something to share regarding this topic don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment section. If you found this post helpful, please don’t forget to share it with other people!

Dangers of putting too much pressure on children

Dangers of putting too much pressure on children

Some parents want their child or children to achieve the best that they can be. This isn’t bad if accompanied by proper guidance and by means of not pressuring the child too much in achieving something. Because too much pressure that parents give on their children can also put too much pressure on their child’s performance. Unknowingly that putting too much pressure can have serious consequences for their child’s welfare too.

The dangers of putting too much pressure on children, and the negative consequences of it.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Some parents have this thinking that putting pressure on their children will lead to their children’s success. This is caused by their intense desire for a successful future. The sad thing is that there are parents who are trying to fulfill their dreams which they strived for once in their life, that they pass through their children.

Parents who are focusing too much on the academic performance and extracurricular activities of their child are limiting the importance of other skills that a child can achieve on their own. Constant pressure on children can be harmful and there are negative effects that a child might experience later on in their life.

Below are some dangers of putting too much pressure on children:

1. Higher rates of experiencing the mental related condition.

  • Children who are under constant pressure also experience constant anxiety. The countless stress that they feel places them at higher risk of depression, mood or behavioral problems, and other mental health conditions.

2. Higher risk for injuries

  • Children who are pressured to do well in physical activities for example sports might choose to continue participating despite an injury. Continuing the sport with unhealed injury could lead to further problems or permanent damage.
  • The same is true with children who are pressured to study well for an exam and might choose to read for long hours without rest. This may lead to eye strain. Eye strain is defined as a common condition that occurs to an individual when his/her eyes get tired from intense use.

3. They might involve themselves in cheating

  • They are likely to cheat if you are pressuring them to focus on what they should achieve rather than what they should learn. Because they feel like they are obliged to do well or perform well, and that they might think that they will disappoint you or that they will receive a punishment for not doing well.

4. They refuse to join or participate in a competition

  • When your child believes that they should always be the best, they will not likely participate in a competition. It’s because they feel like they won’t win or shine at that moment. This brings problems to children as they won’t take chances to improve their skills. They won’t take the chance to enjoy themselves with other children of their age.

5. Damaging their self-confidence

  • Pressuring your children to make their best can be harmful in developing their self-confidence. The stress that they feel to perform well could interfere with building their identity, it will lead them to feel or think that they aren’t good enough.

6. Poor nutrition

  • Pressuring can also affect a child’s nutrition because they might tend to skip or be in a hurry to finish their meals just to spend additional time studying.

7. Depriving themselves of proper sleep and rest pattern

  • Children who are always pressured to do well might stay up late because of too much studying or practicing, this leads them to struggle in getting enough sleep and rest that children of their age needs.

Motivation takes the child to concentrate or focus on his/her journey to success. On the other hand, too much pressure makes the child sacrifice their play and join some recreational activities or entertainment because they want to spend more hours learning. This is immense stress which affects the child’s normal mental development. The emotional adjustment that a child is experiencing at a very young age may result in problems like that of interpersonal relationships with parents.

If proper guidance is given rather than too much pressure then the child is more likely to embrace success.

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any comments or something to share regarding this topic don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment section. If you found this post helpful, please don’t forget to share it with other people!

8 tips to have a better conversation

8 tips to have a better conversation

Talking to someone can help you relieve anxiety, stress, and mood problems. Sometimes it’s true, but sometimes it isn’t.

Tips to have a better conversation.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

It’s true if the conversation is healthy, peaceful, and productive. It isn’t true if the conversation sounds boastful, envious, and purely negative talking about someone else life. If you aren’t comfortable with the scenario you better stop the conversation right away to avoid further conflict.

A healthy conversation should help you acquire learnings in life that you can use to guide your way through your life’s journey. It should be a time to share your ideas or opinions about a topic that could help you and the other person.

A few weeks ago, I experienced talking with different people, with different personalities and behaviors. And there are things that I learned a lot through our short conversations. And below I will share with you great tips that will help you to have a better conversation with anyone else.

1. Know the person whom you are talking with

  • Assess the personality, character, and behavior of the person you are about to converse with.

2. Remember that there is a right topic in every situation.

  • It means that you shouldn’t talk about things that are not meant to be shared with the person whom you are talking with. Topics that are valuable to share are the things that are related to your present scenario.

3. Think of a shared interest or topic

  • A shared interest or topic is something that will make your conversation alive and productive. Alive means you are enjoying your conversation because it is engaging to both of you. Productive means that both of you have something to gain from the topic that you are talking about.

4. Share your comments on what they say

  • If you have something to say, then say it. Don’t be ashamed or feel intimidated. It might be more helpful to share your comments than not. You might regret it later, thinking that you didn’t share valuable words.

5. Ask open-ended questions

  • Open-ended questions are good ways to tackle more. This can give a good feeling to the ones with whom you have the conversation. It means that you are interested and not bored.

6. Give the right reaction to a person’s opinion or comments

  • Give the appropriate response, like facial expressions, hand/body gestures, or tone of voice.

7. Just go with the flow, but divert what isn’t appropriate

  • Some people love talking and sharing information under the sun. Listen and avoid interrupting the person. But if it seems to be inappropriate, you can divert the topic to something good.

8. Avoid talking more about yourself, and never dominate the conversation

  • A meaningful and purposeful conversation should be balanced. It shouldn’t be all about you, and it shouldn’t be all about the other person.

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any comments or something to share regarding this topic: 8 tips to have a better conversation? Don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment section. If you found this post helpful, please don’t forget to share it with other people!

How to live peacefully as a parent?

How to live peacefully as a parent?

Living peacefully as a parent seems impossible, you might frown at me, you might raise your eyebrows! You might say living peacefully as a parent is hard and it’s a big no to have the peaceful moments that you are longing for yourself!

Living peacefully as a parent.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

But why is it hard? Is it because of the noisy kids, the cluttered toys? The demanding environment? The expectations that you don’t meet? The stress that you feel? The tasks you didn’t accomplish? The feelings you are avoiding to express? The opinions of other people? The standard of the society?

Or it’s because of not purely accepting your role as a parent?

Being a parent is overwhelming when you try to compete with other parents, when you are trying to prove something, when you want to be the best parent, and when you’re basing your parenting on what other people suggest you to do. Remember that you don’t have to prove anything to other people, because this will cause bad emotions and negativities that would ruin your happiness. This will cause you to always limit your actions to what other people expect you to do. And it’s very uncomfortable if you follow that thinking! It will not only destroy your mental and emotional well-being but also your relationship with your family.

What makes you comfortable will make you feel better!

That’s why you should own your parenting style that best fits your personality, values, and goals as a parent. We aren’t into raising and we shouldn’t raise to anybody else. Those who love to compete or to show up will end up unfulfilled with their roles as a parent. Because they keep on comparing themselves and looking after what people want to see in them.

Parenting is a happy journey, and shouldn’t be something you need to hurry up because you want to do something…

Living peacefully as a parent is something we can find when we are laughing with our children. When we play with them wholeheartedly. When we accept the responsibility. When we set aside our personal goals to see them happily reaching theirs.

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any comments or something to share regarding this topic: How to live peacefully as a parent? Don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment section. If you found this post helpful, please don’t forget to share it with other people!

Ways in managing the house efficiently

Ways in managing the house efficiently

This post will help parents, especially mothers who are often considered the homemaker of the house. Well, at some point some fathers are the ones doing it instead of a mother because of some reason. And it’s a lucky home if the mother and father are collaborating in managing the house even how busy the other person is.

Home management is necessary to achieve a stress-free environment and to avoid an overwhelmed feeling when it comes to doing daily activities.

Managing the house can be stressful if we aren’t confident in what we are doing.

Managing the house efficiently.

Home activities like deciding what to cook, what to buy, how to take care of the kids, how to fix the things, how to clean the house, and how to make it as homey as it should be, are just a few of the activities that we usually do at home.

If we are confident about the things that we should be doing there could be greater happiness instead of a toxic life.

So, how can we efficiently manage the house?

Below are the things that will help you to figure out your unique style of home management.

  • Love what you are doing. One thing that makes motherhood or fatherhood difficult is that we don’t fully love what we are doing. We felt like it was a big responsibility that was taking us away from ourselves, our personal goals, and things that we want to do or pursue. Unloving what we are doing at home predisposes us to a stressful life, difficulty in managing the house, and problems concerning how we get along with other members of the family. Likewise, loving what we are doing helps us to avoid stress and boredom. And makes us realize that making the house a happy home is what we have to set as one of our goals.
  • Enjoy the tasks. You have to enjoy the tasks because it’s a daily responsibility that you have to accomplish. You can’t say no, you can’t say I don’t like it because it’s a part of our roles as parents. Providing clean clothes to wear, serving food every meal, providing a clean and safe environment, playing with the kids, etc. are just a few of the tasks that we have to do to be able to have a manageable home.
  • Be happy! Your kids and other members of the family absorb happiness from you. As mothers or fathers of the house, our kids will be happier if they see us smile or laugh. And it will greatly help in eliminating stress and confusion on how to make everything as it should be.
  • Commit to time management. Be committed to managing your time. Wake up early, fix the bed, and do the tasks appropriately. Sometimes committing to time management is difficult if we are already comfortable with the things that we used to do, like sleeping late, waking up late, doing chores later, etc. Find ways to combat it like following your alarm clock and your daily planner. Doing it daily will gonna change your habits and make you more productive each day.
  • Plan your day using a planner. Planning your day or week is important so that you can divide your time and make use of it wisely. It helps you to do everything that you should do on a specific day of the week. Be sure to write first all the important activities that you have to finish and then next would be the least important things. This can help you to improve your time management and do the tasks with ease.
  • One task at a time. Completing one task at a time will help you with organizing your activity well. Multi-tasking is good but sometimes it also brings confusion especially if you are quite forgetful, or if you are a nervous person. Identify tasks that you have to do daily, weekly, or monthly and perform those tasks in their desired schedule so as not to feel overwhelmed by loaded activities at once.
  • Simplify everything, we have to simplify our life to make the best out of our day and be able to go to bed at night with a happy and peaceful mind so that we can be ready for another day filled with uncertain things.
  • Trust yourself, it’s ok to listen to other people’s opinions or suggestions, but the decision should only come from yourself. Trusting yourself and doing what you believe is right on how you run the house is none of their business. You create your own rules that could greatly help you in achieving a well-managed house that will bring you joy instead of misery.

Managing the house takes a lot of effort, patience, and love.

You have to be dedicated enough to make all things possible. And you should make a home management system that is conducive for you to follow and that will relieve any unwanted feelings.

How to boost your confidence as a mom?

How to boost your confidence as a mom?

This post will help you gain confidence on how to manage the house, how to relate with family and other people, and how to face personal endeavors in life.

Ways to boost your confidence as a mom.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Being a good mom is a choice that we have to choose each day. To be able to put our children’s happiness and well-being ahead of our own is truly a mighty thing! To be able to teach our children the right one and do the right thing is fulfilling. Even when there are times that we’re not that sure what the right thing is. We choose to do it, we choose to give it, we choose to show it, for us to be able to embody that supermom image that our children see us.

We have to be strong and we have to be a good example through their eyes. Forgiving ourselves over and over again when we’ve done wrong, when we’ve forgotten to accomplish little tasks, and when we became anxious about the things that we can’t decide properly allows us to realize that there is always room for adjustment, for maturity and improvement.

Being a mom isn’t about being perfect, being the most beautiful, or smart. It’s about having the right amount of everything, most importantly: love, kindness, patience, and compassion.

Whether you are a working mom or a stay-at-home mom. We all need to build our self-confidence to deal with our daily lives.

Being a mom isn’t that easy, because we have to weigh and balance everything to achieve a stress-free life. Yes, we can’t avoid being stressed sometimes due to the things that we have to manage at home, relationships with our loved ones and other people that we need to handle, and facing our endeavors could also mean taking time to understand ourselves more. But we can manage everything if we are confident in tackling each situation even how hard or impossible it may be.

Managing the house

Managing the house can be stressful if we aren’t confident in what we are doing. From deciding what to cook, what to buy, how to take care of the kids, how to fix the things, how to clean the house, and how to make it as homey as it should be! If we are confident about the things that we should be doing there could be greater happiness instead of a toxic life.

How can we boost our confidence in managing the house?

  • Love what you are doing
  • Enjoy the tasks
  • Be happy
  • Commit to time management
  • Plan your day
  • One task at a time
  • Simplify everything
  • Trust yourself

Relationship with our family

Our relationship with our family could also suffer if we aren’t confident about how to handle them. As the mother of the house, we are the ones who are most affected if some members of the family aren’t on good terms. We have to know some ways to fix it right away. And be able to bring back a harmonious home environment.

How can we boost our confidence in dealing with our family?

  • Know your role, and know their roles.
  • Implement the right action.
  • Be firm if you believe you’re doing the right thing.
  • Understand each family member’s personality.
  • Always be fair
  • Make the house happy.
  • Include the family in making important decisions.

The way we relate to other people

We can’t control how people might think about us. But we can control ourselves not to get affected by them. People would always have a say on how we look, how we raise our children, how we make decisions etc. And it’s something that may drag our confidence down. If we know how to handle those things we won’t lose our confidence.

How can we boost our confidence with the way we relate to other people?

  • You don’t have to prove yourself to anybody else.
  • Just continue what you believe can benefit you and your family.
  • Smile and show kindness even to those people who hated you.
  • Talk to people at eye level.
  • Never look down on yourself.
  • Show what you’ve got!
  • Share your opinions, and give your comments or suggestions.

Facing our endeavors

We are unique human beings, we have personal goals and dreams in life. Whether you are a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, you have other things which you wanted to achieve. And it takes ample confidence for you to grab it.

How can we boost our confidence in facing our endeavors?

  • Don’t give up on your dream.
  • There’s always a time for everything.
  • Listen to your gut, sometimes our body gives us a strong feeling about what decision we should take, and it’s not a wrong thing to consider.
  • Be a lifelong learner, read more.
  • Love and trust yourself.
  • Focus and find ways to develop yourself.

To all mothers out there remember that you are an important creation in this world. Embrace the magic of motherhood! Enjoy every bit of it, and you’ll see that everything is beautiful!

The health benefits of volunteering

The health benefits of volunteering

Volunteering is an act of giving your time to help people, animals, environment, and serving the community without monetary gains.

The benefits of volunteering in our health.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Volunteering needs our time and effort, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to go somewhere or provide something special to do it. You can do this even if you’re just around the corner of your community.

Volunteering can boost your self-confidence, and life satisfaction at the same time. You are doing good for the welfare of others and the community by not just thinking about what it can give you in return. It can give you a natural sense of accomplishment.

Needed to start volunteering:

Some of us might be wondering what are the things you need to start volunteering. This may depend on what you want to do. But generally, you have to be kind, patient, respectful, able to feel empathy, and know-how to sympathize with others. If you’re the kind of person who can adapt easily to changes in your environment, then volunteering may be ideal for you. But there are still things you need to consider when thinking of something diverse, having enough qualifications such as resources, training, educational background and abilities should also be considered.

There are numerous activities where you can help such as:

  • Becoming a mentor to a school.
  • Teaching class at the community center.
  • Work in charity organizations.
  • Visit the elderly
  • Fundraising for a cause
  • Blood donation
  • Volunteer for animals, looking after animals, especially the homeless cats or dogs who need love, care, support, and affection.
  • Food and clothing donations.
  • Recycling the garbages, cleaning, or gardening in your community.

The health benefits of volunteering:

  • It makes you energized, happy, and fulfilled.
  • The social connection that you gained from volunteering can uplift your mood and relieve your stress.
  • Involving yourself in a social gathering or setting can help you relieve the feeling of loneliness and mood problems.
  • While you are doing good for other people, animals, or the environment you are also doing good for yourself.
  • This helps you to gain a sense of achievement.
  • Increases your self-esteem because you make something worthy.
  • Provides a sense of purpose and direction.
  • It connects you to other people, therefore it’s a helpful way to improve your social skills.
  • Develops your thinking skills
  • This is a physical activity, so it can greatly impact your health.
  • Helps you to learn or acquire skills that are useful in your profession like learning how to cope with challenges and how to deal with different situations.
  • It’s a fun activity that boosts happiness.
  • Good activity for your overall well-being.

Always remember not to take on a responsibility that you can’t handle. If you aren’t enjoying it, and you encountered problems concerning your safety, you should stop it already or make a change instead, and look for ways where you can feel better.

Ways to appreciate our elderlies and important lessons that we can learn from them

Ways to appreciate our elderlies and important lessons that we can learn from them

Most of us of course would want to live a long, happy and healthy life. But the surroundings and environment where we live can either be helpful or harmful to our health and wellness. An unsafe environment, the food we eat, the lifestyle we have, our access to proper health care, and the circumstances that aging brings could all affect our health.

Ways to appreciate and the lessons that we can learn from elderlies.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Aging is a normal part of our journey in life.

It’s something that each of us will go through if we are meant to reach that process. It’s sometimes referred to as the final stage of the physical life of a person here on Earth. And one way to contribute to the happy days of our loved ones is to make them feel appreciated.

Below are ways on how we could appreciate our elderlies.

  • Communicate, listen and spend time with them. Our elders would love to feel that we listen to them and share some of our time talking or sharing stories about what is going through in our lives and asking them as well what is going through in their lives. Oftentimes we don’t observe that when we talk with them they are eager to talk more, and are also willing to listen to what we have to say.
  • Be respectful no matter what. While we can’t control one’s personality, we can control ourselves. Some elderlies are short-tempered while others are not. Some are irritated, opinionated, or just boring, while others are not. Whatever attitude they have, we have to always respect them. Maybe they are stressed, they have problems that trouble them, or it is because of their underlying health condition. One way to show that we love them is through respecting them, not just because they are older than us, but because they are humans who have feelings too.
  • Seek positive life advice. Elderlies have already a lot of life lessons and experiences that they learned over the decades of their lives. These are valuable learnings that we can use to guide us to the right path in life. Some elder people love to share their negative and positive experiences and the lessons that they learned from them. Considering their positive advice will help us to avoid negative traps that would ruin our life.
  • Eating meals, going out together, and traveling with them. Elderlies are prone to isolation because sometimes they feel like they are too old already, or they might feel like they are already less needed. Understanding what they feel and creating ways to lift their moods are very important to increase their self-esteem. It will greatly help with the improvement of their well-being.
  • Complimenting them for every little thing that they can do or every help that they can offer can help them to continue a more meaningful and purposeful life.

Important lessons we can learn from elderlies

  • Enjoy your life and be happy. Many seniors are having life regrets not because they don’t have the material things they want, but because they don’t maximize the days when their loved ones were around.
  • Family matters a lot, they are the ones whom you can genuinely lean on, and who can cheer you up during your bad days.
  • Take good care of your other half. Elderlies who have their significant others with them during this stage are more likely to live happier than those who don’t. A study suggests that more time spent with loved ones, particularly the spouse, is linked to greater happiness. And greater happiness can help a lot in achieving wellness.
  • Appreciate the gift of time because it is something that you won’t get back once gone.
  • Engage personally with people who matter in your life. We can’t be sure of what tomorrow will bring, or when you can still see them.
  • Always be grateful for every single thing that you have. Elderlies’ appreciate the here and now of their lives by living the most of it every day. As younger adults, we still have a lot to explore and ample time to enjoy our lives.
  • Avoid postponing activities that will help you to become more physically active, for example going outside, playing outdoor games, biking, doing an exercise, or simply brisk walking. It can help with bone and muscle strength. It can be a good help when you get older.

The reality is that everyone will be going through this stage, you’re not the first and you’ll not be the last.

Whether we admit it or not, many of us are anxious about aging. But thinking that it’s a normal thing and it’s a part of a life’s process will help reduce anxiety or any feelings that accompany it. Embracing it will help us to live our lives without regrets. For now let’s enjoy life to the fullest, appreciate the presence of our loved ones, and learn from the lessons that our elders thought us.

Important roles of women in the family, community, and society

Important roles of women in the family, community, and society

Every year, we celebrate women’s month, and it is being celebrated every March. This is an important event for every woman like me because it raises or uplifts our worth in this world.

The roles and importance of every women.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

This celebration highlights women’s achievements and contributions to the family, community, and society. It empowers women and recognizes them as essential contributors to the world that we live in.

What are the important roles of women in the family?

There are a lot of roles that women can do, and must be appreciated by everybody. Some of them are as follows:

In the family, a woman has a lot of roles to perform. And it makes her unique and an irreplaceable human being in every setting.

  • She is a wife, a partner of a man to fulfill the duties and responsibilities in building a wonderful family.
  • She is a risk-taker, who is not afraid for her life just to bring a child into this world. When she delivers a baby, she would feel the happiness and wouldn’t mind about the pain and danger that what if something happens to her while delivering the baby?
  • She is the health officer of the family, she maintains the health and wellness of each member. The one who prepares healthy food. Encourages everyone to perform their hygiene and the person who will always be there when someone in the family gets sick or is feeling down.
  • She is a motivator, she knows when someone at home needs encouragement, and it’s a bad thing for her to see anyone who is not in his/her usual self. Uplifting the moods of every member of the family is very important to her.
  • She is an educator, the first teacher of a child, from teaching ABCs and numbers, guiding her child reach his/her developmental milestones, until helping the child focus on what is important in life, and giving life advice are some of the things that a mother is willing to share.
  • She can do multi-tasking, from cooking and serving simple and nutritious food for the family, to washing the dishes and clothes, taking care of the children, fixing the toys, and maintaining harmony at home are just a few things that she can do every day.
  • She is a good decision-maker, a leader, and an organizer, she decides what to cook, what to buy for the household, what to decorate for the house, organizes simple celebrations at home, and plans and implements outing activities for the family.

The roles of women in the community and society:

  • They serve as a role model of contentment, simplicity, beauty, patience, and love.
  • The roles of women in society are very important concerning health and wellness. Some sociologists claim that women make numerous decisions that determine the participation of the whole household in the community. This includes education, healthcare, and socio-cultural decisions.
  • Women can use the knowledge that they gained from the household decisions to take part in the future of the society and any activities that need their ability such as in planning outreach programs, forming associations, and support groups for the people of the community where she belongs.

Women deserve respect and love. You never know sometimes they feel tired too and need some care like what they always do or offer to other people. Bring them hope, care, and motivation to continue and design the life that they would ever want.

Love is a life’s choice that you need to cherish each day

Love is a life’s choice that you need to cherish each day

A choice is simply an act of making a decision, and choosing the one you will love will have a great impact on the family life that you want to create or build.

Love is a choice in life.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Hubby and I were already at our 9th wedding anniversary last February, of this year 2022. And to that years, I can say that I am so fulfilled in my married life because I chose this person. Having good values, and just being himself make me love him even more, each day.

For that nine years, honestly, there are times that we have also disagreements, but we chose to work on it. Sometimes I feel moody, and there are times that I also see him as such. It only shows that we are still two unique individuals having attitudes to consider and feel in life. Accepting that challenges are a part of it, and facing them together is very essential in married life for it to succeed. At the end of the day, it’s choosing to love that person and reminding yourself why you love him/her at the very start will help conquer every trial.

Nine years of marriage have thought me that:

  • Not all the time you are correct, so always ask your partner’s opinion. Marriage is a bond between you and him, or you and her. A decision that has a connection with your life as a couple should be decided as one.
  • Intimacy isn’t just all about something beyond what you both wanted when you are together. But, it’s the closeness beyond it, being a friend and being someone he/she can lean on when hard time comes, and someone he/she can laugh and celebrate whenever victory is achieved.
  • Never disrespect your partner, you may disagree at some points in your life, but always make sure that respect is always there. You can talk all things out calmly and rightfully.
  • Embrace everything about your partner and always choose to love him/her every day, no matter what.

Generally, if you want to have a happy marriage, you have to:

  • Choose to love your husband/wife every day.
  • Share your values with each other.
  • Love every stage of life you were together, love his/her personality, behavior, and growth as an individual.
  • Keep in mind that love isn’t just a feeling that you found along your journey, it takes an action to fulfill its meaning.
  • Don’t try to change your partner the way you want him/her to be, because he/she has a unique personality to deal with. But you can always help to make each other better.
  • The key in surviving difficult times is to always be respectful, and work on it together.
  • Choose to see the good side of your husband/wife and try to look for what you can do for him/her.