What are the health benefits of honey?

What are the health benefits of honey?

Health benefits of honey

Honey is a naturally sweet food that is commonly used as an ingredient in cooking or baking.

It has attractive chemical properties and unique flavor that is chosen by most cook and bakers as an alternative to sugar or any sweeteners. Aside from this, it is great for medicinal use, especially if prepared with other herbal ingredients. Though it’s very beneficial and useful, just be reminded that it shouldn’t be given to infants in any way because of the bad effects to their immature intestinal tracts. If you are interested to read about it, here’s a separate post regarding this matter: Why you shouldn’t give honey to infants?

Honey bees transform nectar into honey by a process of regurgitation and evaporation, they then store it as a primary food source in a honeycomb inside the beehive.

Honey ranges from nearly colorless to dark brown. The taste or flavor varies from mild to delectable taste depending on where the bees thrived. According to research, the darker the honey, the healthier.

Here are the important health benefits of honey in our body, according to our health food source:

  • Contains antioxidants (flavonoids) which helps to reduce the risk of certain types of cancers and heart diseases.
  • Has an antibacterial content, some varieties have large amounts of friendly bacteria (helpful to those who have mature intestinal tracts, except to infants).
  • May help in ulcer treatment and bacterial gastroenteritis.
  • It can help in treating cough (helps in relieving nocturnal coughs), therefore promotes proper sleep at night.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory property which can help in wound healing.
  • Can use as an ingredient to moisturize and nourish the skin.
  • Useful in improving eyesight and helpful in dealing with male disorders, UTI (urinary tract infection), weight loss, bronchial asthma, nausea, and diarrhea.
  • It may help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Disclaimer: The list shown above is merely for information purposes only.