The significant role of good sleep in overall health and well-being

The significant role of good sleep in overall health and well-being

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.

A good sleep is a state of rest in which there is a sufficient and high-quality of sleep that is being experience by an individual. A good sleep allows the body to undergo essential processes for mental and physical well-being. It brings a balance of deep and REM (or rapid eye movement) sleep cycles. It typically result in feelings of alertness, refreshment and happy feeling upon waking.

Having a good sleep involves restful environment, adequate duration, and healthy sleep patterns. These all contributes to improved cognitive function, emotional and overall wellness.

A good sleep is necessary for numerous bodily functions which includes the restoration and repair of tissues, consolidation of memories and regulation of hormones. Adequate sleep is linked to better mood and mental health, improved immune system, and lower risk of chronic conditions like diabetes and heart diseases. On the other hand, a chronic sleep deprivation can lead you to high level of stress, impaired cognitive or mental function, and higher chances to illness.

Therefore, we need to prioritize a good quality of sleep because it’s a fundamental way of promoting overall health and wellness.