The alarming impact of added sugars and ways to limit it

The alarming impact of added sugars and ways to limit it

Photo by Nicole Michalou on Pexels

The presence of added sugars in our diet increases our risks to serious health concerns.

The excessive use or consumption of added sugars in our food or drinks have been linked to a lot of negative outcomes, and these includes the following:

  • Weight gain: Added sugars in our diet can contribute to excessive calorie intake, this can lead to weight gain and obesity if already uncontrolled.
  • Cardiovascular health: High consumption of sugar may increase the risk of getting heart problems.
  • Type 2 diabetes: High consumption of added sugars have been associated with developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Dental health: Sugars consumed in high quantities can contribute to oral health problems like tooth decay or dental carries.
  • Inflammation: Too much sugar intake contribute to chronic inflammation, which is linked to several health conditions.

It is important for individuals to manage and control their added sugar intake to mitigate the potential damaging effects on their health. Adopting strategies to lessen the intake of sugar can play a key role in addressing high sugar level in the body.

The following are some of the effective ways to limit your sugar intake:

  • Read labels: Always check the sugar content of packaged foods that you buy and choose low-sugar or sugar-free alternatives to reduce your sugar intake.
  • Choose whole foods: Prioritize to buy unprocessed foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains that can naturally lower your sugar consumption.
  • Avoid sugary beverages: Cutting back on sugary drinks like energy drinks, sodas, tea or sweetened coffee can remarkably reduce sugar intake.
  • Choose natural sweeteners: Use natural sweeteners like honey, this can still satisfy a sweet tooth with less added sugar.
  • Cook at home: Preparing snacks and meals at the comfort of your own home allows a better control over the sugar content and ingredients of the food that you want to eat.

By following these strategies, individuals can reduce their sugar intake and help themselves support their overall health.

8 Tips to improve the quality of your sleep

8 Tips to improve the quality of your sleep

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

A quality sleep is referring to both the duration and the depth of sleep that a person experiences daily.

It deals with the ability to fall asleep and remain asleep throughout the night with minimal disturbances, and be able to wake up on bed feeling well-rested and refreshed. A high-quality sleep is known to restore the body and mind, which contributes to overall health, emotional well-being and cognitive function.

Here are 8 tips to help improve your sleep quality:

  1. Stick to a sleep schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. This can help regulate your body clock.
  2. Create a bedtime routine which is relaxing to you: Before bedtime try activities that will help you sleep faster such as reading, taking a warm bath or meditation.
  3. Evaluate your sleep environment: Keep your bedroom conducive to sleep by ensuring that it is quiet, cool and set to dim light.
  4. Limit electronics and caffeinated drinks before bedtime: Reduce screen time before going to bed as the blue light can affect your sleep-wake cycle.
  5. Have a regular exercise: Engage in simple exercises to help you fall asleep faster.
  6. Keep an eye on your diet: Be mindful of what you eat and when you eat. Avoid heavy meals before bedtime.
  7. Mange stress: Reduce stress by doing helpful practices such as deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation to help in calming your mind before bedtime.
  8. If necessary, seek for professional help: If you are struggling consistently with sleep, consulting to a health care professional is a good idea, they can help you rule out any underlying sleep disorders that you might have.

You can improve the quality of your sleep and be able to wake up feeling more alert and refreshed by incorporating these powerful tips.

How to handle difficult patients?

How to handle difficult patients?

Photo by Antoni Shkraba on Pexels

We can define “difficult patients” as individuals who present some challenges in a healthcare setting. These are patients who are confrontational, uncooperative, demanding, non-compliant with the treatment and intervention or manifest dissatisfaction in a way that generate a challenging environment for health care providers. Dealing with these patients requires empathy and careful handling to effectively address their concerns and sustain a professional relationship.

Dealing with difficult patients can put you in a situation wherein you have to really control your emotions and it’s very crucial to approach the situation with professionalism. Below are useful tips to handle difficult patients effectively:

  • Active Listening: Do active listening to understand the concerns and perspective of patients. Allow them to fully express themselves first before you give a response.
  • Empathy: Convey empathy and be able to validate their feelings. Recognize their emotions and show that you understand their point of view.
  • Stay Calm: It’s necessary to remain calm and composed even if you already see that the patient is angry. Your demeanor can influence the patient’s behavior.
  • Set Boundaries: Intelligibly communicate respectful boundaries, and be assertive to enforce it when necessary. This help out in maintaining a professional relationship.
  • Problem-Solving: Work with the patient to look for solutions and address their health concerns. A collaborative way of solving a problem can help to diffuse tension.
  • Seek Support: If you feel saturated by the situation, don’t hang back to seek support from your colleagues or supervisors. Dealing with difficult patients can take a toll, depending on the situation and it’s very important to have a support system by your side.

Note that each patient that you interact with gives an opportunity to cultivate positive thinking and promote health and well-being, both for you and the patient.

Tips to avoid being overwhelmed by busy schedule

Tips to avoid being overwhelmed by busy schedule

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.

Being overwhelmed by a busy schedule is when we feel or experience a sense of extreme stressed, anxiety or inability to cope with the demands of so many tasks and responsibilities at hand. This can show as a feeling of being burdened, having inadequate time to finish everything, and struggling to continue a sense of control and balance in life. It frequently results in emotional and mental strain, and can affect productivity and overall well-being.

Dealing with a busy schedule can be challenging, but there are various strategies to avoid feeling overwhelmed, consider the tips below:

  • Prioritize your tasks: Identify the important and urgent tasks that you have to do and be able to focus on completing them first before those less important ones.
  • Schedule breaks or time out: Give yourself regular breaks for you to rest and recharge, this will help you prevent burnout.
  • Delegate tasks when possible: If you have the opportunity to delegate tasks to others, do it to lighten your workload.
  • Learn to say NO: Be careful on taking additional responsibilities, and don’t be afraid to decline it when necessary.
  • Plan and organize: Utilize tools and calendars, to-do lists, and time-blocking techniques to stay organized and control your time effectively.
  • Seek support: Don’t hesitate to ask for help to anyone such as your family, colleagues, or friends when needed.
  • Take care of yourself: You have to prioritize self-care activities like adequate sleep, exercise and relaxation to maintain your overall health.

Keep in mind and always remember that it’s very necessary to find a balance that works for you, be able to adapt and make the needed adjustments.

The significant role of good sleep in overall health and well-being

The significant role of good sleep in overall health and well-being

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.

A good sleep is a state of rest in which there is a sufficient and high-quality of sleep that is being experience by an individual. A good sleep allows the body to undergo essential processes for mental and physical well-being. It brings a balance of deep and REM (or rapid eye movement) sleep cycles. It typically result in feelings of alertness, refreshment and happy feeling upon waking.

Having a good sleep involves restful environment, adequate duration, and healthy sleep patterns. These all contributes to improved cognitive function, emotional and overall wellness.

A good sleep is necessary for numerous bodily functions which includes the restoration and repair of tissues, consolidation of memories and regulation of hormones. Adequate sleep is linked to better mood and mental health, improved immune system, and lower risk of chronic conditions like diabetes and heart diseases. On the other hand, a chronic sleep deprivation can lead you to high level of stress, impaired cognitive or mental function, and higher chances to illness.

Therefore, we need to prioritize a good quality of sleep because it’s a fundamental way of promoting overall health and wellness.

How to maintain good health during holy week?

How to maintain good health during holy week?

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.

In the christian calendar, holy week is the week that is leading up to Easter Sunday in the christian calendar. It starts with palm Sunday which commemorates Jesus Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It includes Maundy Thursday (commemorating the Last Supper), Good Friday (commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus), and Holy Saturday.

Holy week is a time for us to reflect, pray and observe the events leading up to the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It holds spiritual importance and significant religious for Christians around the world.

Being able to maintain good health during the holy week is essential for observing the season in a meaningful way. Below are some tips to help you stay healthy:

  • Having a balanced diet: Make sure to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and whole grains. Limit processed foods and too much sweets.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day in order to stay hydrated, especially if you’re attending religious services or doing outdoor activities.
  • Moderate exercise: Be able to engage in moderate exercises or physical activity like walking, yoga or stretching to stay active and reduce stress.
  • Rest and relaxation: Ensure that you get adequate rest and relaxation to support your overall health and wellness. Holy week can be a busy time for many of us so taking time for self-care is essential.
  • Mental and spiritual health: Do some meditation, prayer, or reflection to support your spiritual and mental well-being during this sacred time.

If you have any existing health concerns or conditions, be sure to consult with a health care professional. Especially if you’re making any significant changes to your diet or exercise routine.

Ways to manage stress at work

Ways to manage stress at work

Photo by Yan Krukau on Pexels.

Stress is said to be a natural response to situations that are challenging or even threatening. This is a normal part of life that can manifest as physical or emotional tension. However, this can have a negative effects on the overall well-being of a person if it is already excessive or prolonged. There are common stressors which can affect us and these are: work pressure, relationship issues, and life changes that comes along as we progress to life.

Work related stress refers to the emotional, physical and mental strain that an employee experienced as a result of demands and pressures in the workplace. This is brought by various factors like high workload, interpersonal conflicts, tight deadlines, lack of control over the tasks and responsibilities at work. These can largely impact an individual’s performance and well-being.

Below are some of the effective ways on how to manage stress at work:

  • Take regular breaks: Be able to schedule short breaks throughout your work day to recharge and relax. One way to do this is to move away from your work station even just for a few minutes.
  • Prioritize and organize: Prioritize your tasks and make a to do list. You can feel less overwhelmed if you break down your workload into manageable chunks.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises: Take a few minutes to do deep breathing exercises when you are about to feel stressed. This can help to calm your mind and reduce the stress that you feel.
  • Maintain work-life balance: Always make sure to set needed boundaries between your work and personal life. Make sure to offer yourself time for activities that you enjoy outside of your work to help you reduce stress and be able to recharge.
  • Seek support: Don’t be hesitant to ask for help or to reach out to your family, friends, colleagues or a professional if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Dealing and talking about your concerns can provide you with valuable support.
  • Stay organized: Keep your workstation/workspace clean and organized. A clean or clutter-free environment can help create a sense of calm and control.
  • Engage in physical activity: Find time to incorporate physical activity or an exercise into your daily routine. A regular exercise can help improve your mood and reduce the stress that you feel.
  • Set realistic goals: Set realistic expectations and avoid setting unattainable goals for yourself to prevent unnecessary stress.

Remember, it is very important to take control of your health and wellness and implement the above ways on how you can handle or manage stress more effectively at work.

Common health problems of employees in corporate setting

Common health problems of employees in corporate setting

Photo by PhotoMIX Company on Pexels.

A corporate setting is where employees work within a structured environment. Commonly in a corporation or a large organization. The work of employees includes office-based tasks, the management structure is hierarchal, it consist of formal policies and procedures, and focuses on achieving business goals and objectives.

Like any other organization, employees here also encounter health problems and some of the health problems that they encounter are listed as follows:

  • Obesity and sedentary lifestyle: Prolonged sitting and limited physical activity of employees can largely contribute to obesity and other health related issues. So, encouraging employees for regular movement and giving them opportunities for a simple exercise can help combat it.
  • Stress and mental health issues: The high level of pressure in a corporate setting can lead to anxiety, stress and burnout. Employers can help support their employees by offering them stress management resources, mental health awareness programs and a supportive policies.
  • Eye strain and vision problems: Prolonged screen time and improper lighting can be the cause of eye strain and other eye related health problem. Employers can help in alleviating this by promoting regular breaks, adjustable lighting, and benefits like eye care.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders: Sitting for long hours and doing repetitive tasks can lead to musculoskeletal problems such as neck pain, back pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Providing ergonomic workstations, encouraging employees of the proper posture and stretching or any simple exercises can help address these issues.
  • Unhealthy eating habits: Workplace stress and busy schedules can be the caused of poor dietary choices, affecting overall health. Corporate wellness programs are needed to help with this issue. This can include initiatives for healthier eating options, nutrition education, and access to nutritious and fresh foods.

Employers can contribute to a healthier and a more productive employees if they are able to address this health problems immediately.

Important roles of occupational health nurses

Important roles of occupational health nurses

Photo credit to Expect Best on pexels.

There are a lot of jobs that a nurse can do, and a lot of places that they are needed. One of these are the businesses and companies who have large number of employees. They needed nurses to help employees with their health and wellness, that in return will be helpful in terms of employee productivity.

Occupational health nurses play a significant role in maintaining and promoting the health and well-being of the employees within a company. But off course these roles will also based on what the job description that the nurse signed during the job contract signing in that particular company.

Below are several key functions that shows the importance of an occupational health nurse:

  • Health Promotion: It simply means to help people improve the status of their health. Occupational health nurses develop and implement health and wellness promotion initiatives to improve employee well-being and prevent the occurrence of illnesses.
  • Risk Assessment: They perform or conduct thorough assessments of the workplace to identify the health hazards and risks which can potentially occur, and then collaborate it with the management to intervene with it and implement appropriate control measures.
  • Injury Management: In case there are work-related injuries, occupational health nurses can provide prompt care and support.
  • Health Education: They deliver educational programs and trainings on topics such as stress management, ergonomics, and general health and safety practices to empower employees to take control over their own well-being.
  • Compliance: Occupational health nurses ensure that the company complies with health and safety regulations required by the labor department to reduce the risk and legal issues and promote a safe and productive environment.
  • Support for Management: They also provide expert advice and support to management for carrying out health and safety policies, initiatives and procedures.

In summary, occupational health nurses are essential in creating a safe, healthy and productive work environment for employees, and ultimately contribute to the overall sustainability and success of the company or business.

Maintaining harmony; parenthood and nursing career

Maintaining harmony; parenthood and nursing career

Maintaining harmony between parenthood and a nursing career requires one to be effective with time management and good communication.

Are you one of those nurses who are looking for answers on how to manage family life and nursing career together? Well, you’re not alone! Working as a nurse is not that easy especially if at the same time you are also dealing with life as a parent and spouse. In this case, balancing is the key! It will cause you hard times in the aspects of your physical, mental and emotional health if you are not able to come up with ways to balance the situation.

There are ways in maintaining harmony in parenthood and nursing career.

Let’s check this out!

  • Establish clear communication – make sure to discuss responsibilities with your partner like your roles in parenting and household tasks that should be done on a daily basis. Good communication is one of the best solution in every struggling situation. Be open to your husband or wife regarding the things that you cannot do and the things that you can do as well.
  • Make a realistic schedule – create an organized schedule of your work-duties and commitments. Prioritize tasks based on what is most important and what is to be done first.
  • Don’t be ashamed to ask for the support of family, friends, child care services if you need to. Having a trusted support system can help you ease the challenges of working and parenting.
  • Practice self-care – have that time for yourself, such as brisk walking, pampering, eating your favorite food and etc. A well nurtured mind and body equips someone to manage responsibilities better.
  • Be flexible – learn to recognize unexpected events that may occur. Be adaptable to changes in your schedule and be able to communicate it to your partner and employer.
  • Invest in quality time – make the most of your time with your family. Engage in meaningful conversations, happy activities, creating positive environments and putting away distractions.
  • Setting boundaries – create clear boundaries between your life as a parent and life at work. Take your rest days from work as time to focus on yourself and your family. Don’t let work related stresses to interfere with your family bonding.
  • Use time saving strategies – adapt some ways to optimize your time, such as organizing your tasks for the week, meal planning, and using effective time management tools.
  • Negotiate work arrangements – explore some options like having flexible hours, part time work or any work arrangements that you think can suit your situation. Be able to discuss it with your employer.
  • Reevaluate your situation – assess how well your current situation or routine affects your life as a parent or employee. Learn to adjust as necessary as the circumstances change.

Balancing these two important things in your life will make you a happier person, parent, unstressed employee and an effective nurse to your patients.

Ways to protect kids’ health during the holiday season

Ways to protect kids’ health during the holiday season

The holiday season makes us busy in preparing, decorating, cooking, going outside to visit other places, gathering with friends and relatives. These activities are very enjoyable because it makes us happy and forget somehow life’s circumstances that we experienced from time to time.

Many of us will be going to spend time with numerous groups of people, travel to the nearby town or provinces, and go to places that kids will surely enjoy! But be wary that these days could also mean increased exposure to microorganisms like bacteria and viruses that can predispose our kids to develop illnesses.

To help protect children during the holiday season, you can try the following ways to make them healthy.

Protecting the health of kids during the holiday season.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.
  • Consider boosting your child’s immunity with vitamins and minerals to protect him/her from catching illnesses.
  • Choose to prepare and cook healthy meals for your kids like fiber-rich foods to control fats and blood sugar build-ups.
  • Don’t skip meals so that your kids won’t skip them too.
  • Make sure that your child is drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Remind or assist them with their hygiene, such as bathing, brushing their teeth, and using clean clothing.
  • Encourage your child to be active, and spend a few minutes exercising to stay fit and healthy.
  • Help them to avoid stress, by reminding them to be happy, and enjoy simple things that they have.
  • Check if your child is already experiencing too much playtime, tiredness can ruin the immune system. Encourage them to have enough rest and sleep.
  • Watch out for their emotional and mental well-being, too. Manage their expectations, or advise them not to expect too much. Holidays bring so much fun to many of us, and it sometimes brings high expectations like receiving gifts and getting what they want.
  • Get them vaccinated for a flu vaccine, and make sure that their routine vaccination is up to date. It increases their immunity to fight diseases.
  • Remind them to keep their hands clean, especially before eating any food.
  • It’s a good idea to have kids play in an area where there is high ventilation.
  • Make sure they are wearing masks, especially when in a crowd. And remind them to have social distancing, especially from someone with signs and symptoms of an illness, like a cough and cold.

Aside from the health and wellness of our children, let us teach them to spend the holiday season with greatness from above, and let’s all feel the importance of this celebration.

Water camp resort in Kawit Cavite

Water camp resort in Kawit Cavite

Do you feel like you need to recharge from the whole week of too many activities, responsibilities, and tasks? Pressure and stress can generally affect your well-being! But, there are things that you can do to alleviate that feeling, and one of them is to find a place that is nature friendly, a place that has a lively environment to boost your mood, and a place where you can enjoy it with the whole family! Well, you might want to consider water camp resort in Kawit Cavite, Philippines.

Water camp resort in Kawit Cavite, Philippines.
The water camp is located on Magdiwang Highway, Josephine Village, Panamitan, Kawit 4104 Cavite.

The place has numerous pools with slides, a kiddie pool, an adult pool, and a wave pool that are available around the area, plus there are other amenities that you and your kids would enjoy! Yes, water camp is a child-friendly resort and safety is also their priority, there are lifeguards around the area to ensure that guests are out of danger.

The environment is clean and the facility is maintained. We went here a few years ago for a gathering and have been here twice this year (2022) for a birthday celebration last June and we went here last week of November just to unwind and let the kids have some playtime on water.

You can’t get bored in this place because of the upbeat music that is being played! It’s a good way to boost a person’s mood because it relieves stress and bad vibes.

What to do in water camp?

  • Enjoy swimming with your loved ones!
  • Try their wave pool and slides.
  • Walk around the area.
  • Enjoy cooking or grilling your food.
  • Participate in their free Zumba session.
  • Relax and feel the natural sound of falling water.
  • Take pictures for remembrance!
  • Socialize with other people.
  • You can also stay here overnight and choose from standard, deluxe, or higher room rates that they offer to their guests.

Water camp resort is a nice place to visit if you want to relax and at the same time feel the vibes of nature. We went here many times already and we choose to go back once in a while because of the good experienced we felt each time we visit.