Priceless happiness we can get from nature

Priceless happiness we can get from nature

Happiness is a feeling of satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment about a thing, situation, and place. It may have different definitions, but it’s often described as involving positive emotions.

One thing that can make us feel happy and recharge is when we spend time with nature!

Connecting with nature can offer countless wonders for our well-being. Exposure to it will not only make us feel better from within but also contributes to our physical well-being. It helps to regulate our blood pressure and heart rate. It also helps us to combat stress and mood disorders. According to research, people who are spending more time with nature are usually happier in life, and they are more likely to feel that their lives are worth it. Nature can generate positive emotions and thoughts, such as being calm, joyful, creative, and being able to concentrate better in life.

Below are lovely views that I captured during our holiday visit to one of my family’s favorite places, Baguio City!

Exploring the beautiful nature of Baguio City Philippines.
This pretty man-made tree house is a fantastic reminder that life is something worth exploring.
You can reach the treehouse and be able to see the breathtaking view on top by using the stairs. In life, there is no such thing as easy. We have to try being brave enough in stepping at each level that comes our way, even though it’s scary!

Whenever I go out and spend a few minutes of my time with nature, I usually take photos and keep them. And when I go home, I take a look at it and there’s something that makes me fulfilled. Being able to capture it myself makes me happy to see those beautiful arts of nature!

This is a long, nice, and clean road. It’s a reminder of what we should aim for in life. Long life, pleasant attitude, and clean heart.
The calming view of this mountain is a great way to freshen up our bodies after long hours of travel.
These tall pine trees are very helpful in the environment of Baguio City as it gives shade, helps purify the air, and hold the soil to avoid erosion during the rainy season.

The cotton-looking clouds that embrace the sky give comfort to people who stare at it. They provide spectacular formations that help us to feel the surrounding magic.

If you’re searching for a wonderful place to spend with your family, choose a place where you can unwind together with nature. And you can consider Baguio City. The natural healing effect of nature is very beneficial to our wellness.