Dangers of putting too much pressure on children

Dangers of putting too much pressure on children

Some parents want their child or children to achieve the best that they can be. This isn’t bad if accompanied by proper guidance and by means of not pressuring the child too much in achieving something. Because too much pressure that parents give on their children can also put too much pressure on their child’s performance. Unknowingly that putting too much pressure can have serious consequences for their child’s welfare too.

The dangers of putting too much pressure on children, and the negative consequences of it.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Some parents have this thinking that putting pressure on their children will lead to their children’s success. This is caused by their intense desire for a successful future. The sad thing is that there are parents who are trying to fulfill their dreams which they strived for once in their life, that they pass through their children.

Parents who are focusing too much on the academic performance and extracurricular activities of their child are limiting the importance of other skills that a child can achieve on their own. Constant pressure on children can be harmful and there are negative effects that a child might experience later on in their life.

Below are some dangers of putting too much pressure on children:

1. Higher rates of experiencing the mental related condition.

  • Children who are under constant pressure also experience constant anxiety. The countless stress that they feel places them at higher risk of depression, mood or behavioral problems, and other mental health conditions.

2. Higher risk for injuries

  • Children who are pressured to do well in physical activities for example sports might choose to continue participating despite an injury. Continuing the sport with unhealed injury could lead to further problems or permanent damage.
  • The same is true with children who are pressured to study well for an exam and might choose to read for long hours without rest. This may lead to eye strain. Eye strain is defined as a common condition that occurs to an individual when his/her eyes get tired from intense use.

3. They might involve themselves in cheating

  • They are likely to cheat if you are pressuring them to focus on what they should achieve rather than what they should learn. Because they feel like they are obliged to do well or perform well, and that they might think that they will disappoint you or that they will receive a punishment for not doing well.

4. They refuse to join or participate in a competition

  • When your child believes that they should always be the best, they will not likely participate in a competition. It’s because they feel like they won’t win or shine at that moment. This brings problems to children as they won’t take chances to improve their skills. They won’t take the chance to enjoy themselves with other children of their age.

5. Damaging their self-confidence

  • Pressuring your children to make their best can be harmful in developing their self-confidence. The stress that they feel to perform well could interfere with building their identity, it will lead them to feel or think that they aren’t good enough.

6. Poor nutrition

  • Pressuring can also affect a child’s nutrition because they might tend to skip or be in a hurry to finish their meals just to spend additional time studying.

7. Depriving themselves of proper sleep and rest pattern

  • Children who are always pressured to do well might stay up late because of too much studying or practicing, this leads them to struggle in getting enough sleep and rest that children of their age needs.

Motivation takes the child to concentrate or focus on his/her journey to success. On the other hand, too much pressure makes the child sacrifice their play and join some recreational activities or entertainment because they want to spend more hours learning. This is immense stress which affects the child’s normal mental development. The emotional adjustment that a child is experiencing at a very young age may result in problems like that of interpersonal relationships with parents.

If proper guidance is given rather than too much pressure then the child is more likely to embrace success.

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