10 effective ways to overcome a bad mood!

10 effective ways to overcome a bad mood!

A bad mood is an unpleasant feeling that we experience from time to time. This is due to numerous circumstances that are happening within ourselves and around us.

Effective ways to overcome a bad mood.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

We can’t avoid having a bad mood sometimes due to a lot of triggers around us!

Our body hormones, our personality and that of others, how we respond to other people and how they respond to us, the environment where we are at the moment, underlying illnesses like simple headaches, colds or body aches, situational stressors, poor sleeping pattern, tiredness or work-related problems, etc.

There are times wherein we can’t control how we respond to those factors and sometimes our immediate action is to feel sad, cry, get angry, and feel frustrated all day long. But we have to do some ways to conquer it and regain a positive mood so that we can avoid further problems that may occur. The negative feelings that we are experiencing will give a negative view in life and will produce as well a negative effect on our behavior, how we make decisions, how we deal with the present situation, or how we get along with other people.

There are ways that you can turn that bad mood into a happier mood:

Below are natural ways to overcome that bad mood that you are experiencing!

  1. Physical touch just like kisses, hugs, or cuddles can release hormones that help us to improve our mood. Whenever we touch, cuddle, hug, or hold the hands of someone dear to us, our bodies release hormones that make us feel better. Once the hormones are released into our bodies we experience the feeling of happiness, calmness, and low levels of stress and depression.
  2. Give a smile or laugh even if you don’t like to. Laughing or smiling seems awkward when you’re not in the mood, but these simple actions can help us recover faster from the bad moods and stress that we feel. Forcing a smile can still boost our mood and increase our happiness level.
  3. Always remind yourself how lucky you are because you are living in this world. Gratitude is linked to greater happiness and life satisfaction. Gratitude helps you to feel more positive vibes and energy, it gives you great emotions, and better experiences, helps you to deal with challenges, and build strong relationships with others.
  4. Go outside, the natural glow of nature helps you feel better. Going outside, walking around, sitting below a tree, or just staring at the flowers, leaves, or cloud formation helps you to reduce the feeling of anxiety, sadness, anger, fear, and stress. Spending time with nature will not only make you feel better mentally and emotionally, but it also contributes to your physical well-being as well. It helps in regulating blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension, and limits the production of stress hormones in your body.
  5. Move your body, and do some physical activities. Perform a light exercise, dance with your favorite upbeat song, sing your favorite song, walk, or jump! Physical activities that you perform daily can help to uplift your mood.
  6. Take a warm shower or bath! Bathing has been linked to improved mental wellness. It’s because taking a warm shower or bath can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Your body’s reaction to the warm water relaxes your muscles and improves your mood.
  7. Loosen what burdens you, choose positivity! Think and feel positive emotions. Thinking and feeling positive emotions help to broaden our self-awareness, helping us to see more ways to solve problems or challenges. Studies show that people feel and can do their best when they have at least three times as many positive emotions.
  8. Treat yourself to simple things that you don’t usually do. Like going to the salon, having a foot spa, eating your favorite food, etc. Self-love or giving attention to yourself can improve your mood. It helps with your overall outlook in life.
  9. Be kind to everyone and especially to yourself. Kindness has been shown to boost self-confidence, and improve mood, compassion, and empathy. It can decrease high blood pressure and stress level.
  10. Be creative or do something that you love or enjoy. Creativity and productivity help to fight anxiety because they activate the parts of your brain that process your emotions. For example, gardening, doing art, decluttering, baking, or cooking helps to calm brain activity and allows the individual to feel a sense of emotional and mental harmony.

Our health is more important than our pride, it is more important than satisfying our bad moods! So, choose to change that bad feeling.