Tips to avoid being overwhelmed by busy schedule

Tips to avoid being overwhelmed by busy schedule

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.

Being overwhelmed by a busy schedule is when we feel or experience a sense of extreme stressed, anxiety or inability to cope with the demands of so many tasks and responsibilities at hand. This can show as a feeling of being burdened, having inadequate time to finish everything, and struggling to continue a sense of control and balance in life. It frequently results in emotional and mental strain, and can affect productivity and overall well-being.

Dealing with a busy schedule can be challenging, but there are various strategies to avoid feeling overwhelmed, consider the tips below:

  • Prioritize your tasks: Identify the important and urgent tasks that you have to do and be able to focus on completing them first before those less important ones.
  • Schedule breaks or time out: Give yourself regular breaks for you to rest and recharge, this will help you prevent burnout.
  • Delegate tasks when possible: If you have the opportunity to delegate tasks to others, do it to lighten your workload.
  • Learn to say NO: Be careful on taking additional responsibilities, and don’t be afraid to decline it when necessary.
  • Plan and organize: Utilize tools and calendars, to-do lists, and time-blocking techniques to stay organized and control your time effectively.
  • Seek support: Don’t hesitate to ask for help to anyone such as your family, colleagues, or friends when needed.
  • Take care of yourself: You have to prioritize self-care activities like adequate sleep, exercise and relaxation to maintain your overall health.

Keep in mind and always remember that it’s very necessary to find a balance that works for you, be able to adapt and make the needed adjustments.

Ways to manage stress at work

Ways to manage stress at work

Photo by Yan Krukau on Pexels.

Stress is said to be a natural response to situations that are challenging or even threatening. This is a normal part of life that can manifest as physical or emotional tension. However, this can have a negative effects on the overall well-being of a person if it is already excessive or prolonged. There are common stressors which can affect us and these are: work pressure, relationship issues, and life changes that comes along as we progress to life.

Work related stress refers to the emotional, physical and mental strain that an employee experienced as a result of demands and pressures in the workplace. This is brought by various factors like high workload, interpersonal conflicts, tight deadlines, lack of control over the tasks and responsibilities at work. These can largely impact an individual’s performance and well-being.

Below are some of the effective ways on how to manage stress at work:

  • Take regular breaks: Be able to schedule short breaks throughout your work day to recharge and relax. One way to do this is to move away from your work station even just for a few minutes.
  • Prioritize and organize: Prioritize your tasks and make a to do list. You can feel less overwhelmed if you break down your workload into manageable chunks.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises: Take a few minutes to do deep breathing exercises when you are about to feel stressed. This can help to calm your mind and reduce the stress that you feel.
  • Maintain work-life balance: Always make sure to set needed boundaries between your work and personal life. Make sure to offer yourself time for activities that you enjoy outside of your work to help you reduce stress and be able to recharge.
  • Seek support: Don’t be hesitant to ask for help or to reach out to your family, friends, colleagues or a professional if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Dealing and talking about your concerns can provide you with valuable support.
  • Stay organized: Keep your workstation/workspace clean and organized. A clean or clutter-free environment can help create a sense of calm and control.
  • Engage in physical activity: Find time to incorporate physical activity or an exercise into your daily routine. A regular exercise can help improve your mood and reduce the stress that you feel.
  • Set realistic goals: Set realistic expectations and avoid setting unattainable goals for yourself to prevent unnecessary stress.

Remember, it is very important to take control of your health and wellness and implement the above ways on how you can handle or manage stress more effectively at work.

Maintaining harmony; parenthood and nursing career

Maintaining harmony; parenthood and nursing career

Maintaining harmony between parenthood and a nursing career requires one to be effective with time management and good communication.

Are you one of those nurses who are looking for answers on how to manage family life and nursing career together? Well, you’re not alone! Working as a nurse is not that easy especially if at the same time you are also dealing with life as a parent and spouse. In this case, balancing is the key! It will cause you hard times in the aspects of your physical, mental and emotional health if you are not able to come up with ways to balance the situation.

There are ways in maintaining harmony in parenthood and nursing career.

Let’s check this out!

  • Establish clear communication – make sure to discuss responsibilities with your partner like your roles in parenting and household tasks that should be done on a daily basis. Good communication is one of the best solution in every struggling situation. Be open to your husband or wife regarding the things that you cannot do and the things that you can do as well.
  • Make a realistic schedule – create an organized schedule of your work-duties and commitments. Prioritize tasks based on what is most important and what is to be done first.
  • Don’t be ashamed to ask for the support of family, friends, child care services if you need to. Having a trusted support system can help you ease the challenges of working and parenting.
  • Practice self-care – have that time for yourself, such as brisk walking, pampering, eating your favorite food and etc. A well nurtured mind and body equips someone to manage responsibilities better.
  • Be flexible – learn to recognize unexpected events that may occur. Be adaptable to changes in your schedule and be able to communicate it to your partner and employer.
  • Invest in quality time – make the most of your time with your family. Engage in meaningful conversations, happy activities, creating positive environments and putting away distractions.
  • Setting boundaries – create clear boundaries between your life as a parent and life at work. Take your rest days from work as time to focus on yourself and your family. Don’t let work related stresses to interfere with your family bonding.
  • Use time saving strategies – adapt some ways to optimize your time, such as organizing your tasks for the week, meal planning, and using effective time management tools.
  • Negotiate work arrangements – explore some options like having flexible hours, part time work or any work arrangements that you think can suit your situation. Be able to discuss it with your employer.
  • Reevaluate your situation – assess how well your current situation or routine affects your life as a parent or employee. Learn to adjust as necessary as the circumstances change.

Balancing these two important things in your life will make you a happier person, parent, unstressed employee and an effective nurse to your patients.