Maintaining harmony; parenthood and nursing career

Maintaining harmony; parenthood and nursing career

Maintaining harmony between parenthood and a nursing career requires one to be effective with time management and good communication.

Are you one of those nurses who are looking for answers on how to manage family life and nursing career together? Well, you’re not alone! Working as a nurse is not that easy especially if at the same time you are also dealing with life as a parent and spouse. In this case, balancing is the key! It will cause you hard times in the aspects of your physical, mental and emotional health if you are not able to come up with ways to balance the situation.

There are ways in maintaining harmony in parenthood and nursing career.

Let’s check this out!

  • Establish clear communication – make sure to discuss responsibilities with your partner like your roles in parenting and household tasks that should be done on a daily basis. Good communication is one of the best solution in every struggling situation. Be open to your husband or wife regarding the things that you cannot do and the things that you can do as well.
  • Make a realistic schedule – create an organized schedule of your work-duties and commitments. Prioritize tasks based on what is most important and what is to be done first.
  • Don’t be ashamed to ask for the support of family, friends, child care services if you need to. Having a trusted support system can help you ease the challenges of working and parenting.
  • Practice self-care – have that time for yourself, such as brisk walking, pampering, eating your favorite food and etc. A well nurtured mind and body equips someone to manage responsibilities better.
  • Be flexible – learn to recognize unexpected events that may occur. Be adaptable to changes in your schedule and be able to communicate it to your partner and employer.
  • Invest in quality time – make the most of your time with your family. Engage in meaningful conversations, happy activities, creating positive environments and putting away distractions.
  • Setting boundaries – create clear boundaries between your life as a parent and life at work. Take your rest days from work as time to focus on yourself and your family. Don’t let work related stresses to interfere with your family bonding.
  • Use time saving strategies – adapt some ways to optimize your time, such as organizing your tasks for the week, meal planning, and using effective time management tools.
  • Negotiate work arrangements – explore some options like having flexible hours, part time work or any work arrangements that you think can suit your situation. Be able to discuss it with your employer.
  • Reevaluate your situation – assess how well your current situation or routine affects your life as a parent or employee. Learn to adjust as necessary as the circumstances change.

Balancing these two important things in your life will make you a happier person, parent, unstressed employee and an effective nurse to your patients.

What is mommy burnout and how to deal with it?

What is mommy burnout and how to deal with it?

This post will help mommies to better understand what is mommy burnout, what’s going through them, the symptoms of mom burnout, and how to deal with it.

Mommy burnout is the feeling that makes a mom feel exhausted from the chronic stress of parenting or running the house on a daily basis.

Just like the burnout that employees went through with the high demands of work that they experience at their jobs. Moms also experience this scenario in their lives due to the daily activities that they also have to perform. Such as looking after their children, assisting the children in school activities, serving the whole family from morning to evening, doing household chores, organizing and managing the house, and so on. And what is left for them?

Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Sometimes they even don’t have the time to do their endeavors in life. Sometimes people even think that they are just acting out. Misjudging them from what they feel and what they do at home. There are also times that they can no longer do some self-care activities due to the overwhelming tasks that they need to make.

Both working and stay-at-home moms are experiencing mom burnout symptoms from time to time. And this isn’t something that moms and family members have to ignore because it adds up and might lead to other problems if left unmanaged. Moms experiencing burnout often show disengagement, feeling inefficient or useless in raising their children, feeling ineffective, losing the confidence to socialize, they feel intimidated to perform their personal and professional duties and may act outside of their true personalities. Like being angry at small things and losing patience easily compared to normal days. And they sometimes think of spacing themselves among their children.

Mommies are great human beings and needs also your attention, love, and care.

General symptoms of mommy burnout that you should watch out for:

If there are numerous symptoms you already identified to yourself as a mom or to other moms you know, you should ask for help earlier to implement the needed intervention.

  • Being exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically.
  • Being irritated, they easily loss temper.
  • They feel disconnected from the present situation.
  • They show guilt about their parenting style. They feel like they are inadequate.
  • They feel anxious, and preoccupied with approaching events.
  • Their attitude isn’t matching with the present situation.
  • They feel incapacitated in raising their children.
  • They indulge in fantasies like detaching themselves from reality.
  • Having an intense feeling of being not good enough.
  • Thoughts that their children deserve someone better.
  • Disconnection from spouse or inability to maintain a good relationship.
  • Unable to ask for help or support.

What to do with Mom Burnout:

  • Understanding your risk factors are important to help you to be aware of everything.
  • Avoid comparing yourself. Remember that other moms have their ups and downs as well. And it’s up to you how you will face each challenge.
  • Do journaling to better track your mood, and see whether you already need some time to replenish your mental health.
  • Offer yourself time alone. You need to spend some time alone each day to give yourself the love it deserves. The person who will love you without a doubt (you). Do a simple self-care activity that will boost your self-esteem.
  • Choose to be a mindful parent. It’s ok to make some mistakes, accept it as this will help you grow as a parent. No one is perfect and everyone passes through all the tough times of parenting.
  • Talk to someone who can relate to you. Talking to a mom that knows what you are going through can be a good help in understanding what you feel, this can give you comfort and relief from stress.
  • Do some physical activities. Moving around just like brisk walking can help to relieve your stress level and uplift your mood.
  • Have enough rest and sleep to recharge you.
  • Do things one at a time. Plan your day always, prioritize what should come first, and divide tasks from simpler to complex.
  • Engage in a group that can help you unleash your capabilities. Connecting with like-minded people can help you grow as a person.
  • Accept your imperfections as a parent. It’s ok if you can’t do it all. Be kind to yourself.
  • Grow spiritually and always make sure that your values are set as a good example and are aligned with what you want your children to follow.

Mom burnout is something that needs our intervention. If you believe that you have a lot of symptoms already, then you should take the necessary action to pass through it. You can do a lot of things to go on in life. Live simply, don’t stress out everything, and live one day at a time. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help if you feel like you need it the most.

A virtual hug to all of you amazing moms!

Ways in managing the house efficiently

Ways in managing the house efficiently

This post will help parents, especially mothers who are often considered the homemaker of the house. Well, at some point some fathers are the ones doing it instead of a mother because of some reason. And it’s a lucky home if the mother and father are collaborating in managing the house even how busy the other person is.

Home management is necessary to achieve a stress-free environment and to avoid an overwhelmed feeling when it comes to doing daily activities.

Managing the house can be stressful if we aren’t confident in what we are doing.

Managing the house efficiently.

Home activities like deciding what to cook, what to buy, how to take care of the kids, how to fix the things, how to clean the house, and how to make it as homey as it should be, are just a few of the activities that we usually do at home.

If we are confident about the things that we should be doing there could be greater happiness instead of a toxic life.

So, how can we efficiently manage the house?

Below are the things that will help you to figure out your unique style of home management.

  • Love what you are doing. One thing that makes motherhood or fatherhood difficult is that we don’t fully love what we are doing. We felt like it was a big responsibility that was taking us away from ourselves, our personal goals, and things that we want to do or pursue. Unloving what we are doing at home predisposes us to a stressful life, difficulty in managing the house, and problems concerning how we get along with other members of the family. Likewise, loving what we are doing helps us to avoid stress and boredom. And makes us realize that making the house a happy home is what we have to set as one of our goals.
  • Enjoy the tasks. You have to enjoy the tasks because it’s a daily responsibility that you have to accomplish. You can’t say no, you can’t say I don’t like it because it’s a part of our roles as parents. Providing clean clothes to wear, serving food every meal, providing a clean and safe environment, playing with the kids, etc. are just a few of the tasks that we have to do to be able to have a manageable home.
  • Be happy! Your kids and other members of the family absorb happiness from you. As mothers or fathers of the house, our kids will be happier if they see us smile or laugh. And it will greatly help in eliminating stress and confusion on how to make everything as it should be.
  • Commit to time management. Be committed to managing your time. Wake up early, fix the bed, and do the tasks appropriately. Sometimes committing to time management is difficult if we are already comfortable with the things that we used to do, like sleeping late, waking up late, doing chores later, etc. Find ways to combat it like following your alarm clock and your daily planner. Doing it daily will gonna change your habits and make you more productive each day.
  • Plan your day using a planner. Planning your day or week is important so that you can divide your time and make use of it wisely. It helps you to do everything that you should do on a specific day of the week. Be sure to write first all the important activities that you have to finish and then next would be the least important things. This can help you to improve your time management and do the tasks with ease.
  • One task at a time. Completing one task at a time will help you with organizing your activity well. Multi-tasking is good but sometimes it also brings confusion especially if you are quite forgetful, or if you are a nervous person. Identify tasks that you have to do daily, weekly, or monthly and perform those tasks in their desired schedule so as not to feel overwhelmed by loaded activities at once.
  • Simplify everything, we have to simplify our life to make the best out of our day and be able to go to bed at night with a happy and peaceful mind so that we can be ready for another day filled with uncertain things.
  • Trust yourself, it’s ok to listen to other people’s opinions or suggestions, but the decision should only come from yourself. Trusting yourself and doing what you believe is right on how you run the house is none of their business. You create your own rules that could greatly help you in achieving a well-managed house that will bring you joy instead of misery.

Managing the house takes a lot of effort, patience, and love.

You have to be dedicated enough to make all things possible. And you should make a home management system that is conducive for you to follow and that will relieve any unwanted feelings.

How to boost your confidence as a mom?

How to boost your confidence as a mom?

This post will help you gain confidence on how to manage the house, how to relate with family and other people, and how to face personal endeavors in life.

Ways to boost your confidence as a mom.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Being a good mom is a choice that we have to choose each day. To be able to put our children’s happiness and well-being ahead of our own is truly a mighty thing! To be able to teach our children the right one and do the right thing is fulfilling. Even when there are times that we’re not that sure what the right thing is. We choose to do it, we choose to give it, we choose to show it, for us to be able to embody that supermom image that our children see us.

We have to be strong and we have to be a good example through their eyes. Forgiving ourselves over and over again when we’ve done wrong, when we’ve forgotten to accomplish little tasks, and when we became anxious about the things that we can’t decide properly allows us to realize that there is always room for adjustment, for maturity and improvement.

Being a mom isn’t about being perfect, being the most beautiful, or smart. It’s about having the right amount of everything, most importantly: love, kindness, patience, and compassion.

Whether you are a working mom or a stay-at-home mom. We all need to build our self-confidence to deal with our daily lives.

Being a mom isn’t that easy, because we have to weigh and balance everything to achieve a stress-free life. Yes, we can’t avoid being stressed sometimes due to the things that we have to manage at home, relationships with our loved ones and other people that we need to handle, and facing our endeavors could also mean taking time to understand ourselves more. But we can manage everything if we are confident in tackling each situation even how hard or impossible it may be.

Managing the house

Managing the house can be stressful if we aren’t confident in what we are doing. From deciding what to cook, what to buy, how to take care of the kids, how to fix the things, how to clean the house, and how to make it as homey as it should be! If we are confident about the things that we should be doing there could be greater happiness instead of a toxic life.

How can we boost our confidence in managing the house?

  • Love what you are doing
  • Enjoy the tasks
  • Be happy
  • Commit to time management
  • Plan your day
  • One task at a time
  • Simplify everything
  • Trust yourself

Relationship with our family

Our relationship with our family could also suffer if we aren’t confident about how to handle them. As the mother of the house, we are the ones who are most affected if some members of the family aren’t on good terms. We have to know some ways to fix it right away. And be able to bring back a harmonious home environment.

How can we boost our confidence in dealing with our family?

  • Know your role, and know their roles.
  • Implement the right action.
  • Be firm if you believe you’re doing the right thing.
  • Understand each family member’s personality.
  • Always be fair
  • Make the house happy.
  • Include the family in making important decisions.

The way we relate to other people

We can’t control how people might think about us. But we can control ourselves not to get affected by them. People would always have a say on how we look, how we raise our children, how we make decisions etc. And it’s something that may drag our confidence down. If we know how to handle those things we won’t lose our confidence.

How can we boost our confidence with the way we relate to other people?

  • You don’t have to prove yourself to anybody else.
  • Just continue what you believe can benefit you and your family.
  • Smile and show kindness even to those people who hated you.
  • Talk to people at eye level.
  • Never look down on yourself.
  • Show what you’ve got!
  • Share your opinions, and give your comments or suggestions.

Facing our endeavors

We are unique human beings, we have personal goals and dreams in life. Whether you are a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, you have other things which you wanted to achieve. And it takes ample confidence for you to grab it.

How can we boost our confidence in facing our endeavors?

  • Don’t give up on your dream.
  • There’s always a time for everything.
  • Listen to your gut, sometimes our body gives us a strong feeling about what decision we should take, and it’s not a wrong thing to consider.
  • Be a lifelong learner, read more.
  • Love and trust yourself.
  • Focus and find ways to develop yourself.

To all mothers out there remember that you are an important creation in this world. Embrace the magic of motherhood! Enjoy every bit of it, and you’ll see that everything is beautiful!

The priceless moment of being a parent!

The priceless moment of being a parent!

A parent's priceless moment.

It was 9:00 am that morning when I wrote this post. But it looks too early to get up! My kids are still on the bed sleeping at that time. They were maybe tired from yesterday’s fun activities and games! While sitting at the table next to them, they captured my attention, and little by little stopped my pen to write the article I supposedly writing.

Staring at their faces while they are sleeping was so calming and peaceful. It brings me a priceless moment that I enjoyed!

It makes me miss them so much. During the day, when they are at their active hours, I sometimes uttered these phrases! Please minimize your noise, please fix your toys, please listen and cooperate with mom! But then suddenly I realized that it’s their freedom, it’s their moment to be a child, to explore things, to express themselves, and it’s their time to utilize their childhood stage.

To all parents, let’s just enjoy being parents and let’s allow them to enjoy their childhood too!

Let us make it easy for them, and let us make it easy for us as well. Soon they will grow up and things wouldn’t be the same anymore! Those cluttered toys. Those noises and childish attitudes will soon change. This will make us miss them so much when we are sitting on that rocking chair with our significant other, holding hands and reminiscing the yesterdays of our lives.

Time flies so fast, and as that happens things also won’t stay the same. A few years or decades from now, they would have their own family and life apart from us. They will stay in their houses, go or work to other places and will fulfill their dreams in life through their decisions.

But what will stay in our memories, mind and hearts are the experiences we encountered and enjoyed with them. How we treat them well, how we help them with their growth and development. How we play and enjoy every activity with them, and how we instill the appropriate values they need as they grow and become good human beings, will ever be as good as wealth!

A mother’s endless love

A mother’s endless love

We really can’t explain a true mother’s love, until we experienced it by ourselves. Everything changes, our goals, and dreams aren’t just ours anymore! A selfless mother is a woman who can sacrifice, she is willing to give up her personal dreams just to see her child/children rise and shine! She can give you a lot of care and affection, starting when you were young, until you’ll become an adult and a parent too. She will always be there to guide and make it sure to direct your way whenever you needed it. That’s why in return you should respect her, love and take good care of her too.

An endless love of a mother
Image source: Photo library, provided by Pexels

Forgive her whenever she got angry, forgive her if she’s in a bad mood, if she scolds you, and forgive her for not being the ideal mom you ever wish her to be.

She is a mother who will always believe in you, she may not be perfect, she makes mistakes, she forgets things, she loses temper, and some days aren’t just good enough! But trust me, she loves you very much! Understand her because she has many things to do, and to think about also, aside from taking care of you and the household.

Image source: Photo library, provided by Pexels

A mother’s love is different from one mom to the other, but most moms can turn their attention and affection to their children, and making them away from life’s interests, hobbies, material things etc. Which sometimes some people can’t understand why. It’s a sacrificial love, it’s something beyond compare, and it’s something that out of the so-called unconditional love.

Image source: Photo library, provided by Pexels

Time flies so fast! Fulfill your mom’s heart too, similar to how she fulfills yours. Give her time and honor the love and sacrifices that she had given you, whoever she is! She is a great mom.

Being a good mom is learning about the things, strengths, and capabilities which you didn’t realize you can, and dealing with fearful things which you didn’t know you could overcome!

A happy wife makes a happy home

A happy wife makes a happy home

What makes a happy wife and happy home?

What is a happy wife make a happy home mean? Included in this post are some helpful tips for moms to better deal with and feel good with daily life at home.

Most women stay at home not because they are too lazy to get into a job or to make money, but because they choose to take care and manage the household, they choose to do this because they want to do the task of raising their children and seeing every step their children would take, some mother would even sacrifice their dreams and aspirations just to make a happy home, that’s why making her happy also is an ideal thing that a husband and her children must do. Staying at home depends on the situation, meaning the decision must both be agreed upon by the wife and the husband.

I remember a short conversation with our neighbor before, she said, staying at home is very fulfilling but sometimes stressful. It brings happiness because you’ve got to take care of your children. You are the one preparing their meals and their uniforms when they go to school. You have a lot of bonding moments together with the whole family, but it’s not all the time that I feel good, she said. Sometimes stress would attack me also because there are many chores to do. Countless things need my attention. From managing the house, keeping the house clean, going to the grocery or market, storing up food, cooking, etc. Furthermore, if there are problems at home, you’ve got to absorb it all.

She is a cheerful person and every time I see her, she manages to always have a pretty smile on her face. I told her, even though you are experiencing all of those, it’s good to see that you are smiling as if you don’t feel stressed at all. She answered, yes because I would not allow myself to be defeated by stress and any problem, if I will turn out to be stressed and problematic the household will be lonely and will look miserable too”. I also want to experience an outside life, but I chose to stay at home because it’s fulfilling on my part to do all of this for my family, she added.

She is right because when the mother is lonely, the whole household will be affected also, and as a mother, you have to be happy for what you are doing because you are serving your family. There will be times wherein you will feel boredom, stress, and problems but make sure to never be taken away by all of these.

Here are some helpful tips to make you feel good every day, mommies!

  • Do not stress yourself to do things or chores which you can’t finish, ask your family members to help you if possible.
  • Sit and eat something which will boost your energy and mood.
  • Have enough rest and sleep and avoid worrying.
  • Cheer up to feel better when you are tired and do something for yourself that could make you happy.
  • Meditate or do some yoga, brisk walking, and deep breathing exercises, “inhale happiness and exhale negativities”.
  • Try using things that can help with your chores at home.
  • Seek help if you are experiencing a problem.
  • Offer yourself a time to be alone, ten minutes of self-recharging could lift your mood.
  • Get dressed, do personal hygiene and be beautiful, it helps to bring a positive aura to your look.
The difference between Cesarean and Normal delivery

The difference between Cesarean and Normal delivery

A mother is a woman, who have the ability to bring life here on Earth. She is willing to give love, and offer sacrifices just to make her children happy and safe. That’s why it’s significant that we also have to be aware of what she had been through so that we could appreciate her even more. A mother delivers a baby by cesarean or vaginal delivery. Below are the difference between the two.

Newborn delivery
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels

According to medical books:

A cesarean delivery is a surgical operation done to deliver a child, by cutting through the wall of the mother’s abdomen, instead of delivering via the vaginal canal. It is classified as a major type of operation.

Two types of incisions:

1. Classical or vertical incision
2. Bikini or horizontal incision

Why do you need a cesarean procedure?

  • You have premature rupture of membranes. Your bag of water broke too early.
  • Your labor isn’t progressing or your cervix isn’t opening, despite strong contractions over several hours.
  • The baby is not in good position. The good position must be cephalic, meaning the baby’s head is facing the vaginal canal. When the baby’s feet are the positioned in the vaginal canal, termed as breech position, the doctor will recommend C-section.
  • The baby’s fetal heart rate is not normal, the beats are too fast or too slow. The doctor monitors it and offer such an option for the baby’s safety.
  • There is a problem with your placenta. If the placenta is too low and already covers the birth canal.
  • If you are carrying multiple babies, like twins, triplets, or quadruplets.
  • Prolapsed umbilical cord or cord coil, the umbilical cord surrounds the baby’s neck or body.
  • You are experiencing health concerns such as a heart or brain condition and issues with breathing.
  • It is also recommended if you have an active genital herpes, HIV and any other vaginal infection at the time of labor.
  • You’re experiencing mechanical obstruction. Have a cyst or tumor obstructing the vaginal birth canal.
  • The baby’s head is too big or experiencing hydrocephalus.
  • You had a previous cesarean section.

What should you expect?

  • You might stay in the hospital for three to four days or longer if you or your baby have complications.
  • The healing time of your body is about four to six weeks. Maybe longer or shorter, depending on your body’s healing process.

At home, you have to:

  • Take enough rest and sleep.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects that are heavier than your baby.
  • Eat nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables. These food sources contain healing properties.
  • Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water.
  • Do brisk walking as your form of exercise.
  • Bond with your newborn, cuddle and breastfeed him/her while maintaining eye contact while singing a lullaby song!

What about normal delivery?

Normal or vaginal delivery is the birth of the baby through the vagina. It is the natural method of delivering a baby. The hospital stay for a normal vaginal delivery is about three to four days. It may extend if there are any complications to the mother or the baby.

A mother who delivered a baby with this type experienced a labor. That is defined as the process by which the fetus and the placenta are ready to deliver. Usually, it causes discomfort or pain in your back and lower abdomen, along with pressure in the pelvis. Some mother says it’s like having a painful/stronger cramps in the pelvic area.

Three stages of labor:

1. The shortening and opening of the cervix.
2. Descent and birth of the baby
3. Delivery of the placenta

Who are eligible for this type of delivery?

  • Those who are expecting to deliver only one baby.
  • The baby is in cephalic position, meaning the head is facing the birth canal.
  • The mother and the baby are both healthy.

Compared to cesarean moms, the healing period is shorter.

At home, you have to:

  • Take enough rest and sleep.
  • Avoid doing activities like lifting heavy objects.
  • Eat nutritious foods, like fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Brisk walking as your exercise.
  • Bond with your newborn.
  • Cuddle and breastfeed the baby while maintaining eye contact while singing your favorite lullaby song.