A good start to do better!

A good start to do better!

Good start

Some of us might be driven or controlled by many challenges, problems, and deadlines to do something. Too much pressure, worries, fear, anxiety and other negativities. Which sometimes we thought as a motivation, as a way we can improve, cope in life and develop, but we should not consider it just like that. Our life’s motivation should be good, should be positive, should make us feel better and must be something which would not ruin our mental and emotional health.

Do not spend your life thinking about your regrets in life. Thinking of material things that you didn’t achieve, and waiting for the approval from other people, do not allow yourself to be controlled by these for the rest of your life. Yes, life isn’t perfect, and it’s really full of uncertainties, but what is sure is that we still have the chance to improve our life. God is giving you numerous chances, every time you open your eyes when you wake up, so grab it!

Verse to remember:

Psalm 37:24 — Though he falls, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand. Even when life gets hard, and we begin to crumble, we must know that the Lord will not let us be lost forever. He will guide us through each step of our lives.

Pour love into your hearts, pour faith into your souls, and pour good memories into your mind, as simple as this will make you fulfilled, and it’s a good start to do better. Always remember that God can do spectacular things with the rest of your life. Pray, read the bible and follow his words.

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