What does it mean by the quote “If you are trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be”?

What does it mean by the quote “If you are trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be”?

This is a powerful quote that will motivate someone to elicit his/her inner potential.

Yes, we have that something within us that we are trying to protect. Sometimes it’s already fine if we hide it for ourselves because of the worries that what if it won’t work? What if I fail? What if people don’t like it? What if they will laugh at me? or what if it will only embarrass me?

If you are trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be means in life.
Image source: Photo provided by Pexels.

This photo depicts a strong will to do what someone can show without limiting the things that he knows he can do.

We are all extraordinary for different reasons and in different circumstances.

Sometimes we don’t feel like we need to come out of our comfort zone because it isn’t necessary. We feel like doing that thing will only ruin what’s normal with us, and what makes us comfortable every single day.

But thinking of these worries, and not thinking of the good possibilities that they could bring won’t help us develop the potential that we might be hiding within ourselves for a very long time. Yes, life is unpredictable, but we will never know that we can do something if we don’t give it a try. We may be facing criticism, hardships, challenges, and stress but one thing is for sure if we courageously do it is that we are making the right decision. Keep in mind that we only live once with the body that we have now. So don’t just stay there, be your best because you are amazing!

The quote:

“If you are trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be”

Maya Angelou

Just learn from it, a new journey won’t harm you!

Just learn from it, a new journey won’t harm you!

Journey in life should not harm you.

Uncertainties are always there, but what’s important is that you were able to embrace whatever it is!

This past week was so fast that I have to decide to try something which I am not that sure if I can be able to grasp and go along with others. My curiosities have led me to juggle this journey. And I am happy that I tried it compared to not trying at all. I don’t know if I was just overwhelmed with what I can do after finishing this up. But what I am sure of is that the experiences that I will be gaining in this journey will give some learnings that I can use as I go along wherever it takes.

Risk-taking isn’t that easy because you have to come out from that comfort zone that is protecting you all the way. Shielding you from hurts and frustrations that you might experience as you go through your new journey.

My advice to all of you who are having a hard time deciding if you should push yourself in starting a new venture or not is that just go with it. And accept whatever outcome it may produce. You might achieve success or failure out of it, but what’s important is that it both gave you new knowledge that you can use with the new skills that you can develop.

Lastly, a new journey won’t harm you because it’s the key to widening your scope and broadening your understanding of what life is!