Health implications of your attitude

Health implications of your attitude

In this life, we can’t hide the fact that we really can’t avoid being too good always. Because there are a lot of contributing factors as of why we act in unacceptable ways occasionally. But why we should avoid being bad and choose to be good? Because it can damage us, not just how we relate to other people, but most specially because it is so harmful in our health.

Image source, credit to: Photo library provided by Pexels.

A bad attitude is like a vehicle’s flat tire, you can’t continue your journey unless you change or fix it.

When a tire can’t do its function, the whole vehicle will be compromised. Just like in real life, if you have a bad attitude, you can’t function well, due to problems related to focusing and completing tasks.

Implication of negative attitudes

Let us start with the negative attitude. A negative attitude can produce chronic stress that could lead to other personality and mood disorders, which can make us so upset, and will intervene with the hormonal balance of our body.

  • It depletes the brain’s needed chemical that is required to produce the hormone that is responsible for our happiness.
  • It can damage the immune system, and as a result, it could decrease our body’s ability to fight diseases.
  • Not only that, but it also decreases lifespan, so because you have a depleted ability to fight diseases, your body will easily catch or develop it.

Bad attitude that you must avoid:

  • Selfishness
  • Bitterness
  • Rudeness
  • Making up stories
  • Aggressiveness
  • Arrogant
  • Critical
  • Dishonest
  • Intolerant
  • Manipulative etc.

Bad people are usually hopeless, they lack confidence to face life, and they are negative thinkers and low-spirited too. They don’t usually pray for guidance, humbleness, and they don’t give gratitude for all the blessings that they received because they are prideful, and they think that it isn’t necessary.

What are the effects of bad attitude:

  • A bad attitude can bring about being bitter, this attitude is like a poison that slowly killing a human body.
  • Life becomes no purpose at all.
  • It repels people, and ruin relationship.
  • A bad attitude can prolong a painful or hurtful situation.
  • Conscience is loss, and it may cause a crime.
  • It limits your ability to perform well.
  • It kills your goals and dreams.

Assess yourself and be aware of these signs:

  • Comparing yourself to other people.
  • You are manipulative
  • Irritable and feeling superior.
  • You want others to respect you before you respect them.
  • Eating more on unhealthy foods.
  • Furthermore, you are always worrying and complaining.
  • Feeling fulfilled whenever you’re spreading untrue rumors.

If you love yourself, please observe for these signs and be able to correct it!

How to overcome a bad attitude?

  • You need to accept and love yourself.
  • Think before you talk and react.
  • Think about the consequences of your chosen action.
  • Avoid blaming other people.
  • Don’t mind the past, and live in the present.
  • Choose happiness instead of unnecessary drama.

Implication of positive attitudes:

Now, let’s talk about positive attitude. Why should you choose it?

  • A positive attitude promotes happiness.
  • It promotes success and gives many opportunities.
  • Good attitude improves cholesterol levels.
  • It boosts your immune system.
  • Decrease risk of death from heart diseases.
  • More energy and confidence.
  • Looking young and hopeful.
  • You have a better stress coping mechanism.
  • Better mental and physical health.
  • Improves your social, intellectual and spiritual health.

What are examples of a good attitude:

  • Optimistic
  • Confident
  • Sincere
  • Happy
  • Reliable
  • Adaptable
  • Flexible
  • Accountable
  • Honest
  • Trustworthy

How can you keep a positive attitude:

  • Do a gratitude journal
  • Perform your self-care routine
  • Avoiding negativities (avoid gossiping)
  • Mindfulness
  • Choosing to be happy

Life is about making yourself happy, and making other people happy as well“.

What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for?

You can hear this line from a song that teaches kids to be thankful for the simple things that they have in life. Being thankful helps you to get through life’s challenges and difficulties, it brings joy which helps keep your mind and body healthy. Occasionally, we often neglect this word because we are too preoccupied with our daily activities until we realized that things aren’t the same anymore.

Things that you should be thankful for:

  • The gift of life- Thank God that you woke up to see another day in your life.
  • Good health and well-being- An essential component of being alive, is to be healthy and strong for you to do your daily task endeavors.
  • Your family, having a child or children- They are a blessing that we should be thankful for and appreciate. Many couples out there are aiming and struggling to have a child of their own.
  • Your faithful wife or husband- You are very lucky if you have this because it’s a good foundation for having a healthy family relationship.
  • Daily blessings such as food, shelter, clothing, things, etc.– Be thankful for the food you eat, the shelter where you live and feel safe, your clothing, and things that make you comfortable and work easily at home.
  • Life learnings and progressions- Be thankful that you were able to learn new things every day and were able to progress as a human being.
  • Having a job, income, or investments- We cannot hide the fact that money is also an essential thing for us human beings, without this how, would you buy food? How would you pay your bills, and how would you buy other important things which you needed in life?
  • Be thankful for the technology- Without it how would you easily connect to your loved ones from afar?
  • Nature and environment- Be thankful that you are still breathing some fresh air and see trees at the moment.
  • Loving relatives and true friends- Appreciate their presence, as true people are hard to find.