The staple food and the skeletal force of agriculture

The staple food and the skeletal force of agriculture

Photo by hartono subagio on

First, the reason I wrote this post, is to recognize and appreciate the efforts of all those hands who are there helping us to feed our stomach daily, they are the FARMERS. A simple thanked you or any word of gratitude will lighten up the difficulties and struggles that they are experiencing today about farming.

Generally, farmers are the skeletal force of agriculture. They are essential in our society because they are the ones who produced and will produce all those vegetables, fruits, and grains. Which we all need to survive, to nourish our body and not just the food itself, they also provide us raw materials which are needed to make numerous products that are essential to us human beings. Rice is staple food to a large human population in the world and specially in Asian countries. It is an important grain regarding human nutrition, food intake and for life’s sustainability.

Farmers are the backbone of a country’s economy and the stewards of the land because they help to protect and use it for good. They contribute a lot in this sector. They work hard even under the heat of the sun just to bring those foods that we enjoy eating every day. So, do we really need to help them in return? YES! But how? Here are some simple ways on how we can help our FARMERS:

  • Find locally produced products in your area and choose to buy these products.
  • Avoid cheap price negotiations please, if you know it’s worth the price, and you like it, just buy!
  • Respect them, all human beings need this, respect them just like respecting any higher positions, jobs, or professions out there.
  • Make them realize their worth, help them recognize that it is a fulfilling job because they’re able to help all of us through their farming.
  • Enhance their capability, if you are knowledgeable or have something to share for their improvement, help them and choose to share it free or without any costs.
  • Realize and feel it by heart what they really need, they need positive feedbacks and creative ideas to support their work.
  • Stop stressing our farmers! They are already stressed about their personal lives. Do not utter words which could hurt them emotionally.

Additionally, locally grown foods are very beneficial to the nature and environment because great farmers ensure to use only the chemicals and fertilizers into minimum, they really take good care of their grown products naturally. I believed that their voices should be heard because they put countless sweats, efforts, and long time of work hours in this noble job. They need support about right pricing, respect, innovation, and technologies. They all need these to sustain and continue their local businesses!

The reasons why you should produce that beautiful smile everyday!

The reasons why you should produce that beautiful smile everyday!

The benefits of smiling

We live in a stressful environment, there are lots of personal, environmental and socio-economical challenges that we have to face.

How do you handle all of these? Sometimes how we fight with our daily battles are related to how we perceive and handle every situation. Are you a cheerful type of person? Or a serious one? If you are that type of person who is very cheerful, just continue it because there are lots of health benefits that it can give to you. If you’re a serious type of person, you may want to start producing more smiles now in order to gain the benefits.

One way to make our day feel good is to smile. According to studies when we smile our brain releases types of neurotransmitters (like endorphins, natural painkillers, serotonin) that are beneficial in making us healthy.

What can a smile give to our body?

  • It reduces stress and pain levels.
  • Decreases heart rate and blood pressure levels.
  • Helps to increase your immunity, if you are a happy person, it will be easier for you to combat those illnesses related conditions.
  • It makes you more attractive, beautiful or good-looking.
  • Furthermore, it enhances your emotional well-being.
  • Not only that, but it leaves a good impression to other people that you are a good person.
  • You look inspired, positive and full of life.
  • You are often described as friendly and sociable.
  • Makes other to trust you easily, because it shows that you are willing to interact and communicate.
  • It improves your mood, and you are less likely to develop depression.
  • May slow aging, because it makes you look younger.

Whatever benefits it will give you, just treat yourself with that beautiful smile, it is free, and it’s a natural way of helping your body.

Do you want to achieve your dreams or goals? Try this healthy mindsetting tips!

Do you want to achieve your dreams or goals? Try this healthy mindsetting tips!

Healthy mindsetting tips to achieve your dreams or goals in life.

We all have a unique personality and character. The way we think, react, do things and the way we solve our problems in life are far different from another person. That’s why we should never compare ourselves to other people. The result of the things we do in life (positive or negative) is related to how we think and react in every situation. How do you keep yourself being motivated? Are you the person who have a positive outlook in life? Or the one who easily lose hope? If you have a goal or a dream in life that you want to achieve, you have to help yourself.

Image source: Photo library

Consider these tips below:

  • Set your goals- small goals first and stay focused. Be sure to set a realistic and achievable one. When you’re able to achieve this goal, your experience in handling every situation will be broadened and will encourage you to do more.
  • Visualize the outcome you want to achieve- this will inspire you to do your best.
  • Surround yourself with happy and motivated people. Those who will encourage you rather than discouraging every decision you make, those who gives good advices, those who are happy with every achievement you make (small or big) and those who never leave you whenever you’re in the lowest point of life. Avoid mingling to negative people because you may adapt their attitude and as a result, you will experience difficulty in achieving your goals.
  • Be optimistic, always look at the brighter side of life- for example, if you fail on one goal, you are able to cope with it easily and pursue to do more rather than being depressed or stressed about the result. You choose to move on and learn from your mistakes.
  • Don’t forget to feed your body, mind and spirit- (a healthy body can do things appropriately), mind- (read and explore more on topics regarding your goal), spirit (have that spirit of kindness to everyone and most specially to yourself).
  • Appreciate small achievements- to honor your capability and motivate you to pursue to bigger goals.
  • “When the situation is tough, remember why you have started”. I already heard this to a lot of motivational speakers. It’s a deep thought that we should never give up on any circumstances. If you start a race, you should never give up and stop at the middle, be determined enough to reach up to the finish line. Do not be discouraged because everyone already reached the finish line. You will also get there just trust yourself.
  • Read more on motivational posts- to be more inspired to pursue whatever goals you have in mind.
  • Always choose to be happy- your physical aura can impact a lot, being cheerful/happy attracts positive thoughts and energy that is essential in reaching your goals.
  • Stop negative thinking- this is a big obstacle in achieving what you want.

Always believe in yourself. You may endure a lot of difficulties as you go along towards your goal but if you give your best and never stop dreaming you will get there. Good luck and God bless whatever it is.

Helpful tips on how to look younger than your actual age

Helpful tips on how to look younger than your actual age

Have you seen someone who looks young for their age? Or did somebody compliment you for looking young? Or none of the two? Aging is inevitable, as our age increase, our hormones that keep our skin elastic also slows or decline.

Added by some environmental factors and practices that we do every day. Occasionally, we are so busy in life that we forget to care for our body. Well, don’t be bothered about it because there are things that you can actually do to make yourself look younger than your actual age.

Looking young
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Perform your self-care routine:

  • Take a bath regularly. Apply moisturizing lotion to hand and body and consider using those products which contains anti-aging properties. Use appropriate moisturizer to your face and neck.
  • Apply sunscreen, specially when going outside, to avoid skin damage.
  • Moisturize also your lips. Use lip balm before using lipstick because some ingredients of lipstick can make the lips dry.
  • Love your hair, avoid using numerous sprays and hairstyling that can damage it. Choose a hairstyle that is comfortable to you.
  • Care for your teeth, clean and healthy teeth gives you more confidence to show up that beautiful smile. Smiling can make you look younger.
  • Check your finger nails and toenails, trim and brush them to remove dirt and dead skin.

Nutrition also plays a role in achieving a youthful body:

  • Eat more fruits and green leafy vegetables, they contain vitamins, minerals, and other components like antioxidants which helps to reduce many kinds of diseases and may improve your skin appearance.
  • Eat healthy fish like salmon and tuna.
  • Avoid junk foods and unhealthy foods.
  • Rehydrate your body, drink plenty of water, have a goal to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Dehydrated body looks dull and dry.

Your lifestyle also plays a role in the aging process:

  • You should avoid stress, take some time to relax because stress can lead to many diseases which can show up on your appearance.
  • Use an umbrella when going outside, specially when it’s too hot. Early morning sunlight is good, but during noontime the direct sunlight can damage your skin already.
  • Do not smoke, or if you smoke, consider quitting now. Smoking can lead to faster aging.
  • Take enough rest and sleep during nighttime.
  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. It can lead to obesity and weight gaining.
  • Exercise regularly to tone up your muscles and enhance your body’s blood circulation.

If you have a hard time in doing it, and you have that ample money on your pocket, you may want to visit a skin clinic or dermatologist. They can perform some treatment and will advise or prescribed products for you to use. You should take good care of yourself to see a good result. Achieve that young and healthy body from inside and out.