Are you living a purposeful life?

Are you living a purposeful life?

Occasionally, we experienced feeling down because we felt like we are being left behind. Every so often we compare ourselves to other people who had already achieved a lot in life, but we have to take note that their road is different from what we are taking. Their goals, plans, and purpose in life are different from ours. We are here on Earth because of a great reason, and it’s something that we should find. There’s nothing more fulfilling than serving our purpose, doing what is designed for us to do, and being happy about it.

Photo library

We cannot deny that social media is very advantageous nowadays because it helps us connect with our loved ones, friends, relatives, and other people, it helps us to keep updated and entertained, and it helps us with our businesses, work, etc. But it shouldn’t be the reason to lose our self-esteem and to find ourselves being compared to other people. It should be a beneficial tool to help us with our life goals.

Photo library
Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Schedule a time to browse the holy bible. It offers hope, comfort, and strength, and it reminds us that God is with us through all the ups and downs of life. It teaches a lot about life, and it’s great guidance in finding our life’s purpose.

Photo library

One example is the photo above, a “road”, it was made purposefully for a vehicle to pass through and to reach its destination, just like us human beings, we are designed for a great purpose. If you haven’t found it yet, it’s about time to pray for direction and always follow the will of God, trust and believe, by then you’ll be able to understand, realize and live a purposeful life.

Helpful tips to consider in recognizing your passion

Helpful tips to consider in recognizing your passion

Recognizing your passion

Did you already found your passion in life? A passion is something that makes you happy and helps you grow as a person because you love what you are doing. Every person is unique, some may found or recognized it earlier than others. Some people thought it was already their passion but after a while they came to realized that it wasn’t really what makes them happy or fulfilled and some people had already spent several years before finding or recognizing it.

In a definition, a passion is a feeling of wanting to do an action. It’s an eagerness to do an idea and being enthusiastic about something. So, how would you recognize if it’s really your passion?

Consider these 10 helpful tips:

  • You feel better when you do it- you are being energized and recharged, as if it doesn’t bring tiredness or boredom on your part. There is an excitement- you are always eager to start or to continue your work, activity, or craft.
  • You love to expand your skills and building your strengths- you are always devoted to find ways to become better with what you are doing. You aren’t afraid of failures because you are turning it as a reason to strengthen your capabilities even more.
  • Never feel like struggling or experiencing difficulties in doing it. You make things at ease, and you are comfortable with what you are doing. Your mind is connecting to the other parts of your body to bring a good result. That makes you feel joyous.
  • You feel like you are great, and you can do anything possible. You feel like a hero or heroine, you feel like you are bringing a great impact to other people. Furthermore, you believed that your works can inspire and will offer a great help for them.
  • You feel a connection to your inner child- when you were a child, isn’t it that you were delighted whenever you accomplished something? When you are passionate with what you are doing, you’ll come to realized that the feeling of happiness even with small accomplishments seems big.
  • You feel like you have found a lost piece of yourself- a puzzle will not be complete, and you will never view its picture well if one piece is missing. You’ll not be able to feel whole, satisfied, and complete if you aren’t doing the things which passionate you.
  • Even without any reward or payment, you still love what you are doing. With or without payment, the works, tasks, or actions that you show were at the same level because you love what you are doing without expecting anything in return.
  • Gives a deeper reward “to be worthy”- the emotions you feel inside are more important than the material things that it may cost. You feel worthy to make things possible for yourself and for other people.
  • You feel motivated and inspired- challenges won’t make you feel down. Not only that, but you can control anything because you can go along well with your work, you are even more inspired to continue and improve.
Six steps for a better you

Six steps for a better you

Steps to become better

How do you feel about yourself at the moment? Are you satisfied or regretful? Think about this, we can never get back what is already done, we cannot be sure of what will happen in the future, but we can always make the moment, the most beautiful and fulfilling one. There will always be something which you can be proud of yourself, just learn to recognize it!

When we were young, we had many dreams regarding the profession, job, or the person that we wanted to be in the future. We want to travel, to explore life’s gifts. We want to do this and that, but every so often what we dreamed of turns to be an opposite of what we are today. Sometimes because of this, we tend to have numerous frustrations and insecurities in life. We tend to compare ourselves to other people. But what you have to do now is to forgive yourself to free your mind and heart of any hard emotions you are carrying. Don’t feel broke for the rest of your life, remember that as long as you are alive, there would always be a chance to make it! There will always be a chance to do something which you will be proud of yourself. Bring yourself to life, and help yourself, help that person transform of whom you wanted him or her to be.

Consider these six steps for a better you. YOU CAN make it happen!

  1. You need to verify your emotions, what makes you feel regretful? What makes you hold on these emotions
  2. Once you recognized it, ask this to yourself (why did I fail in this goal or journey?) it will be easier for you to do some sort of repair.
  3. Understand and consider it as a form of life’s lesson- learn from it and try to start over again, start from small and achievable goals, with this you will learn to appreciate small achievements.
  4. Consider avoiding self-criticism- to uplift your morale, avoid being an enemy of yourself. Look into the mirror and tell that person, you are forgiven! Forgive also those people who had something to caused your failures.
  5. Avoid too much guilt and have a positive self. Don’t lose your hope yet, you can still do more! Move on, do not hold it longer- it won’t do any good if you indulge too much attention to what was already done.
  6. Now that you already recognized what’s wrong, next time when you are on your way to another goal or ambition, you already know what to avoid in the process.
Just take it one day at a time

Just take it one day at a time

Are you the type of person that is always worrying about what will come or will happen tomorrow? Maybe some of you already have heard about this phrase. “Just take it one day at a time”. This phrase, teaches us to enjoy each day by not worrying of what will happen next, to live a happy life each day and to be able to enjoy the moment.

Image source: Photo library

Here are some friendly notes that would help you achieve this daily:


  • Offer yourself relaxation techniques- (such as deep breathing, meditation and yoga) to relax your mind, body, and spirit.
  • Never allow yourself to indulge in too much worrying- it’s normal to feel this emotion, but it should easily disappear, and you should be able to handle it without stressing too much.
  • Energized your body- feed your body with fruits and vegetables. They are nutrient rich foods that would help your system to cheer up.
  • Deal with your problems responsibly, you have to accept it that no one will be going to do it apart from yourself, find a solution and always be calm in dealing with it.
  • Aim for achievable goals- do not do things which are beyond your expectations. Just focus on the things you know you can achieve to avoid frustration.
  • Yes to a happy day ahead!- keep this in mind as it will motivate you to keep going and be productive all day long.
  • Accept advice and support from the right people- some people are there ready to help you, appreciate and be thankful for their positive intentions.
  • Time is important- time spent today will never come back again. So, what you have to do is to use it wisely on the things that are most valuable to you.
  • Accept responsibility- we have daily responsibilities. What we need to do is to accept it and be optimistic about it.
  • The power of praising yourself- never end a day without praising yourself for a job well done.
  • Inculcate in your mind the virtue of patience- this is a challenge that we have to fulfill daily, some of us are always rushing to see results which makes us uncomfortable and brings worries and frustrations in our head.
  • Maintain positive life- being positive and having a cheerful outlook in life is significant because it lightens our daily loads.
  • Enhance your capability and thinking- read more, search more and do your best!

If you are tired, get some rest, life is like a long road

If you are tired, get some rest, life is like a long road

It’s a beautiful day, as I walk going outside to buy some food to the nearby food store this morning. I saw a woman sitting in a chair near the gate. She looks so tired, sweaty, and looking down at her feet while stretching her arms. Perhaps she was so tired carrying her loads (the things she bought). She has two echo bags beside her, and she looks so deep. She might be thinking of what to cook or prepare for their meal. Furthermore, she might be thinking about her problems. Likewise, she might be thinking about life, or she might be thinking about other people whom she is serving or obliged to serve.

Life is like a road
Image source: Photo library (provided by Pexels)

All of these are just “might” because I don’t know what the woman is thinking at the moment, but if you look into her eyes, you will guess some. Every so often we can see it through the eyes what the heart wants to tell, and the body feels like. As I walk near her, I smiled and asked if she is fine. The woman answered me back, I’m fine, don’t worry, I just have to seat for a while, I think I need a moment to rest my feet, before walking again to reach our home, she said. This time we cannot ride any passenger vehicle to reach our home, it’s not allowed yet in our community because of the current situation regarding Covid-19 (I wrote this post during the pandemic). For me, it’s ok because I loved brisk walking anyway. Brisk walking is a good form of exercise that could benefit our body. It can contribute in achieving a healthy mind, it’s a good stress reliever, it’s a way for me to breathe some fresh air outside, and it also helps our body achieve a good blood circulation.

I told her, take time and take care Auntie, walk again when you already feel energized, she said thank you. Then I continued to walk, going to the food store. Going home, I reflected about the woman, I don’t know her personally, but she is one representation of a life’s journey, I think in life we really need to take time, we must not be rushing. Taking time means you don’t need to race, you don’t need to move fast, it’s ok to be slow, it’s ok to be late, you don’t need to rush. It’s ok to take the long road, and it’s ok not to be ok.

With all the pressures and challenges around us. We seem to compete, we seem to be proving ourselves to other people. You don’t need to prove yourself to other people, you don’t need to do things to be praise by anybody or anyone. If you are tired, then get some rest, get some moment to free yourself from worries and to energize your mind and body. You only have one body to maintain for a lifetime. When this body exhausted, you will experience a lot of health problems that might give you a flashback to how you treated it, so take care of it, appreciate and love that one body.