Maintaining harmony; parenthood and nursing career

Maintaining harmony; parenthood and nursing career

Maintaining harmony between parenthood and a nursing career requires one to be effective with time management and good communication.

Are you one of those nurses who are looking for answers on how to manage family life and nursing career together? Well, you’re not alone! Working as a nurse is not that easy especially if at the same time you are also dealing with life as a parent and spouse. In this case, balancing is the key! It will cause you hard times in the aspects of your physical, mental and emotional health if you are not able to come up with ways to balance the situation.

There are ways in maintaining harmony in parenthood and nursing career.

Let’s check this out!

  • Establish clear communication – make sure to discuss responsibilities with your partner like your roles in parenting and household tasks that should be done on a daily basis. Good communication is one of the best solution in every struggling situation. Be open to your husband or wife regarding the things that you cannot do and the things that you can do as well.
  • Make a realistic schedule – create an organized schedule of your work-duties and commitments. Prioritize tasks based on what is most important and what is to be done first.
  • Don’t be ashamed to ask for the support of family, friends, child care services if you need to. Having a trusted support system can help you ease the challenges of working and parenting.
  • Practice self-care – have that time for yourself, such as brisk walking, pampering, eating your favorite food and etc. A well nurtured mind and body equips someone to manage responsibilities better.
  • Be flexible – learn to recognize unexpected events that may occur. Be adaptable to changes in your schedule and be able to communicate it to your partner and employer.
  • Invest in quality time – make the most of your time with your family. Engage in meaningful conversations, happy activities, creating positive environments and putting away distractions.
  • Setting boundaries – create clear boundaries between your life as a parent and life at work. Take your rest days from work as time to focus on yourself and your family. Don’t let work related stresses to interfere with your family bonding.
  • Use time saving strategies – adapt some ways to optimize your time, such as organizing your tasks for the week, meal planning, and using effective time management tools.
  • Negotiate work arrangements – explore some options like having flexible hours, part time work or any work arrangements that you think can suit your situation. Be able to discuss it with your employer.
  • Reevaluate your situation – assess how well your current situation or routine affects your life as a parent or employee. Learn to adjust as necessary as the circumstances change.

Balancing these two important things in your life will make you a happier person, parent, unstressed employee and an effective nurse to your patients.

The power to kick out limiting beliefs

The power to kick out limiting beliefs

What is your superpower? Do you have one? You may ask, what are you talking about I’m a human!

We often overlooked it but yes we all have powers within us. It may not be like the heroes or heroines that we watch on TV, but there are things that we are capable of, and that fill the power within us. Sometimes we feel so powerless, that we can’t get things the way others do them. We can’t do things the way others easily make them. And these make us feel numerous emotions that can lead to the draining of energy, avoiding doing things, and losing patience.

Limiting beliefs

What makes us powerless are the limiting beliefs that keep running into our heads.

That keeps controlling our life, and that makes us miss out on important details that we must know and do in life. We can do more, but we choose to limit ourselves because of our what-ifs.

  • What if I failed?
  • What if others won’t support me?
  • What if others will laugh at me?
  • What if it won’t work?
  • What if it’s not for me?

They are just what-ifs!

Imagine if you transform that what if into words and thoughts that could make you realize that there is something more important to think about instead of those negative ones? Then there is something waiting for you! That something can be a new source of information, experiences, and things to focus on.

  • Thinking of failure is just a waste of time, you better tell yourself that you can do it and whatever the outcome is, you will accept it. Failures are a part of life experiences and what makes this challenging journey of living are those challenges that we courageously faced.
  • There are times wherein we feel that we are being unsupported by the people we are connected with. Whatever the reason behind it, think of it as a challenge to stand on your own. You cannot force others to support you because they have their perception of how to view things. They have their struggles and things to do also in life. Tell yourself that being unsupported won’t ruin you from getting into your goals.
  • Other people might find your views in life, abilities, capabilities, or talents to be funny because of their uniqueness but, be sure not to be affected by them. You are not accountable for what they think or feel either. Your goals, decisions, and abilities aren’t for these people. So why bother at all? Countless people are waiting for it, some dreamers also dream about where you are right now or what you do. Continue the things which you believe can give you some growth, learning, and fulfillment day by day.
  • Things won’t work unless we do it. The reason why we don’t achieve the progress we want is that at the very start we already lose self-esteem. We already accepted our inabilities! When we say that we can’t do it, we don’t do the action. And there’s nothing to be done. But if you say that there are a lot of possibilities but you will do it whatever the outcome is, then you are taking an action.
  • Additionally, our thinking of what if it’s not for me is a negative prediction that most people are being trapped with. Predicting your fate this way can negatively impact your goals. Believing that it’s not for you will cause you not to take the necessary thing to do. What happens is that you continue to wander! And keep crawling in your comfort zone, which makes you unproductive.

Our beliefs in life serve as boundaries not to do unhealthy behaviors that can harm us. On the other hand, limiting beliefs holds us back each time we want to do something in life that could benefit us. Limiting beliefs that are negatively processed destroy our goals and aspirations in life. And it’s hurtful when you grow old that there are things that you should do when you were younger and still capable but chose not to do it.

Our limiting beliefs control our heads, it controls our actions, and it controls our life!

It may appear as an individual’s defense mechanism to protect themselves from possible failures, frustrations, and disappointments that they believed an action can bring to them when they do it. And it’s a bad thing if it came as an excuse or came out of fear.

How to overcome your limiting beliefs?

  • You have to Identify your limiting beliefs
  • Writing it down so that you become aware of it
  • Assess your limiting beliefs
  • Recognize if it’s negative or positive
  • If it’s a negative belief, challenge yourself to make it positive instead
  • Be aware of the damaging consequences of the limiting beliefs you are thinking
  • Make a new belief
  • Use positive self-affirmations
  • Take an action and never give up

Other examples of limiting beliefs that you might encounter:

  • Not being good enough
  • Too young to do things
  • Too old to do things
  • Don’t have ample time
  • Not being talented
  • Not smart enough to do it
  • Don’t have many experiences
  • Don’t have enough resources
  • Not great to do a certain thing

We are liable for our own decisions in life. And our way of thinking can greatly impact our future and fate. Don’t wait for the time because as they say NOW is the right time!

How to turn a negative mindset into a positive mindset?

How to turn a negative mindset into a positive mindset?

Have you ever wished not to have negative thoughts at all? Are you tired of absorbing negativity around you? Well, this post will help you turn the negative mindset that you have now into a positive mindset that will be going to help you navigate your life in the right direction. Every one of us experiences negative thoughts from time to time, this is due to the numerous factors that are present around us.

Turning negative mindset to positive mindset.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Now, let’s move into turning your negative thoughts into positive thoughts:

1. Instead of telling I can’t do this, tell yourself that you can do it!

  • Most of our failures in life are brought by our self-doubt. Telling that you can’t do a certain thing will most likely bring you nothing. Your perception and the way you view things for yourself can greatly impact how things will going to happen. Likewise, if you tell yourself that you can do it, you’ll likely achieve something, and your strong self-assurance will bring you to action.

2. Instead of telling yourself I don’t know, tell yourself I’ll find it.

  • While it’s true that we don’t know all the answers that life wants us to learn, we have all the will to find them for ourselves, how? By learning it, observing it, and doing it. You can learn by reading books, articles, and inspiring journals, you can use your observation skills to learn from other people, and you can find all the answers that running in your head if you give yourself a chance. A chance to explore the world with something worth living for.

3. Instead of telling yourself that it’s unfair and it’s too hard, tell yourself that it’s a challenge you have to conquer.

  • One thing that makes us stuck is that we treat problems as punishment, we see problems as unfair, and we feel that challenges are hardships that makes our life miserable. But if we treat problems as a way for us to grow and see problems as a challenge that we have to conquer then everything will come to its place. You aren’t just the person who is facing challenges, disappointments and misfortune so don’t be hard on yourself.

4. Instead of telling yourself that you’re worried and you might fail, tell yourself I’m curious about what will happen and I will try.

  • Our worries can affect our confidence, and low confidence drags our courage to take a step. A small step each day can build us one day at a time. No stepping back because it will just consume you little by little. Failures aren’t a reason to be fearful of everything, it might be painful but it’s a driving force that there is success above all of those circumstances. Just be willing to continue and enhance your abilities, learn from all the mistakes that brought some failures in your life, and strengthen yourself enough for the battle of life.

5. Instead of telling yourself that you’re not good at something, tell yourself that you can get better.

  • Always remember this, there’s nothing that you can’t learn if you are just willing to put an effort into it. Where do those successful people start? Where do those brilliant people start? They started from scratch, they started learning how to make it, and they started by believing that they can do it one day!

6. Instead of telling yourself that you’re not yet ready because you need to find out more, remind yourself that there’s no better time than now.

  • Procrastination is one of the distractions that can contribute to our unproductive life. Don’t be a victim of “I can do it later” because time won’t wait for you. We can’t take back time as much as all of us wanted. Laziness can make us stuck and it consumes the days that we should be doing something to improve ourselves.

7. Instead of telling yourself that you are too old of doing something, tell yourself it’s never too late.

  • Yes! Age isn’t a hindrance to achieving the dreams that you wanted in life. Take it as a strength because you’re mature enough to take on the goals that you wanted. The more you age the better your understanding of the complexity of life here on Earth. You are more courageous to take risks because you are already capable to value every detail of life.

Having a negative mindset can consume our hope and dreams if we don’t do ways to fix our thoughts and actions. The list above can help you turn those negative thoughts into positive thoughts and be able to have that mindset that will guide you to become a better version of yourself.

How learning can improve your overall well-being?

How learning can improve your overall well-being?

Learning is important in life because it is essential to the development of an individual, community, society, organizations, and businesses.

The importance of learning to our well-being.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Learning is an important thing to humanity and it is as important as the food that we are giving or taking in into our bodies. Learning is how we gain knowledge, and understanding, building new skills, and values in life. It is something that we can do for ourselves so that we can be able to do something for others. Institutions that are capable of developing and assisting us in improving what we’ve got are also things that we should consider. Learning and education improve and guides us in shaping our attitude and behaviors for the common good.

Learning isn’t a new thing for all of us.

When we were born, we already learned to open our eyes to see the outside environment. We learned to move freely outside our mother’s womb, and we learned to cry out loud to signal that a new life was born. We were that young but we did it ourselves. That’s why there’s no reason that we can’t learn something new!

It is said that the future of education lies in incorporating continuous learning into our day-to-day personal and professional lives.

Learning is a beneficial journey that we should give to ourselves and be able to enjoy throughout our lives. Learning doesn’t only happen when you are enrolled in courses or going through a formal study. There are a lot of ways to bring it into your life. Some people might think that learning is only suitable for young minds, because they are energetic or because some people believe that it’s not already important due to their current status, but it isn’t! People of all ages and whatever status you have in life are still eligible to learn as much as possible.

How learning can improve your overall well-being?

Let’s see what learning can do with our physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being.

Physical well-being

  • If you know what to eat or you know how to select foods that are beneficial to your health, for sure your body will receive the essential nutrients it needed. It will help you to have stronger bones and muscles, better organ functions, and a good immune system.
  • You know how important it is to do physical activities. So, you are more likely to do things that promote physical health. Like brisk walking, gardening, and biking.

Mental well-being

  • Learning can boost your self-confidence because you are updated with current trends. You know how to do things the way they should be. And you aren’t feel intimidated because you know something.
  • It helps you to avoid mental stress and gives you a greater coping mechanism.
  • According to studies, lifelong learning can help maintain better brain function as you age.
  • Develops self-dependency, if you are equipped with the knowledge you will learn how to process self-dependency. This will keep you deal better with the challenges of life.
  • It helps to sharpen your decision-making and interpersonal skills.
  • People who love learning are more able to understand their health needs. Are more likely to follow directions, and instructions. They know how to advocate for others and themselves.

Emotional well-being

  • Learning helps you to feel much better. You know how to deal with every situation. Be it during your good days or bad days.
  • According to research, those people who are practicing continuous learning or those who are said to be “lifelong learners” are happier on average than those who are not. This is because lifelong learners are developing their interests, skills, and passions which in return brings happiness. Thereby, kicking away boredom in life.
  • Helps you manage emotion during times of uncertainty.

Social well-being

  • Learning builds connections with other people. You’ve got to meet like-minded individuals.
  • It helps you to avoid social stress brought by being shy, and feeling incapable.
  • Learning gives a person the skills that are needed to adapt to a new environment or scenarios in life.
  • Helps people to become better citizens and contributing citizens of the country.
  • It gives you the ability to shape a better society by knowing and respecting the rules and regulations.
  • It enhances your ability to speak, communicate, and relate with other people.
  • Learning helps us to access resources that can help reduce hardships and stress, thereby improving life.

Spiritual well-being

  • Learning builds a sense of purpose.
  • Gives hope and direction in your life.
  • Learning will help you accomplish your goals in life.
  • Allows you to grow into what you want to be, and what you want to achieve.
  • People who love learning are more likely to have healthy behaviors and good values in life.

Our learnings in life are the foundation of health and well-being. We need the knowledge to improve ourselves and know what we need to know to be able to have a more satisfying life. The reasons why learning is important for overall well-being are complex and primarily linked to the abilities, skills, and opportunities that we have.

Simple ways of learning that you can give to yourself aside from courses online or studying in institutions:

  • Reading books
  • Writing journals
  • Learning to cook
  • Learning how to bake
  • Learning to manage and organize your home efficiently.
  • Visiting historical places like galleries and museums.
  • Taking new roles and responsibilities whether at home or work.
  • Subscribing to educational websites.
  • Gardening in your backyard
  • Involving yourself in community programs.
  • Rediscovering old hobbies and interests.

What you learn will help you to realize what you can do or what you need to do. It’s your key to unlocking your potential, and it’s a way to improve your overall well-being.

Thank you so much for reading this post. Hopefully, you found this post helpful, and if it’s helpful to you maybe it will be helpful for others too! Feel free to share it with other people. See you around for the next post!

Reasons to study for a Master’s degree

Reasons to study for a Master’s degree

Some of you might ask do I need a master’s degree. Why is he/she pursuing a master’s degree? Or why do some people need to get a master’s degree? What are the reasons for getting it?

Important reasons to study a master's degree.

A master’s degree is a graduate program that you can study after graduating with a bachelor’s degree. Schools offering a master’s degree also have different policies regarding admission, so if you are interested you have to inquire and see what is suitable for you to take.

The two main reasons for taking a master’s degree are your personal development and professional development.

  • Some people seek a master’s degree if they want to improve themselves.
  • They want to fill in a gap in their profession.
  • To upgrade their knowledge regarding the current trends that are happening inside their field.
  • They see themselves as future leaders in their field of expertise.
  • They have a goal of contributing something to their profession. Be it to enhance an existing program or to develop a new program that can be very beneficial to their profession.

A master’s degree will need you to shed amounts of money to pay for the school fees (the amount depends on the school where you will take it and what field you are taking), you also need money to buy essential needs which can greatly help with your study. You need more time to do all the coursework and attend the class so that you won’t feel behind your classmates. You need to put a lot of effort to study and research your subjects. And you must have the focus and determination to finish it.

Take a look at this list of general reasons why you should study for a master’s degree:

  • It will help you develop personally because it will enhance your skills that are also important in your daily life. What are these skills? These skills are your critical thinking skills, management skills, organizational skills, presentation skills, behavioral skills, and a lot more.
  • In a master’s degree, you will study in-depth theories, and write a paper and class presentation, these all can help you uplift your confidence because you’ve got to learn a lot of things that you needed in life.
  • It will help you to grow professionally because it enhances your knowledge about your field of expertise.
  • It strengthens your ability to become a leader or to manage a group of staff in your workplace or organization.
  • A master’s degree doesn’t only make you more knowledgeable in your field but it will also give you credibility. The passion you have for studying further makes others think that you are a credible person in your field.
  • It helps you to connect with like-minded individuals. Your classmates are a bit like you in terms of thinking. They are the people who are also interested to master a specialty in your field. They are the people who are looking to improve their career or they are the people who are finding their purpose in their profession.
  • A master’s degree would help you to look into what you can do with your profession, and what you can do for yourself.
  • Helps you to explore and create new things that you haven’t realized you can do.
  • It gives you a sense of purpose. It gives you a good reason to do something with your abilities and capabilities.
  • You become a lifelong learner because of your innate desire to improve yourself and contribute to your field.
  • It can greatly help you if you want to change your role, you can study for a master’s degree to help you push through to higher positions like being the leader of the organization where you belong or even running your own.
  • It will boost your career to a higher level. Because it adds up to your qualification. A higher qualification can also increase your chance of getting a higher position. And it means a higher salary.
  • People who have a master’s degree are said to be earning higher than those having a bachelor’s degree. It’s because of the roles they fulfill on the job.
  • Having a master’s degree helps you to become competitive. We are living in a fast-paced environment and it’s a good decision if you are taking ways to develop yourself even more.
  • It sharpens your skills in managing human relations, understanding your field, problem-solving, communication skills, leadership, management, writing, and researching abilities.

Whatever your reason to pursue a master’s degree, remember that you should be able to figure out something that can be useful to yourself and your field.

Studying for a master’s degree isn’t an easy thing, but all the hard work you are pouring into it will soon pay off. Just believe that you can make it. And remember this note from a man of wisdom ⬇️

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

– B. Franklin

Thank you so much for reading this post and see you around for the next post! If you found this post helpful, please feel free to share it with other people.

Tips to overcome self-doubt

Tips to overcome self-doubt

Self-doubt is a normal feeling that we are going through especially when we are facing a new chapter of our lives, new scenarios, experiences, or situations.

Things to do if you are experiencing self-doubt.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Self-doubt is characterized by being unsure of what to do or being unsure of the choices that we need to decide. This is an uncomfortable feeling but is manageable with a proper attitude and predisposition in life. Below are six ways that will gonna help you to overcome self-doubt.

1. Show more kindness to yourself.

If self-doubt is the reason why you are not making any improvement or progress in your life? You must remember that you are also human and as a human, you’re not perfect. It’s ok if you didn’t make it at the start, but take note that it shouldn’t lead you from thinking that you are already a failure. There are just moments that you won’t shine easily because it’s not yet your time. Give yourself unlimited kindness that you deserve because being kind to yourself means being patient to make improvements until you mature and until you reach where you wanna be.

Sometimes we are doubting ourselves because we are afraid to do it the wrong way. However, we have to remember that mistakes are ways for us to learn something, it’s a part of the experience that will greatly help us to improve and do the best that we can to make it the second time around. Showing more kindness and compassion to yourself is a good step in mitigating the self-doubt that you feel from time to time.

2. Be inspired to what you have become

Take your achievements from the past or present as your inspiration. Can you still remember the days that you are scared of doing or performing something but turned out well in the end because you choose to do it? Well, you will likely make it if you do the same action. A little push and courage are all you need to take that fearful step. When we face a challenging situation with courage and hard work, something great will happen! Just believe…

Don’t focus too much on past failures and be able to bear in mind that the present moment is a new day to start, take it as a new opportunity to do well.

3. Remember that you are unique.

Every one of us is unique, so even identical twins have differences in their ability, personalities, and behavior. This means that you must not compare yourself with anyone else. Being envious of somebody’s achievement is a thief of joy and a killer of a relationship. Control yourself and embrace your uniqueness. Build your path and see where this path will lead you.

4. Manage your thoughts.

There are times when we unconsciously indulge in negative thought processes because of what we see or hear from other people. Added by the societal expectations that drive people to race from each other, that make them think that life is a race or a competition. This leads to unhappiness, unsatisfied life, and an inability to focus well. But if we train ourselves to manage it consciously, we are training our minds to look at the brighter side. To think positively despite the circumstances that may come in our life.

5. Look for support

While there are people around you whom you can’t trust, there are still people whom you can lean on. These are your family and friends who are always there through ups and downs.

These people will help you shine through the darkness, and will give you the strengths you need to go through.

6. Know your values in life

Live a life that is aligned with your values in life. Realize how kind and patient you are to pass through the challenges that you encountered in life. The meaningful endeavors you’ve imparted to other people will help you gain the courage to avoid self-doubt.

Are you ready to overcome self-doubt? Answer the items 1 to 10 on Self-development guide questions.

If you have any comments or something to share regarding this topic, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment section. If you found this post helpful, please don’t forget to share it with other people! Thank you so much for reading.

Continue your journey in finding ways to improve yourself:

You may also want to read this post compilation of self-development.

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8 tips to have a better conversation

8 tips to have a better conversation

Talking to someone can help you relieve anxiety, stress, and mood problems. Sometimes it’s true, but sometimes it isn’t.

Tips to have a better conversation.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

It’s true if the conversation is healthy, peaceful, and productive. It isn’t true if the conversation sounds boastful, envious, and purely negative talking about someone else life. If you aren’t comfortable with the scenario you better stop the conversation right away to avoid further conflict.

A healthy conversation should help you acquire learnings in life that you can use to guide your way through your life’s journey. It should be a time to share your ideas or opinions about a topic that could help you and the other person.

A few weeks ago, I experienced talking with different people, with different personalities and behaviors. And there are things that I learned a lot through our short conversations. And below I will share with you great tips that will help you to have a better conversation with anyone else.

1. Know the person whom you are talking with

  • Assess the personality, character, and behavior of the person you are about to converse with.

2. Remember that there is a right topic in every situation.

  • It means that you shouldn’t talk about things that are not meant to be shared with the person whom you are talking with. Topics that are valuable to share are the things that are related to your present scenario.

3. Think of a shared interest or topic

  • A shared interest or topic is something that will make your conversation alive and productive. Alive means you are enjoying your conversation because it is engaging to both of you. Productive means that both of you have something to gain from the topic that you are talking about.

4. Share your comments on what they say

  • If you have something to say, then say it. Don’t be ashamed or feel intimidated. It might be more helpful to share your comments than not. You might regret it later, thinking that you didn’t share valuable words.

5. Ask open-ended questions

  • Open-ended questions are good ways to tackle more. This can give a good feeling to the ones with whom you have the conversation. It means that you are interested and not bored.

6. Give the right reaction to a person’s opinion or comments

  • Give the appropriate response, like facial expressions, hand/body gestures, or tone of voice.

7. Just go with the flow, but divert what isn’t appropriate

  • Some people love talking and sharing information under the sun. Listen and avoid interrupting the person. But if it seems to be inappropriate, you can divert the topic to something good.

8. Avoid talking more about yourself, and never dominate the conversation

  • A meaningful and purposeful conversation should be balanced. It shouldn’t be all about you, and it shouldn’t be all about the other person.

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any comments or something to share regarding this topic: 8 tips to have a better conversation? Don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment section. If you found this post helpful, please don’t forget to share it with other people!

Why is it important to be selective with our words?

Why is it important to be selective with our words?

Importance of being selective with our words.

Words coming from our mouths can either inspire or make someone’s day dull or stressful!

We want to bring a positive effect to someone’s life if possible that’s why we have to choose the right words at the right time. What does it mean? For example, if the situation or the environment is happy, you can crack some jokes or tell happy stories as well. But, if the person whom you are talking with has a problem and looks sad, you have to think of ways how you can be able to lift her mood. For example, showing sympathy and giving words of encouragement. We have to be mindful enough to avoid uttering unnecessary words or stories that can bring some regrets later on.

Words are powerful because they either make a heart or break a heart!

It can either inspire someone else or be the reason for someone’s resentment. Words are desirable in a way that they can carry us to different places where we haven’t seen yet, know some information that we aren’t updated with, and know the people we don’t even meet yet in person.

Words are our ways of expressing our thoughts, sharing our experiences (whether it is happy or sad), and giving our comments and opinions on a specific topic. Our words are always attached to a certain emotion when we are producing it. That’s why we have to choose positive words if we want to produce a happy environment. This will greatly help us and other people to feel better.

Quick tips before we go to the importance of being selective with words:

  • Take time to filter your ideas, responses, or opinions before you speak them. It’s ok to wait for a few seconds or minutes to respond. Responding immediately doesn’t make you any wiser, because you might say words that you don’t mean to say.
  • Promise and commit yourself to avoid complaining and gossiping about yourself and others. Venting our emotions to someone else is very helpful to relieve stress but we have to take note that it should only be to people whom we can trust. People change! Your friends now can be an enemy tomorrow! And the words that you said won’t change any more.
  • Talk about being happy and appreciative. And always aim to communicate effectively.

Sometimes it’s also hard to control our words given that the one with whom we have the conversation is a friend or someone whom we haven’t met for a long time. And to make up for the years that have past without seeing each other we often sit or go out with them to fill those times that we haven’t seen them in person by talking and telling stories about the things that we have missed already. However, there’s one thing that we also miss sometimes, and that is to be careful of the things that are coming out of our mouths.

So, why does being selective with words very important?

Being selective with words during a conversation with somebody is very important because:

  • It saves us from being liable. A story being told to someone else could spread easily, especially if that person is a chitchat person. This means that person isn’t careful about the things which he/she shares with someone else. So always choose your words, and choose to whom you share your words as well.
  • Being selective with words helps you to minimize the length of a conversation. A long conversation with someone else shortens or distracts your productivity. There are countless things that you can do instead of spending time conversing with someone else which only goes to talking about the life of other people.
  • Being selective with the words that you say enhances your critical thinking. It means you only produce words that you think can produce a worthful topic. This will then help you to gain knowledge, ideas, and information that is beneficial for improving your self-development instead of gaining negative thoughts or learning negative actions from a lengthy conversation.
  • Being selective with words helps you to avoid unimportant details that could only create negatives in life.
  • It helps you to focus on what matters most, like deciding what to pay attention to and what to avoid because being selective means being aware of your words.
  • Being selective with words helps you to ignore certain stimuli that could ruin a conversation, and be able to concentrate on it to create a meaningful one.
How to boost your confidence as a mom?

How to boost your confidence as a mom?

This post will help you gain confidence on how to manage the house, how to relate with family and other people, and how to face personal endeavors in life.

Ways to boost your confidence as a mom.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Being a good mom is a choice that we have to choose each day. To be able to put our children’s happiness and well-being ahead of our own is truly a mighty thing! To be able to teach our children the right one and do the right thing is fulfilling. Even when there are times that we’re not that sure what the right thing is. We choose to do it, we choose to give it, we choose to show it, for us to be able to embody that supermom image that our children see us.

We have to be strong and we have to be a good example through their eyes. Forgiving ourselves over and over again when we’ve done wrong, when we’ve forgotten to accomplish little tasks, and when we became anxious about the things that we can’t decide properly allows us to realize that there is always room for adjustment, for maturity and improvement.

Being a mom isn’t about being perfect, being the most beautiful, or smart. It’s about having the right amount of everything, most importantly: love, kindness, patience, and compassion.

Whether you are a working mom or a stay-at-home mom. We all need to build our self-confidence to deal with our daily lives.

Being a mom isn’t that easy, because we have to weigh and balance everything to achieve a stress-free life. Yes, we can’t avoid being stressed sometimes due to the things that we have to manage at home, relationships with our loved ones and other people that we need to handle, and facing our endeavors could also mean taking time to understand ourselves more. But we can manage everything if we are confident in tackling each situation even how hard or impossible it may be.

Managing the house

Managing the house can be stressful if we aren’t confident in what we are doing. From deciding what to cook, what to buy, how to take care of the kids, how to fix the things, how to clean the house, and how to make it as homey as it should be! If we are confident about the things that we should be doing there could be greater happiness instead of a toxic life.

How can we boost our confidence in managing the house?

  • Love what you are doing
  • Enjoy the tasks
  • Be happy
  • Commit to time management
  • Plan your day
  • One task at a time
  • Simplify everything
  • Trust yourself

Relationship with our family

Our relationship with our family could also suffer if we aren’t confident about how to handle them. As the mother of the house, we are the ones who are most affected if some members of the family aren’t on good terms. We have to know some ways to fix it right away. And be able to bring back a harmonious home environment.

How can we boost our confidence in dealing with our family?

  • Know your role, and know their roles.
  • Implement the right action.
  • Be firm if you believe you’re doing the right thing.
  • Understand each family member’s personality.
  • Always be fair
  • Make the house happy.
  • Include the family in making important decisions.

The way we relate to other people

We can’t control how people might think about us. But we can control ourselves not to get affected by them. People would always have a say on how we look, how we raise our children, how we make decisions etc. And it’s something that may drag our confidence down. If we know how to handle those things we won’t lose our confidence.

How can we boost our confidence with the way we relate to other people?

  • You don’t have to prove yourself to anybody else.
  • Just continue what you believe can benefit you and your family.
  • Smile and show kindness even to those people who hated you.
  • Talk to people at eye level.
  • Never look down on yourself.
  • Show what you’ve got!
  • Share your opinions, and give your comments or suggestions.

Facing our endeavors

We are unique human beings, we have personal goals and dreams in life. Whether you are a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, you have other things which you wanted to achieve. And it takes ample confidence for you to grab it.

How can we boost our confidence in facing our endeavors?

  • Don’t give up on your dream.
  • There’s always a time for everything.
  • Listen to your gut, sometimes our body gives us a strong feeling about what decision we should take, and it’s not a wrong thing to consider.
  • Be a lifelong learner, read more.
  • Love and trust yourself.
  • Focus and find ways to develop yourself.

To all mothers out there remember that you are an important creation in this world. Embrace the magic of motherhood! Enjoy every bit of it, and you’ll see that everything is beautiful!

How to get involved and help the community where you live?

How to get involved and help the community where you live?

Do you want to help the community where you live, but wondering how to do it? Or are you thinking if you’re making an impact on your community?

Sometimes you are just unaware that you are already making helpful actions to the community where you live! And oftentimes you are thinking of ways on how to help in your little ways.

Ways that you can help in the community.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

We are all busy every day and helping out the community is sometimes we forget or don’t consider anymore. But remember that this is an activity that is worth doing during our spare time.

So, let us learn below simple ways on how we can help our community:

Think of some ways where you can volunteer.

  • Volunteering is a simple way yet fulfilling activity that you can do during your free time. Isn’t it that it’s a good activity than just sitting around watching movies that can only make you sad? Depending on your educational background, capability, resources, or passion, you can use it in deciding how you can help the community.
  • You can be a volunteer lecturer on a related topic in your community, you can volunteer in taking care of homeless animals like cats or dogs, you can help in cleaning the environment and making ways to promote proper waste disposal, etc. There are countless ways you can get involved, but make sure to always consider what you know, what you are good at, and what interests you the most.

Help and inspire your neighbors

  • Our neighbors might be going through difficult times without being aware of it. These may be due to physical, emotional, psychological, financial, etc. Taking time to talk with them will help you find ways to help with what they are going through.
  • You can help them by giving advice, teaching them about proper budgeting or home management, giving them tips on how they can manage their stress, or how to cook something healthy for the family, etc.
  • You can have a lot of ways to help them. It’s just a simple effort but could already make a big difference in their well-being.

Cleaning up the backyard or front yard

  • One way to inspire others is for them to see what you are doing. By simply picking up trash, sweeping, and disposing of the garbages properly, you are already showing them a pleasant activity that can help the environment. Becoming a role model is a nice way to motivate people to be mindful also in taking care of the nature and environment.
  • Doing gardening, planting ornamental plants to beautify the surrounding, or planting vegetables for food consumption. You are not just helping the surroundings to make it free from weeds but you are also helping to purify the air.

Donating your stuff or things that you don’t need anymore

  • Giving can greatly impact people who need it the most while decluttering some spaces on your cabinets or shelves. Things that you can donate are clothing, shoes, toys, or even food.

Be a good member of the community

  • You can also help the community by simply showing a good attitude.
  • Don’t throw your garbages anywhere.
  • Take part in your community programs.
  • Be kind to everyone and show a genuine attitude.
  • Be friendly to your neighbors and other people in your community.
  • Help the community achieve peace and order by starting it yourself.
  • Follow the rules and guidelines that are being implemented in your community.

Our involvement as a part of the community where we live is crucial for its development. And being a part of an improved and developed community gives us something that we can be proud of.

Essential life lessons that you can learn from children

Essential life lessons that you can learn from children

Children look to adults as their educators, role models, and sometimes someone they want when they grow up. But often we don’t consider that there are things that they can also teach us!

Things that you can learn from children.
Image source: CTTO

Below are the essential life lessons that you can learn from children:

  • Feel your emotions and be true to them. Children show their emotions about a certain situation based on what they feel. When they are happy they will laugh and will stumble with joy! When they are sad they will cry, when they are angry they will make their voice louder and do things that will relieve their frustrations. As an adult we have already grown at that stage, when we are happy, we just smile or laugh. And limits everything not to look awkward. When we are lonely we sometimes manipulate our feelings and don’t show it up, because we don’t want to look miserable. When we are angry we often keep it ourselves so not to hurt anybody else. And what usually happens is that we find ourselves living a stressful life. Showing our emotions won’t make us less, instead, it’s something that could even help with our health and wellness!
  • Explore your curiosity and be excited about it. The curiosity of a child’s mind leads to more learning and creative works. When we grow older we stop finding things that can help with our development. We assume to be contented with what we have already because we thought that it is for good. But what if there are things that you can still do to improve yourself?
  • Be fearless, be courageous. Children usually do things without worrying too much about the result. They think that whatever it takes they must do it for the sake of making themselves happy. When we mature we sometimes avoid things that we feel like we can’t do, this is because we are afraid of failure. We are afraid of judgments that other people might throw at us. But do their words matter?
  • Deal with your life, and start a new day! Children would always be happy to wait for tomorrow’s activities. They would plan it and see to it that they will act on it. They don’t mind about the bad things that happened yesterday because it’s finished already. They lookup for a new beginning, which a new day is willing to bring. As an adult, we are preoccupied with what happened in the past, with the things that we didn’t make, the failures that we experienced, or the challenges that we are facing. But thinking about it will only ruin our well-being. Be like a child! Avoid worrying about the things that you can’t change, and be happy to make good memories for the days to come!
  • Be happy and be active. Children always have a happy outlook on life. Adventures seem endless and fun! They don’t mind going home tired and sweaty! The experience and joy that each activity brought into their lives are very important to them. When we get older we just want to stay in our comfort zone. We don’t explore like a child because we think that we’re already done with those things. But we have to realize that going outside will not only help with our well-being, but it will also help us to see other opportunities that life reserved for us.
  • Socialize and connect to your community and society. Children love to make new friends, they love to socialize and build a circle of friends from the community they belong to or places they visited. As adults, we should also be friendly, and we shouldn’t limit ourselves to making connections with other people because it is important in life. You can gain learnings from other people through their experiences and helpful thoughts, you can use that information as a basis or guide in managing a difficult situation.
Why rejections aren’t bad and what can you do if you are experiencing it?

Why rejections aren’t bad and what can you do if you are experiencing it?

Rejections are part of life that we have to accept. Rejections are real but it isn’t that bad, this is essential for our well-being if only we take it positively.

Things to do when you are experiencing rejections.

Rejection is the act of not accepting or considering something. And it’s not a comfortable feeling especially if you aren’t expecting it. It may happen in life a few times a year depending on how you handle every situation.

Examples of rejections are as follows: you are being ignored by the person that you wanted, turned down by someone, disappointed over not being chosen, not considering your ideas or opinions, refusal to support your goals, or you aren’t promoted over other colleagues. There are lots of rejections and it comes from small to big form.

Below are the effects of rejections in our life:

  • This could increase your emotional feelings such as anxiety, sadness, anger, jealousy, and depression.
  • It decreases your daily performance, you feel less energized than usual.
  • It can also affect your self-esteem, the way you interact with others, and the way you handle your day.

What can you do about rejection is that you should make it a positive experience rather than thinking of negative thoughts and feelings.

If for example, you are the person who’s gonna be rejecting someone, make sure that you do it positively. This will lessen the gravity of how the rejected person will handle the situation.

  • Preparedness- you have to prepare yourself, think of how you will deliver your words.
  • Be honest about your reason, and tell why you are rejecting.
  • Avoid false hope as it will only make another emotional problem to the person.

How to deal with rejections?

  • Understand why it hurts, allow yourself to feel it.
  • Look at the brighter side of life.
  • Take a look at yourself, watch out for your thoughts and emotions.
  • Do self-affirmations and self-care activities.
  • Surround yourself with loved ones who can bring comfort and guidance.
  • Strive to do better, and just try until you make it.
  • Think of your goal, remember that rejections are part of achieving success.