Just learn from it, a new journey won’t harm you!

Just learn from it, a new journey won’t harm you!

Journey in life should not harm you.

Uncertainties are always there, but what’s important is that you were able to embrace whatever it is!

This past week was so fast that I have to decide to try something which I am not that sure if I can be able to grasp and go along with others. My curiosities have led me to juggle this journey. And I am happy that I tried it compared to not trying at all. I don’t know if I was just overwhelmed with what I can do after finishing this up. But what I am sure of is that the experiences that I will be gaining in this journey will give some learnings that I can use as I go along wherever it takes.

Risk-taking isn’t that easy because you have to come out from that comfort zone that is protecting you all the way. Shielding you from hurts and frustrations that you might experience as you go through your new journey.

My advice to all of you who are having a hard time deciding if you should push yourself in starting a new venture or not is that just go with it. And accept whatever outcome it may produce. You might achieve success or failure out of it, but what’s important is that it both gave you new knowledge that you can use with the new skills that you can develop.

Lastly, a new journey won’t harm you because it’s the key to widening your scope and broadening your understanding of what life is!

Important self-advices to ponder this year

Important self-advices to ponder this year

The following are some of the things that we should reflect on, to lighten how we deal with our daily lives.

Things to ponder this year.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.
  • It’s ok not to win in every argument.
  • Crying with somebody is more healing than crying alone in the corner.
  • Don’t compare your life with other people, they have their struggles too.
  • It’s never too late to be happy, keep smiling! Those worries and concerns that you feel will be forgotten as time goes by. As they say, time heals almost everything.
  • Today is a special day! Use that beautiful clothing in your closet. Eat that delicious food in your refrigerator, and travel to that wonderful place that you love!
  • Get outside every day, spectacular gifts are waiting for you!
  • Jealousy is a waste of time, treasure what you have.
  • Life isn’t in a box, but it’s still a gift that is worth opening each day.
  • Don’t worry, as all things will happen if it’s meant to be. But of course, you also have to move and do your part, and avoid being afraid.
  • Stop comparing the past to the present. Live each moment, live today.
  • Leave your painful experiences so that you can go forward with confidence into the future that you are about to develop.
  • Tell your loved ones that you love them. Be glad that they are the ones placed in your present life. Seek and appreciate every knowledge and memory that you learned from them.
  • Invest more time with your family. It’s never wrong to have those material things that you worked hard for, such as your wonderful house, your awesome car, pretty clothing, or things, if it took part in creating those memories.
  • Strive to just be yourself, be the person that defines you.
  • Don’t allow yourself to be a shadow of someone else life, or to be the accessory of who they are.
  • Love yourself every single day, and choose to live with no regrets at all.
Examples of New Year’s resolutions and how to follow through?

Examples of New Year’s resolutions and how to follow through?

A new year’s resolution is a way in which an individual will continue to do good practices, and will make a promise to change an undesirable trait or personality.

New year's resolutions and how to make it come true.

It helps us to promote self-confidence, and it empowers us if we were able to accomplish and follow through the goals that we planned. Before making your new year’s resolution, make sure that your mind is ready to focus on what you want to achieve, and be able to make it. Occasionally, we don’t achieve some of our new year’s resolutions because we aren’t ready for the change that we wanted.

Examples of new year’s resolutions are as follows:

  • Drinking more water and eating nutritious foods.
  • Take care of your body.
  • Smiling, laughing, or choosing positivity.
  • Cutting out excessive sugary and fatty foods.
  • Being more active every day.
  • Managing sleep and routine.
  • Spending more time with the family.
  • Lesser time on social media, and negative news.
  • Taking more photos and spending more time creating good memories.
  • Listening to music.
  • Reading books
  • Learning new skills.
  • Starting a hobby.
  • Saving the environment.
  • Keeping a clean house.
  • Organizing important documents.
  • Deleting unhelpful E-mails and messages.
  • Planning healthy meals.
  • Cooking new recipes.
  • Sharing knowledge with other people.
  • Using vouchers and cashback in grocery and online shopping.
  • Be mindful of expenses.
  • Exercising at least 30 minutes every day.
  • Avoid doing things that can put your health at risk.
  • Giving compliments and offering kindness to everyone.
  • Avoiding procrastination.
  • Being thankful every day.

How to follow through with your New Year’s resolutions?

  • Make a plan
  • Be realistic
  • Take it seriously but don’t stress yourself.
  • Encourage yourself that you can make it.
  • Track your progress
  • Reward yourself for every achievement that you can make.

Additionally, to be able to make your new year’s resolutions a success, you also have to think about whether it’s attainable or not and if it corresponds with your ability, situation, and your specified resources.

In conclusion, New Year’s resolutions are a great way to improve ourselves. It signifies a desire to at least take a step forward towards a change, whether we achieve all the resolutions that we make or not.

Morning affirmations and why this is beneficial in our lives?

Morning affirmations and why this is beneficial in our lives?

Affirmations are words that can help you to overcome negative thoughts.

Morning affirmations and the benefits of it in our life.

This helps us to focus on the way we think and act. Affirmations help influence our subconscious mind to produce improvement in our life.

  • According to studies, using positive affirmations regularly helps your brain to change the way you think.
  • It motivates you to do an action.
  • Helps you to concentrate on your goals.
  • It brings positivity and it boosts your self-esteem.
  • It releases you from worry, fear, negativity, and other thoughts that can put you down.
  • Embodying affirmations and repeating them daily, will help you take charge of the way you think, and it will slowly change your life.
  • Using it daily is a good way in recognizing and changing your thoughts to what is good.
  • It can transform your cognition and will make your negative thoughts less prominent.
  • It helps you to choose better decisions daily.
  • Furthermore, it helps to boost your self-worth by building a positive opinion about yourself and your ability to achieve your dreams in life.

Including positive affirmations in your morning routine can feed your brain with essential thoughts that powers you up before you begin your day.

To make it successful, it should be based on your personal needs and what you want to change in your well-being.

Examples of positive morning affirmations:

  1. I am healthy and happy.
  2. I am kind and patient.
  3. I am braver and stronger than yesterday.
  4. I am free from pain and stress.
  5. I am full of love and care.
  6. I can overcome any challenges that will come along my way.
  7. I can make this day a great day!
  8. I am writing my story, and I am not taking charge of anybody for the result of my actions.
  9. My life is a wonderful gift.
  10. I am enough, and I love the person I am becoming.

Avoid pressuring yourself so as not to ruin what you are aiming for. Allow these to settle in your mind, and you will see changes day by day.

Why do words from other people sometimes hurt us?

Why do words from other people sometimes hurt us?

A dictionary defined emotion as a state of mind wherein it is derived from circumstances, situations, mood, and the way we relate to others. Thinking is a process wherein a person is using his/her mind in reasoning about a certain situation. Our emotion uses our heart and our thinking uses our brain. Our brain is responsible for creating those emotions that we feel. That’s why it’s important to control our minds to avoid being hurt.

Why does words that comes from other people sometimes hurt us?
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

It’s not the spoken word that hurt us, it’s the way we think and act that make us hurt!

The reality is that if somebody wants to see you as a good person, they will see you as good. But, if they want to see you as a bad person, they will see you as bad. You can’t stop them, even though you interrogate them because it’s their way of thinking. It’s in their mind, you can’t change it unless they will. So, the right thing that you must do is to just be yourself. Accept the things that you can’t control.

Stop worrying about what other people might be thinking of you. Furthermore, stop being stressed about how they make you feel.

Because even if you try to show them your good intentions, the more reasons that they will hold on to their attitude and make you feel down. They know that they are holding that part of you that will always care about what they would say or do. Learn to accept that you can’t change someone else views, thoughts, and actions because it’s theirs.

In conclusion, why do words from other people sometimes hurt us? It’s because we think and feel it. But how we control our minds and the way we respond to our emotions is the one we need to look deeper with. It’s either we will be hurt, or it will just pass, depending on how you deal with it. Accept their words and actions, don’t take them too seriously so that you wouldn’t formulate unnecessary ideas that could hurt your feelings.

What is the importance of expressing and accepting an opinion?

What is the importance of expressing and accepting an opinion?

An opinion is a personal view or judgment about a certain thing. It is based on the person’s perception and the way he/she understands or perceived something. Certainly, opinions may be accepted or rejected, but what’s important is you were able to voice them.

On the other hand, it is scary to say something and give an opinion because of the negative possibilities.

Importance of expressing and accepting opinions.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

And sometimes thinking about these possibilities, just like rejection and being misunderstood by everyone, limits our ability to express our thoughts. Moreover, leaving us empty because we didn’t be able to take the chance to convey ourselves.

However, remember as well that voicing your opinion should be at the right time and also use the right words. Wrong words and at the wrong time can make your opinion looks useless. So, you also have to determine it.

Giving your opinion about something makes you fulfilled, and it boosts your self-esteem. Expressing your thoughts and words is your way of living in a free environment. You own it and it’s your right. So, why scared if you can say something?

Above all, if you are the recipient of the opinion, remember to:

Be considerate also, just listen and calm yourself not to give words that can hurt the person. Opinions are just their opinions anyway! If you like it, then say you do and agree with them. But if not, just say it too! Tell the reason you don’t agree, and give your idea peacefully. Accept opinions even when they are different from you or even if you don’t agree with them that much. Accept opinions, even though you think you are more capable. Furthermore, accept opinions so that others will also accept yours.

Some people might spend a few minutes or hours formulating it into their minds. And when you oppose, disagree, or even said something that is not good, you might hurt them, leaving an idea that they shouldn’t even raise their opinions. It might scare them the next time, and give them the reason to belittle their capability.

In conclusion, what are the importance of expressing and accepting an opinion is that it both helps us to grow and mature. It helps us boost our self-confidence, and it increases our wisdom.

Helpful ways to consider in planning your best year ahead

Helpful ways to consider in planning your best year ahead

There is no such thing as a perfect year. Because we cannot control everything. What we can control instead are our ways of dealing with everything. And planning our year is a great starting point to make it the way we like it.

Ways that you can consider in planning your best year ahead.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

But always remember to plan with a purpose. Ask yourself! What am I planning for? Is this will make me happy? Can this will bring happiness to my life?

Then, consider these in planning your best year:

  • Make a reflection about the past. You have to assess the past year for you to have a starting point. Did you achieve your goals for the past year? If not, is there a reason for you to fulfill or continue it this year? Then make it!
  • Learn to let go. You have to let go of your emotional and intellectual attachment to things, experiences, situations, and even to people who only give you negative feelings. Declutter your life by changing your bad habits with the good ones. And declutter your surroundings. Throw or give away things that you don’t need anymore, especially the things that don’t bring you joy already.
  • Define what you want and need. It helps you focus on your goals that could bring the success that you are longing for.
  • Find your reason, answer your own why’s! Consider looking into your passion and talents that are an important part of this.
  • Set your yearly goals, and make them smart. If we say smart it should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bounded. This is a good baseline in completing your goals.
  • Use a planner so that you know what to do, it will guide you as you go along with your life goals.
  • Improve your abilities, you have numerous talents. You can do many things, trust yourself and explore them!
  • Make a bucket list. These are the things that you want to do, for pleasure and fun. Achieving it will make you feel that priceless joy within.
  • Assess your progress each month. Extend an effort to the things you feel like you’re slow.
Wonderful questions for you to know yourself better!

Wonderful questions for you to know yourself better!

Asking yourself questions and giving an answer to them can help boost your brain and makes your life fulfilling. It can give you a better outlook on life. It helps you achieve happiness, growth, healthy mind setting, and it inspires you to review what matters most.

Questions that you can ask to yourself.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

When we were a child, we often ask too many questions because we want to know every detail, and we want to fulfill our curiosities. But as we grow older, we sometimes stop doing it because we feel like it’s not already essential!

Asking questions and giving an answer helps us to understand ourselves better. Below are some questions that you can ask yourself. Be able to give an answer and enjoy the moment of doing it like a little one!

  • When you were young, what did you want to be?
  • Who is your inspiration in life?
  • What is your dream day?
  • Who would you like to meet in person?
  • What would you like to start now?
  • What would you like to change about your attitude?
  • There are qualities that we often admire. What qualities do you admire most?
  • Where and how do you like to relax?
  • What qualities do you most proud of yourself?
  • What is that thing you can’t live without?
  • Which do you prefer, indoor activities or outdoor activities?
  • If you aren’t afraid of anything, what would you like to do?
  • Who would you like to see again?
  • What skill or talent do you wish you have?
  • What story do you want to share with other people?
  • If you are a superhero, what power would you like to have?
  • What is your passion in life?
  • What do you want to give to other people?
  • There are things that we didn’t fully explore. What are the things you wish you did more?
  • What makes you feel loved?
  • About your goal, what would you like to achieve next year?
  • If there’s something that you want to tell your younger self, what would it be?
  • What is your piece of advice to your older self?
  • If you are an object, what would you be?
  • What makes you feel sad?
  • What makes you feel happy?
  • If you write a book about your life, what would be the title?
  • What advice would you give to people who are depressed?
  • If life stopped now, what would you regret not doing?
  • How do you like to be remembered?

After answering these questions, read again and be able to reflect on them.

Why do we compare ourselves, what are the dangers of it, and how to handle it?

Why do we compare ourselves, what are the dangers of it, and how to handle it?

Sometimes comparison serves as a starting point of where we are already in life, what would we like to be, which option we choose, and how can we pick and make the best decision?

We often compare ourselves to our friends or peers, colleagues, classmates, workmates, and even to the people whom we watch on TV, such as those we look up to.

Comparing ourselves
Image source, credit to: Photo library provided by Pexels.

We often compare ourselves, especially if we are average to that of other people, and it lowers our self-esteem if we see that they have better features compared to us. Occasionally, we also compare ourselves to the less fortunate, and it uplifts our self-esteem and our sense of self if we see that we are better than they are.

Not all, will experience the bad effects of this kind of attitude, especially if we can still control ourselves, and accept the reality. But honestly, many people indulge in this kind of attitude, and sometimes they come to the point that they are already losing themselves because of this habit.

The fast-paced environment, technology, trends, and effects of our social life contribute to comparing ourselves.

Take note:

There will always be someone out there who will look happier, more successful, wealthier, and healthier apart from us. We have to realize this because it’s the reality! This will help us to be aware of ourselves, and when we are already aware, we can then easily find ways how to avoid and stop this kind of thinking.

What are the dangers of comparing ourselves:

  • Feelings of jealousy
  • Low self-esteem/low self-confidence
  • Anxiety and depression
  • ruined relationship
  • Emptiness
  • Feeling deprived
  • wasting of time
  • Self-destruction
  • Resentment
  • It will take your happiness
  • It will destroy your progress, and goals in life.

How to stop comparing yourself?

  • Have self-awareness
  • Love and accept yourself
  • practice gratitude
  • Be content with what you have.
  • Focus on your strengths
  • Learn to appreciate others
  • Go away from situations that can trigger it, just like spending too much time with social media. Be aware that social media is a mixture of fantasy and reality.
  • Take note that comparing yourself to other people isn’t good for your health.

Verse to remember:

1 Corinthians 4:7 NLT
For what gives you the right to make such a judgment? What do you have that God hasn’t given you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast as though it were not a gift?

Where to find essential learnings in life?

Where to find essential learnings in life?

This post will tackle the different places or situations that can provide good learning. Aside from books, where can we learn?

When we were young, we were taught to read the ABC, to count 123, to say good words, and to show a good attitude. We were trained by our parents and elders to do so because they know that it is important. Also at home, our family taught us good lessons that we can carry along with us, as we leave the doors of our houses.

Essential ways to find learnings.
Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels.


The basic lessons that we learned in our home were the things that will direct and help us in seeking to learn more because there are still numerous things that we should know in life.

Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels.


In school, we’ve got to use and show what we know. We’ve got to enhance it as we go along with our classmates and teachers. We learned to use our abilities and capabilities in the best way we can, especially in dealing with the different subjects and activities in school.

Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels.


We can also learn from our community. We can learn by simply observing, and simply listening to things that are worth our time. Furthermore, we can learn from different people, animals, nature, and situations.

Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels.

Life experiences:

In our daily lives, it’s important to pay attention to the experiences we’ve been through. They may be positive or negative experiences, but we will always be assured that it teaches us a lesson. This is the best teacher that can mold our life to what we wanted. So, it’s vital and very meaningful if we were able to appreciate and learn about the lessons that it taught us.

Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels.

We have to accept that there could be times when the people around us do things that aren’t amenable to us. We cannot control this, so what we have to do is just go with it, but remember to always do what is right and what is acceptable.

Image source, credit to Photo library provided by Pexels.

One general experience that we all have been through is our experience with the pandemic. The pandemic taught us to be more self-reliant in terms of guarding ourselves against the deadly virus. It taught us to be more disciplined and to follow the rules. It also taught us to be more loving, caring, and giving.

We should always find meaning in the experiences that we encountered in life. Identify what we can learn from it, and be able to apply it to achieve the improvement that we want for ourselves.

How to make a responsible decision?

How to make a responsible decision?

Here are 8 steps that you can follow to make a responsible decision in life.

How to make a responsible decision.

Deciding for ourselves is a form of a cognitive process wherein it helps you realize the consequences of your action.

There are numerous events and situations in our lives that we need to handle on our own, and one is decision-making. We have to realize that we need to think about the final decision later on, before we take an action, in order not to condemn anyone for the result it may bring.

There are countless factors to be considered that can have an impact on how we make decisions, and it includes governing rules, beliefs in life, emotions, and experiences.

These steps below will help you on how to decide on your own so that you’ll confidently make a responsible decision without asking others to make it for you.

  1. You have to know the problem. Define the problem, and distinguish if it’s something that you need to solve.
  2. Look for helpful information that can guide you, such as information from people you trust and other reliable sources.
  3. List your options. Take enough time to think about the possible ways that you will be going to solve the problem.
  4. Think about the possible results. Be able to accept that once you decide, you have already made two possible results. Whether positive or negative.
  5. Make your decision, pick the best solution that will solve the problem that you are facing.
  6. Take the desired action. Do it on your own!
  7. Check for the outcome, did the decision you made solve the problem? Did it improve the situation?
  8. Accept the outcome, and never blame anybody for the result of the action you’ve done.

The most important thing that you achieved from that decision-making process is the experience you gained from it. Maybe positive (you like the outcome) or negative (you aren’t satisfied), and it’s ok because you made it independently, you had proven something for yourself.

Self-awareness for maturity

Self-awareness for maturity

I came across this quote telling that:

People will notice the change in your attitude or behavior towards them, but won’t ever notice their behavior that made you change!

Personality traits and self-awareness

Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Sporadically, you can hear others say, oh! You’ve changed a lot! They will usually tell you this in front of you if those changes they have seen are positive. But if it’s negative, or they feel like it’s not proportionate to their attitude, they will tell other people instead of you. Usually, they will comment that you’ve changed your attitude towards them. If you’ve changed for what you believed is right or appropriate, just do it. People will always give comments or suggestions anyway!

What can you do about it?

  • Be able to know if you’re making the right thing, showing the right attitude and behavior. Think about this, why does he/she say those words to you? Why does he/she treat you that way?
  • Being aware of your attitude, and being mindful of the things you need to change.
  • Adjust your attitude for what is morally good.
  • Make an honest response to somebody’s negative attitudes. You might be saving that person from being immersed with false thoughts and wrong self-beliefs.
  • Learn to deal with it, and do appropriate actions.

It’s a common feeling to some people, who are tagged sometimes as naughty, bad, or indifferent because of the attitude that they show and how they treat others.

Personality and self-awareness:

Personality is how we differ in terms of character, patterns of thinking, behavior, and feeling or emotion from other people. So, even those identical twins would possess unique personality traits from each other.

Occasionally, we don’t easily recognize it, due to numerous activities that we do, countless people that we need to deal with, and challenges that we need to face in life daily. Maybe you can ask some of your family, friends, or relatives (those who are genuine and will tell you the truth). To be able to update yourself from the personality traits that you aren’t conscious of, or just to update yourself from the things which you can’t recognize on your own. Oftentimes, we experienced this, and usually, we are blinded, and we choose to ignore those attitudes. As we physically mature or grow older, our thoughts and actions should also reach maturity. We can make it through self-awareness.

When we say self-awareness, we can recognize our thoughts and actions, whether it’s good, bad, or within limits. Whether we need to retain or change.

Factors to self-awareness and personality traits:

Research suggests that genetics also plays a role in the changes in someone’s personality traits. There are also environmental factors and situational factors such as aging, health conditions, work, people around you, temperament, etc.

The reality is that we changed over time, and we cannot hide the fact that it’s a permanent thing in this world. Your physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, social, and behavioral characteristics will change, deepen or mature over time. We are not perfect human beings, there are changes to improve us, correct us from any misconceptions, and revise or develop ourselves for what is good.