Why we should stick to the process?

Why we should stick to the process?

Everyone deserves great things on this Earth, isn’t it? But, why do we feel like we aren’t that blessed? Sometimes we feel like we are paralyzed and can’t get things done! We want to do something but it’s like we are so slow to get into it. As we move further, some forces drain our energy and capacity to do things. We are excited to achieve something but it feels like our productivity just doesn’t fit in. We want to focus but there are a lot of things that need our attention!

These are some of the questions and words just coming up into our minds when we feel like we are inefficient or ineffective in some areas of our life. But to think that there is a process that we have to go through to come up with all the ideas that will help us to get what we want? Then all will be going to be alright. This process of life serves as the framework that we can use to stand firm and be where we want in life soon.

Reasons to stick to the process of life.
Source of the images in this post: Photo library by Pexels.

The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving.

O.W Holmes

There might be moments wherein we feel like we are in the wrong place. But, it isn’t the wrong place! It’s the right place to think or assess yourself, where you should go? What you should do and how to use your experiences in life to choose the right way. Forget about the things that will only bring negativities into your life like comparison, impatience, and feeling stuck. Life is worth living if we enjoy every bit of it.

The life process is like riding a bicycle, to get where you want to go, you have to keep moving, you have to focus, you have to keep right and you have to move in the direction where you can reach your destination. One wrong move can make you fall, can give you pain and bruises that can make you feel afraid to do it once more or continue where you are about to go. Likewise, when you take the courage and go along with whatever the circumstances you are perceiving? Then you are giving yourself the chance to make it.

The life process is like baking a recipe that you found on the internet or just read in a recipe book. If you don’t follow the ingredients and directions that are indicated? The result will be different, it might cause you sadness because after all you just wasted the effort you just put in. But, if you followed the ingredients and directions, the result might be good. It can bring us happiness when we make things right and it gives us sorrow and pain when we don’t make things the way they should be.

Don’t be your enemy! Be the person you can love, trust and be proud of.

The following will help you to stick to the process:

  • Love yourself! This can help you face all the challenges that life wants you to deal with before achieving your goal. If you love yourself, you can better understand what you are going through, you learn to be patient and kind in dealing with every hardship that will go along your way.
  • Accept your situation. There are things that we can’t control. And accepting whatever situation we have can help us think about what to do instead of just making things worst.
  • Appreciate what you have. Having gratitude in our hearts can uplift our mood and be able to see the positive things that we don’t see if we indulge in continuously looking for the things that we don’t have.
  • Manifest the life that you want to push through. You have dreams in life that you want to achieve secretly! Why don’t you start now?
  • Assess your life, plan things that are related to your situation, do something for yourself and evaluate if it’s effective.

Whatever outcome life gave you always remember that there are good things above all of these. Good or bad outcomes can give learnings that we can use as we go along the process. We have to accept that there are things that we have to follow, there are things that need our patience and there are things that if done with focus and perseverance will not just bring joy but will increase our appetite for life.

The process of life isn’t that easy, there are things that we can’t make as easy as we want them to be. However, we need to stick to the process because it will be worth it after all.

The basic attitudes to live by daily

The basic attitudes to live by daily

Are you having trouble daily because of unknown reasons? Maybe you have attitudes that need to be changed. This post will help you manifest good attitudes to live by daily so that you could be able to reach your goals and focus on what is essential in life.

Basic attitudes that we should have.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Be kind even if others are not!

Kindness is an attitude that we need to offer to ourselves and others. Sometimes the way we treat other people is by the way they treat us. So, if that person is kind to you, then you have to show the same kindness that he gave you. On the other hand, if the person is rude then we also show them the rudeness that person gave us. Or we sometimes show it to other people who are weaker than us. But remember that the majority of the people who shows rudeness were just thrilled by the situations they are experiencing at the moment. It’s their response to what is happening inside their head and hearts. For example at work, your boss scolded you because of a little mistake that you made regarding your work. Not knowing that this boss also is experiencing something in life which made him/her irritated easily. Maybe the boss is having a family problem. Maybe the boss is pressured by someone else. Maybe the boss is experiencing a life crisis? Don’t follow the train of negativity. Wherein you experience something wrong and will hand it to someone to suffer. So, be kind even if others are not!

Be courageous when situations look fearful!

A courageous attitude will make wonder! Because our fearfulness to take action brings us to inaction. If we dare to do things then we are likely building ourselves personally. There is no growth if we are always fearful of the next step. Yes, stepping forward won’t assure success, we may fail at times and it’s not a comfortable experience to accept. But remember that those who already reached their spot to the positions or status in life that we believed as successful were once experienced what we are experiencing at the moment. They are unsure, but they tried, they failed but they tried again. Until they finally made it.

Our courage will take us to something great. There is something we must do, there is something we are meant to do and there is something for us to do. I always believed that we are meant to do something because we have a purpose on this planet Earth.

Be acceptable and lovable.

Accepting things is an attitude that we have to live by. We have to accept ourselves for who we are. We have to accept our loved ones for whom they are. We have to accept our weaknesses to know how to improve. Sometimes we respond negatively when things don’t go the way we want them. And this becomes the unconscious reason why our day feels so bad. When we don’t get what we want we feel as if life was so unfair and that we are so unlucky. But we should be aware that this negative perception will only add up in attracting negative vibes that will only worsen our day.

Be confident especially when someone wants to drag you down.

Self-confidence is an attitude that will take us to do what we can. Some of us just let things pass because we thought that it won’t make any sense if we do something to those people who want to drag us down. Indeed that’s a great way to avoid conflicts, but we can do something to let them know that what they do isn’t affecting our worth. Be confident! Showing self-confidence isn’t for others’ benefit, it’s for our well-being. It helps us to be more focused on what is essential.

Be humble if you have abundance in life. You won’t have it forever!

Being humble is an attitude that aligns us to show gratitude in whatever we do or have in life. If you want to stay on track with great values and principles in life, then this is something we need to commit to, being humble means maintaining humility and being able to understand that all the material things we have aren’t ours. We came to Earth with nothing, and we will leave the Earth without the material things we gained, but with the legacy, we built when we are on Earth. It’s something weird but it’s something real. We will leave this world and as well everything we have.

Be truthful even when situations want you to lie.

The attitude of being truthful or honest could help us to live without worries and hidden agendas. It is very tempting to tell a lie especially if the situation wanted us to. For instance when we face a confrontation and it seems that the other person and everyone around might get angry or sad when the truth will come out. So, the only way to make the situation better is to tell something that isn’t true because if you will say the truth it might cause further trouble or you might be scolded, but remember that any form of deceiving people will always be unacceptable. If we want to make things right, then we have to always tell the truth. Telling the truth makes us free and relieves any unnecessary feelings and thoughts that will ruin our day. It might be hurtful to accept the consequences of any negative actions we made, but at the end of the day, it will always be the best solution. So, be truthful even when situations want you to lie.

Be adaptable to change and commit to transforming yourself.

Being able to adapt to the changes that occur in our life is an attitude that will help us to avoid being left behind. You will never grow or develop personally and professionally if you always avoid changing old habits that make you unproductive. And we would not change if we don’t adapt to what the situation needs. For instance, we need to adapt to the digital world to make things easier or to make our tasks work great. This will improve our efficiency and will help us gain the confidence to perform other things that are worth our attention.

A child’s view of life: A must view of life

A child’s view of life: A must view of life

Weekends are children’s favorite because it means leisure time with the family!

Going outside to eat, do some sightseeing. Eat meals, and of course, what they love above all is playing different types of games and having fun! It’s their way of life, to enjoy each moment with greatness in their hearts!

View of life

Some of us think that kids are the only appropriate people to do these things.

Because they are young and because we have already gone through these days. We sometimes think that it isn’t for us anymore because doing it will gonna make us look childish. And we hold on to being mature in how we view life. We often don’t realize that we can still enjoy these moments. And feel like a child as if every day is a fun day! And live like a child who doesn’t worry too much about life’s situations and challenges.

We often see them fearless to do something because they want to try what it feels like. We see them enjoy good food and stumble with joy whenever we bought something that they like so much. Their view of life is very simple but overflowing with priceless appreciation. We see their genuine laughs as if they don’t bother anything. They easily forget situations that once made them upset, move on and continue enjoying the moment. And they choose to live life as if they have unlimited time.

What if we imitate the way they view life?

As adults, we feel like we should make even faster in life. This is because of the fear that we are being left behind. Time runs so fast that we feel like we are being unproductive. Well, who would even love the life that isn’t moving? Who would even love a life that feels no growth. And who would even love a life where you felt like you are moving like a turtle on a lonely seaside?

Honestly, we want to improve ourselves, we want to be appreciated, we want to feel important, and we want to be useful.

And adult stage makes us feel like we should fear if we aren’t doing any progress because time is important to us now, and time cannot go back once gone. How many years would still be there? How many chances can we still get? And how many fun moments could we still share with our loved ones?

Rushing can push us towards our goals, but it could also mean that rushing can only alter what we should have to do. Things could be better if it is done with preparation. Don’t rush too much because time isn’t your enemy, make time as your friend who can prepare you to do the things that will equip you towards something that will serve your purpose. View life like a child who doesn’t afraid to fail and try again. View life like a child who would smile after an upsetting scenario. And view life like a child who dreams even the most impossible!

There are times that life is like a carousel, it can move you up and down, steady, slow and fast. But whatever life could bring, you should remind yourself not to be bothered by the challenges that you meet along the way. There are tough moments but remember that it always ends.

Sometimes, life is like a ball and if you aren’t willing to move it, it will just stay where it was. We are here on Earth to live each day, and we shouldn’t just let the day pass without living it because of our grudges, anxiety, fear, and hopelessness.

Our success is not measured by the material things that we bought. It’s not the awards that we achieved. It’s not the title that attaches to our name. But, it’s the happiness that glows within us. It’s the values that we have and the kindness we were able to impart to other people.

Viewing life like a child is not a childish thing to do. It’s something that will make us live the way we should.

Uplifting every woman is a mighty thing, here’s why!

Uplifting every woman is a mighty thing, here’s why!

Don’t whisper because you have a voice!

Reason why uplifting every woman is a mighty thing.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

There are times when women are stressing themselves because of their life’s challenges, personal goals, family relationships, or finding a balance in life. Some women find it beneficial to voice it out or ask for opinions. But some women keep it with them, they choose silence over talking it out, because they don’t want that they would look weak to someone else. Common things which these women needed are words of inspiration, motivation, encouragement, and support, as these can do wonders for them!

Every woman needs someone who can be there when she is striving from pain, loneliness, loss, fear, failure, and regression. Every word of encouragement matter a lot, each appreciation is guaranteed to be helpful, and a simple yet genuine smile means hope that these women can hold on to go through.

Inspiring words, a pearl of thoughtful wisdom, and caring hearts are factors in helping these women achieve their full potential.

Sometimes you can’t even recognize what’s in their minds, what’s in their hearts, what they are longing for, and what they might want in life. They want this and not that, but they don’t have any option. Who would care to help understand them when they are in doubt? When they are in trouble or feel uneasy? Who would dare to listen to their worries when they are afraid, who would uplift their mood when they are down?

They can do more, they can do better. Help them to reach what they might achieve.

Unfortunately, some women feel weak because there’s a lack of support. There is minimal encouragement to raise their self-confidence. And the sad thing is that they choose to accept their hopelessness. They choose to be simple, they don’t continue to develop themselves or achieve simple goals for themselves because of the fear of rejection, because of manipulative people, because of people who would always want to see somebody below their level. They continue living day by day as it is! And it consumes them.

Uplifting every woman is a mighty thing!

Every woman is important because she is very essential for everybody’s development. She can greatly impact every family, community, and country as a whole. If a woman can live peacefully, safely and with a sense of purpose, then she could also achieve a sense of fulfillment in each day of her life. This will help her to show what she can do. This can greatly contribute to honing her skills that she can use to help raise happy and healthier children, a loving family, and an improved community and society.

The roles of women in society are very important concerning health and wellness. Some sociologists claim that women make numerous decisions that determine the participation of the whole household in the community. This includes education, healthcare, and socio-cultural decisions. Women can use the knowledge that they gained from the household decisions to take part in the future of society and any activities that need their ability such as planning outreach programs, forming associations, and support groups for the people of the community where she belongs.

What will you do if you run out of time?

What will you do if you run out of time?

What will you do if you run out of time?

What are your thoughts about life and time? Do they always come together? Or do they need to come together?

Running out of time especially when we are doing an activity gives an uncomfortable feeling which sometimes results in loneliness, pressure, anxiety, or panic. It gives a regretful feeling because we don’t use the given time for us to finish what we have to finish.

Life is a beautiful gift that we unbox each time we open our eyes after a few hours of sleep.

And time marks all the activities that we are doing and about to do in our daily lives. They often come together to bring the sweetness and spice that is needed to appreciate what we have, what we don’t have, what we aspire to be, what we failed to do etc.

This made me recall the movie “In Time”. This movie is such a beautiful story to reflect on. The movie is all about time which is considered an important thing used for their daily lives transaction. What will you do if you have a century of it? And what will you do if you only have an hour of it?

We often overlook how important our time here on Earth is. This is because of our desires, challenges, problems, busy schedules, activities, etc. And that we forget to thank life itself for its grace, for what it gave us, for what it made us.

Oftentimes, we feel like we want to rewind the lost time, the time we don’t make a person smile, the time we made someone cry or hurt, the time we felt sad, the time we didn’t enjoy, the time we were afraid, the time we felt envious, the time we aren’t courageous. We only have a limited time! And this limited time comes only once in a lifetime. There could only be one you and there could only be one me. So what’s left to do is to appreciate who you are, for what you can do, and for what you can’t do. Our imperfections make us unique, it drives us for what we should seek to do.

In time… Your sacrifices will be paid off, your patience will surely gain something good, and soon you can do the things you can’t do now!

Time can be an enemy to those who feel stuck in life. It can be a stress to those who are losing it. It can be a wish to those who are sick and have a terminal illness. It can be a sweet moment for those who waited for it. After all, it can always be our friend because it teaches us a lot in life.

Living the life that makes us happy is the key to making it beautiful and successful. People who are obsessed with having it all like material possessions or titles are found to be lonely, unsatisfied, and craving for more. Realizing they have missed a lot in life. They have missed appreciating a genuine talk, staring at pretty colorful clouds, feeling the awesome embrace brought by nature, doing what their hearts want them to do, and creating and saving memories with the ones they love.

So, do life and time always come together? They come together if we live each second of it. Do they need to come together? When your life ended, your time also ended. But, if you leave the world with something worth remembering? Your life continues…

And you’ll not be afraid when you run out of time!

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any comments or something to share regarding this topic, don’t hesitate to leave it in the comment section. If you found this post helpful, please don’t forget to share it with other people!

Important roles of women in the family, community, and society

Important roles of women in the family, community, and society

Every year, we celebrate women’s month, and it is being celebrated every March. This is an important event for every woman like me because it raises or uplifts our worth in this world.

The roles and importance of every women.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

This celebration highlights women’s achievements and contributions to the family, community, and society. It empowers women and recognizes them as essential contributors to the world that we live in.

What are the important roles of women in the family?

There are a lot of roles that women can do, and must be appreciated by everybody. Some of them are as follows:

In the family, a woman has a lot of roles to perform. And it makes her unique and an irreplaceable human being in every setting.

  • She is a wife, a partner of a man to fulfill the duties and responsibilities in building a wonderful family.
  • She is a risk-taker, who is not afraid for her life just to bring a child into this world. When she delivers a baby, she would feel the happiness and wouldn’t mind about the pain and danger that what if something happens to her while delivering the baby?
  • She is the health officer of the family, she maintains the health and wellness of each member. The one who prepares healthy food. Encourages everyone to perform their hygiene and the person who will always be there when someone in the family gets sick or is feeling down.
  • She is a motivator, she knows when someone at home needs encouragement, and it’s a bad thing for her to see anyone who is not in his/her usual self. Uplifting the moods of every member of the family is very important to her.
  • She is an educator, the first teacher of a child, from teaching ABCs and numbers, guiding her child reach his/her developmental milestones, until helping the child focus on what is important in life, and giving life advice are some of the things that a mother is willing to share.
  • She can do multi-tasking, from cooking and serving simple and nutritious food for the family, to washing the dishes and clothes, taking care of the children, fixing the toys, and maintaining harmony at home are just a few things that she can do every day.
  • She is a good decision-maker, a leader, and an organizer, she decides what to cook, what to buy for the household, what to decorate for the house, organizes simple celebrations at home, and plans and implements outing activities for the family.

The roles of women in the community and society:

  • They serve as a role model of contentment, simplicity, beauty, patience, and love.
  • The roles of women in society are very important concerning health and wellness. Some sociologists claim that women make numerous decisions that determine the participation of the whole household in the community. This includes education, healthcare, and socio-cultural decisions.
  • Women can use the knowledge that they gained from the household decisions to take part in the future of the society and any activities that need their ability such as in planning outreach programs, forming associations, and support groups for the people of the community where she belongs.

Women deserve respect and love. You never know sometimes they feel tired too and need some care like what they always do or offer to other people. Bring them hope, care, and motivation to continue and design the life that they would ever want.

What does it mean by the quote “If you are trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be”?

What does it mean by the quote “If you are trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be”?

This is a powerful quote that will motivate someone to elicit his/her inner potential.

Yes, we have that something within us that we are trying to protect. Sometimes it’s already fine if we hide it for ourselves because of the worries that what if it won’t work? What if I fail? What if people don’t like it? What if they will laugh at me? or what if it will only embarrass me?

If you are trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be means in life.
Image source: Photo provided by Pexels.

This photo depicts a strong will to do what someone can show without limiting the things that he knows he can do.

We are all extraordinary for different reasons and in different circumstances.

Sometimes we don’t feel like we need to come out of our comfort zone because it isn’t necessary. We feel like doing that thing will only ruin what’s normal with us, and what makes us comfortable every single day.

But thinking of these worries, and not thinking of the good possibilities that they could bring won’t help us develop the potential that we might be hiding within ourselves for a very long time. Yes, life is unpredictable, but we will never know that we can do something if we don’t give it a try. We may be facing criticism, hardships, challenges, and stress but one thing is for sure if we courageously do it is that we are making the right decision. Keep in mind that we only live once with the body that we have now. So don’t just stay there, be your best because you are amazing!

The quote:

“If you are trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be”

Maya Angelou

Why you should collect moments, not things?

Why you should collect moments, not things?

Things are crucial for human survival, but only the most important ones. Focusing on collecting things that are already in excess could interfere with our focus to see what is important in life.

You should collect moments not things.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

You have a lot of things, for now, got collected numerous products or items which satisfy yourself. You flexed it in your social media accounts and got a lot of hearts and likes. You enjoyed the praises and prioritized it for quite some time because it reminds you of your ability to buy that product and the power to do whatever you want from your money. You thought that you deserve it because you work for it. You loved your work so much because it’s the reason why you can get everything!

But, until you notice that time is passing too fast, you forget what is important, you forgot to value a genuine conversation, to get along and talk to your loved ones without being in a hurry, to smile or laugh like there’s no tomorrow! You forget to appreciate nature and your environment. You became self-centered, selfish, and craving for more. And it distances you from the essential things which could make you happier, richer, and contented in life.

Time runs too fast, and it’s something that we cannot take back! Our youthfulness and strength will soon diminish. Those gray hairs, weakened muscles and bones, and wrinkled face will soon ask you, did I enjoy my journey? You only have rare, up to no valuable memories to take back from the people you love.

Happiness doesn’t merely come from the physical things, it comes from the memories and experiences we make.

Our mind collects moments, stores them and it makes us revisit them from time to time. We can look back to these memories and cherish the happiness from them that a material thing won’t give us. So learn to appreciate every moment, and make more memories with your loved ones.

Enjoy the little things while it lasts

Enjoy the little things while it lasts

Every so often, our temperament is so short that we often react immediately to situations and hard times that we experience from time to time.

Because of this, we feel sad, pressured, worried, and rushing to get rid of the challenges that we are facing. But we forget that all of those have something to impart in our lives. Challenges happen to give us a lesson and to open our eyes to simple things that we need to appreciate and be thankful for.

Little things in life that we need to enjoy.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

There are numerous reasons to appreciate and enjoy life.

It’s just a matter of realizing it on our own, accepting it certainly, and being contended for what we have.

Here are the little things that you need to enjoy and be glad for every day:

  • Your life! Being able to wake up each day is a great blessing already. It means a new day and a new chance to explore the gifts of life.
  • The people around you. Don’t spend a day interacting only with the virtual world! You are human, and humans need to interact with real people with whom you can connect and learn something. Enjoy their company and embrace whatever lessons you might get from them.
  • Nature and environment. Be glad that you can still see some trees and be able to breathe some fresh air each day.
  • Enjoy every clean water that you drink, food that you eat, clothing that you wear, and shelter where you live. You don’t know how other people are wishing to have those blessings.
  • Appreciate and be glad for the experiences that molded you to be a better person. Good or bad, the important is that it taught you something.
  • Lastly, be happy for the memories that you’ve created from other people, places, and adventures along your life’s journey.
The courage to change and to do better in time

The courage to change and to do better in time

Change is already a part of life that we cannot avoid. It makes our life more meaningful because we’ve got to grow and develop in every aspect of our lives as time goes by.

We need to have the courage in every changes that takes place in our lives.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

When I was in grade school, I and my classmates enjoys break time because we can play after eating our snacks. But when the bell rings, we thought it is a hindrance and feels like the time given to us isn’t enough. The teacher would always remind us to enter the classroom five minutes before the time. As a child, we are longing for more time to play because it makes our childhood enjoyable. The teacher would always tell us that we need to finish the scheduled lesson for us to learn more and move on to the next lesson. As she would always say, there is a time for everything.

As I grow older, I realized that the school lessons and real-life just became more challenging. But the good thing is that life becomes more valuable and meaningful. Every change that happened leaves a memorable experience and a lesson that we need to build ourselves.

Every change that we encounter in life is a way to complete our journey.

And to move forward, we have to take the necessary courage! There are pains, challenges, and problems that we may encounter, but these are the things that each one of us should go through to become better person.

You are enough just as who you are!

You are enough just as who you are!

You are enough, doesn’t mean that you are already perfect, whole, complete, grown, or developed. It doesn’t mean that you don’t need others already. But it means that you don’t need to be perfect, complete, grown, or developed to be accepted, appreciated, loved, or to be able to fit in.

Explanation of the beautiful quote, you are enough.
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

You don’t need to strive so hard just to become the person that other people expect or want you to be. Because it’s not you! And if you are living by their expectations, you will always desire for the unknown, and you will feel that you aren’t enough.

Living in the standards set by manipulative and inconsiderate people is exhausting, heartbreaking, emotionally and mentally damaging. Mold yourself to be the person that you wanted. Reach your star in your little ways!

Being good for yourself and being able to accept who you are can bring so much freedom that you needed to become worthy. You don’t need to be everything because you already have it. Being contended is hard, especially when you see others that are already fulfilled. But this is what everyone needs to be whole and complete.

We have to realize that we all have imperfections, and admitting it is necessary to live purposefully.

Appreciate your life and own it, your life shouldn’t be an endless marathon, trying hard to prove everything to people who don’t appreciate who you are. Letting go of others’ opinions and expectations are good ways to make yourself better. If you do these, everything will happen the way it should be.

The person you need to believe!

The person you need to admire…
The person you ever dreamed to be…
The person who will help you achieve the most impossible…
The person who will give you strength and courage to stand…
The person who will be there to motivate you…
That person is YOU…

What does it mean when we say life begins after coffee?

What does it mean when we say life begins after coffee?

Coffee is a morning beverage, and sometimes consumed as well in the afternoon for most coffee lovers! A cup of coffee in the morning makes us feel energized and active with the activities that we are about to do or perform. It also makes us feel refreshed and alert. This may be the reason why they said that life begins after coffee.

Meaning of life begins after coffee.
Image credit to: Photo library provided by Pexels.

In real life, “life begins after coffee” means that life starts when we have the consciousness for the things that are important in life.

Life begins if we live consciously. It means that we are taking control of our life, the way we think, decide, and whether we are living the life that we wanted. Consciousness is a spectrum of our self-awareness. If we restrict ourselves to reach these perspectives, it may cause us to experience distraction, boredom, and indecisiveness in life. It makes us irritated, and unproductive as well. It causes us to limit ourselves for what we can do.

Consciousness is about our life’s choices when we know how to thrive, and move on. We know when to start and where we should go. We know how to handle failures and how to celebrate victory. Furthermore, we accept ourselves for who we are, and for who we are not. It also helps us to change ourselves and organize our thoughts and actions for what is good.

When we are conscious or aware of our actions, purpose, dreams, and values in life, that’s where life begins!