Essential health benefits of squash

Essential health benefits of squash

Health benefits of squash.

This post will tackle about the health benefits that we can derive from eating squash, together with simple recipes that you can prepare at home!

Squash is a vegetable in food preparation. It is a superb ingredient in baking and cooking.

Health benefits of squash:

According to our health food source:

  • Squash are rich in antioxidants.
  • May help in cancer prevention.
  • It contains vitamin C and beta-carotene.
  • Slows the progression of macular degeneration, improves eye health.
  • Helps to strengthen your immunity.
  • It contains vitamins and minerals which are essential in achieving overall health.
  • Rich in vitamin B, and helps reduced mood disorders, like depression.
  • Helps to enhance skin health.
  • High in fiber content, which helps to aid digestion.

Disclaimer: This post is intended for educational purposes only!

Must know health benefits of sweet potatoes

Must know health benefits of sweet potatoes

This food post will tackle about the health benefits that we can derive from eating sweet potatoes! Also included in this post, simple recipes that you can prepare at the comfort of your own home.

Health benefits of sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are root vegetables that have a starchy, and sweet tasting flavor, specially when cooked or baked. The young leaves and soft shoots of sweet potatoes serves as green leafy vegetable. Sweet potatoes come from different varieties, sizes, and colors.

Health benefits of sweet potatoes

According to our health food source:

  • Good sources of vitamins and minerals.
  • Rich in fiber that promotes gut health, and improves digestion.
  • Rich in antioxidants that serves as a protection of the body from free radicals. It may help in lowering the risk of developing cancer related diseases.
  • Rich in beta-carotene, which helps in achieving eye health and good immune system.
  • May help in brain functioning.
  • Also helps in achieving a healthy skin and hair.

Note: Excessive consumption of food is not good to our health and can bring a negative result or bad effects in our body. Always eat the right kind and the right amount of food.

Disclaimer: This post is intended for educational purposes only!

The health benefits of having cats in the house!

The health benefits of having cats in the house!

The Health benefits of having cats.
Image source credit to: Photo library provided by Pexels

Do you remember the time that you are lonely and then suddenly your cats came to you, that as if wanting to cheer you up? Playing around to make you happy, or touching your hands or feet? As a result, you responded by smiling and subsequently it made your mood feel better? It happened because of their charismatic and friendly behavior. The cats are aware that you are going through a hard time, or a difficult period in life, that’s why they are making ways to pick you up and help you feel ok!

Here is a list why having cats are very beneficial into your life!

  • Cats help to improve your general well-being. The cats’ soft voices helps to calm you down.
  • Helps to lower stress and anxiety. They can turn a bad day into a fulfilling one by providing you comfort and love.
  • Helps to lower your risk of getting heart related or cardiovascular diseases.
  • Considered great companions because they can reduce sadness or loneliness.
  • Cats have a healing effect, their naturally sweet and caring affection can help you deal with a difficult situation.
  • They can be one of your support system, if ever you are battling from mental related problems, they can help you to cope better.
  • According to a study, cat owners can have a better psychological health than people without pets.
  • Cat owners looks happier, more confident, they are less nervous, and can be able to face life’s challenges easily.
  • Encourages exercise, makes you more secure and have an active living.
  • Cats are valuable companions, specially to older adults who are prone to loneliness and isolation.

Aside from the health benefits that they can offer to you, they are also helping your household free from insects and rats.

They are wonderful housemates! They are beneficial to our lives, and therefore they deserve to be treated well. Below are some tasks which you have to do to keep them safe and healthy as well.

Your tasks as a cat owner:

  • Maintain your cats’ cleanliness or hygiene because just like a human being, pets also need this for them to be healthy, and for them to avoid or catch diseases.
  • In addition, make sure not to expose your cats to harmful microorganisms because it might transfer to you.
  • Furthermore, feed them well, but do not give foods that are inappropriate to them. Make sure not to give expired or spoiled foods, so better to check the food always.
  • Give them water, make sure they are hydrated.
  • Socialize with your cats! They love to be around you.
  • Consider them as a part of your family.
  • Appreciate their presence into your life.
  • Show them love and care too.

Health implications of your attitude

Health implications of your attitude

In this life, we can’t hide the fact that we really can’t avoid being too good always. Because there are a lot of contributing factors as of why we act in unacceptable ways occasionally. But why we should avoid being bad and choose to be good? Because it can damage us, not just how we relate to other people, but most specially because it is so harmful in our health.

Image source, credit to: Photo library provided by Pexels.

A bad attitude is like a vehicle’s flat tire, you can’t continue your journey unless you change or fix it.

When a tire can’t do its function, the whole vehicle will be compromised. Just like in real life, if you have a bad attitude, you can’t function well, due to problems related to focusing and completing tasks.

Implication of negative attitudes

Let us start with the negative attitude. A negative attitude can produce chronic stress that could lead to other personality and mood disorders, which can make us so upset, and will intervene with the hormonal balance of our body.

  • It depletes the brain’s needed chemical that is required to produce the hormone that is responsible for our happiness.
  • It can damage the immune system, and as a result, it could decrease our body’s ability to fight diseases.
  • Not only that, but it also decreases lifespan, so because you have a depleted ability to fight diseases, your body will easily catch or develop it.

Bad attitude that you must avoid:

  • Selfishness
  • Bitterness
  • Rudeness
  • Making up stories
  • Aggressiveness
  • Arrogant
  • Critical
  • Dishonest
  • Intolerant
  • Manipulative etc.

Bad people are usually hopeless, they lack confidence to face life, and they are negative thinkers and low-spirited too. They don’t usually pray for guidance, humbleness, and they don’t give gratitude for all the blessings that they received because they are prideful, and they think that it isn’t necessary.

What are the effects of bad attitude:

  • A bad attitude can bring about being bitter, this attitude is like a poison that slowly killing a human body.
  • Life becomes no purpose at all.
  • It repels people, and ruin relationship.
  • A bad attitude can prolong a painful or hurtful situation.
  • Conscience is loss, and it may cause a crime.
  • It limits your ability to perform well.
  • It kills your goals and dreams.

Assess yourself and be aware of these signs:

  • Comparing yourself to other people.
  • You are manipulative
  • Irritable and feeling superior.
  • You want others to respect you before you respect them.
  • Eating more on unhealthy foods.
  • Furthermore, you are always worrying and complaining.
  • Feeling fulfilled whenever you’re spreading untrue rumors.

If you love yourself, please observe for these signs and be able to correct it!

How to overcome a bad attitude?

  • You need to accept and love yourself.
  • Think before you talk and react.
  • Think about the consequences of your chosen action.
  • Avoid blaming other people.
  • Don’t mind the past, and live in the present.
  • Choose happiness instead of unnecessary drama.

Implication of positive attitudes:

Now, let’s talk about positive attitude. Why should you choose it?

  • A positive attitude promotes happiness.
  • It promotes success and gives many opportunities.
  • Good attitude improves cholesterol levels.
  • It boosts your immune system.
  • Decrease risk of death from heart diseases.
  • More energy and confidence.
  • Looking young and hopeful.
  • You have a better stress coping mechanism.
  • Better mental and physical health.
  • Improves your social, intellectual and spiritual health.

What are examples of a good attitude:

  • Optimistic
  • Confident
  • Sincere
  • Happy
  • Reliable
  • Adaptable
  • Flexible
  • Accountable
  • Honest
  • Trustworthy

How can you keep a positive attitude:

  • Do a gratitude journal
  • Perform your self-care routine
  • Avoiding negativities (avoid gossiping)
  • Mindfulness
  • Choosing to be happy

Life is about making yourself happy, and making other people happy as well“.

The benefits of loving yourself!

The benefits of loving yourself!

Self worth
Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels.

Let me ask you this question, do you love yourself? You might ask me back, hey why are you asking that, of course I love myself! A follow-up question, how do you treat other people?

I asked the second question because it’s so easy to tell that you love yourself, but how you treat other people will reflect on how you treat yourself. It’s not new that even in the bible it reminds us to, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself!”

Your tasks:

Learn to consider the feelings of other people, learn to recognize their worth, learn to appreciate their efforts, and learn to respect them wholeheartedly.

You might ask:

But what if they don’t do that to me? Why should I give them all that positive treatment and efforts? To answer it shortly, it’s because the whole benefits will go to you. If they don’t treat you right, they will be the ones to suffer, they will feel more stress, and they will feel being disappointed because you don’t mind their silly thing. That thing could interfere their health and will ruin their life. You don’t want that to happen because you love yourself, right?

Self-awareness and acceptance:

Loving yourself means you know your strength and weakness, and you know how to use and improve it. You’re not comparing yourself because you accept the fact that you are unique, and you have that abilities and capabilities. You are honest to yourself, in the sense that you don’t make false beliefs just to raise your worth.

Here are the benefits of loving yourself:

  • It improves your self-esteem or self-confidence. You believe in yourself, and therefore increases your will to perform an activity.
  • It provides you with the self-worth you need in life. Loving yourself, raises your ability to recognize your importance as a human being.
  • You feel more energized than usual, and you have a positive view about life, that motivates you to do more.
  • Furthermore, you feel happier, and have a good outlook towards life. For the reason that, you are not stressed, that’s why it’s so easy for you to bring out that beautiful smile on your face!
  • You are more productive, and you can easily finish daily tasks and personal goals because you feel inspired.
  • You will become the better version of what you want to be.
  • It helps you to be aware of your potentials or what you can do to achieve your goals.
  • It improves your mental capacity and overall health. You are far from getting mood disorders like anxiety, depression etc. and you are doing or performing good ways on how to take good care of your body.
Are you in the stage of anxiety?

Are you in the stage of anxiety?

This post will help you identify if you are experiencing anxiety, what are the signs and symptoms, and how it affects your overall health!

All about anxiety

To start with, let’s define first what does anxiety stands for. So, anxiety is a feeling of worrying, being nervous, having uneasy emotions about an event or regarding an approaching event or situation. Anxiety is a normal feeling of a human being, and it’s a part of our daily life that is being felt when:

  • You are facing a challenging responsibility or task at work.
  • You are going somewhere or meeting someone (for example, your boss) for the first time.
  • Taking a qualifying exam.
  • You are making an important decision of your life that is difficult to reverse.
  • You made a mistake that caused harm to someone else.

Anxiety is a normal reaction on how we deal with different situations in our lives. It is considered as our warning system which enable us to be alert to any danger or threats that might happen. It prepares our body’s response to fight or flight.

According to oxford, in psychiatry it is a kind of nervous disorder that is characterized by the feeling of uneasiness or apprehension. That are sometimes accompanied by compulsive behavior (or repetitive actions) or even panic attacks.

Anxiety becomes unhealthy and considered an illness already if it’s being accompanied by muscle tension, life disturbances (inability to perform daily tasks or work) often liken to a term physically present but mentally absent, and excessive paranoia.

What does it may cause?

It may cause a fast beating of heart rate, palpitations, and even chest pain. You may also be at risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) and coronary or heart diseases.

What are the signs and symptoms of anxiety?

Signs and symptoms of anxiety may include the following:

  • Restlessness and nervousness
  • Thinking of an impending danger or panicking.
  • Increased vital signs: (the heart rate, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and even blood pressure aren’t in their regular mode).
  • Sweating and trembling
  • Fatigue or feeling tired even if you are not doing something.
  • Inability to concentrate and get enough rest and sleep.

It is important to be aware of ourselves, and know when to seek a doctor already. We also have to watch our family members for those signs of too much anxiety. It will save their lives, specially nowadays that emotional detachment from the physical world is very prominent because of the rise of technology, social media, gaming streams and the overall digital world. Occasionally, we just don’t observe that they are already suffering from the inside. Most of stressed or depressed people are trying to keep it themselves. So, we must be a keen observer and serve to be their motivator if we want to keep them away from that dark world.

How can you avoid too much anxiety?

Here are some actions that you can take:

  • Exercise regularly (physical exercises, deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, yoga, and meditation). Exercising can help you combat anxiety by diverting you from the situation that caused you to feel anxious. Keeping your body moving can lower muscle tension and therefore relaxes you physically and mentally.
  • Eat nutritious foods and avoid foods that are too sweet or sugary. Foods that are too sugary weakens your body’s ability in responding to stress, and it has linked to be a contributor to mental problems like mood swings, depression, and anxiety.
  • Be able to reduce or avoid caffeinated drinks. According to research, caffeinated drinks stimulates fight and flight responses that can trigger anxiety or worsen an anxiety.
  • Spend time with family or friends physically and talk with them. They are the ones who can motivate and bring the best out in you.
  • Write or do journal, it helps you lessen the feeling of inability and distress, it increases your capability and overall well-being. You can journal about your achievements and attained goals in life! These will help you increase your self-esteem and relieves stress and anxiety.
  • Always choose to be happy! Smile and laugh because these are very advantageous in combating anxiety and other mood problems.
  • Learn to say no, if it causes you an uneasy feeling, you will not look as bad by doing so. You are just protecting yourself by not doing an action which you believe that could bring you down or could interfere with your life situation.
  • Listen to calming music or your favorite music. This can help in relaxing your mind, giving you a positive outlook in life.
  • Consider getting a pet like dog.

Being aware of what is happening within ourselves is a good step in identifying possible problems that may bring our health into jeopardy. If you feel like as if you’re not in your usual self, don’t be shy to open it up to someone else. You can also join supportive groups that are battling the same concern, or visit a health counselor or seek the help of a physician.

Top areas of your life that might need an improvement!

Top areas of your life that might need an improvement!

This post will help you recognize what are the parts of your life that needs changes and how you should handle it, for you to be able to reap the grace that you deserve in life!

Image source: Photo library provided by Pexels

Improve your life skills

  • Your life skills are your weapon to achieve what you wanted out of life. These are your abilities and capabilities to do or perform something. These are the things which you’ve learned through your life experiences, learnings in the School, and other information and resources which contributed in leveling up your knowledge. Enhancing your knowledge is a good way to fulfill what it really meant for, and one way to do it is to be able to share it to other people.
  • Use your learning style! We have our own way of learning, my style is different from yours and your style is different from me as well. In addition, we also have different time when it comes to achieving our goals. So, do not feel worrisome or intimidated to someone you know that are already successful in their field because you’ll soon achieve it also, just be willing to trust the process and work for it!
  • Find meaning in everything that you do, and you’ll see that everything will follow as well. As a result, you will be able to focus and exert the needed effort to accomplish something.
  • Learn to be a hungry learner! Meaning, you are eager to get a lot of information and learnings that you perceive to be worth knowing. Motivating yourself to input numerous learnings into your brain is a good way to develop your curiosity, it will add up to your self-development. Encourage yourself to do more and work for the things you’ve found some difficulties.
  • Follow your intuitions, do what you feel like you are supposed to do. You will find more learnings by doing it in action. Never be afraid of trying out things which you think can improve you as a person. Trial and error are just a part of it, don’t be afraid to try or fail because it’s better to fail than not trying at all!

Improve the way you deal with your life.

  • This is the way you handle your life. Avoid feeling bad or negative about something. Make sure to remind yourself that it’s just a part of life, and remember that even the nature has ups and downs as well. There are also challenges just like the storm, but one thing for sure is that it will soon go away.
  • Be cheerful! Smiling and feeling happy are very beneficial to our health and wellness. By doing these, we are attracting positive energies into our lives. So, explore on the things that makes you the happiest person on Earth.
  • Learn to say thank you for everything. For the blessings that you received, and for all the blessings that are coming up daily. Your ability to breathe every day is such a great blessing already.
  • Organize everything, your house, your relationship with other people and specially your thoughts. Your thoughts should be taken care of, similar to how you take good care of your physical self.
  • Always remember to be watchful of what you say or do to other people, and always be watchful of the things that you are putting inside your mind.
  • Keep an eye for your health and wellness. These are your battery in life, these will help you in achieving your goals. You cannot do your tasks, and achieve your goals anymore if you are weak and ill.

Improve your lifestyle

  • Make sure to prepare and eat a healthy meal each day. Be able to provide adequate nutrients that your body needs and make sure to fulfill the demand needed by your body for its nourishment and overall health.
  • Encourage yourself to perform daily exercises which can make you feel better. Your cells, muscles, and body organs would be so happy if they feel that you are helping them to be well. Of course, just avoid vigorous exercising, light exercise each day are helpful.
  • Avoid negativities and focus on life-changing habits that could improve you as a person. Examples are: reading instead of too much screen time, making yourself busy instead of chitchatting to other people, understanding things, why it happened that way? Instead of why does that happen, I can’t get it. It means that our character should be based on what is good and what is right.
  • Be willing to spread goodness in everything that you do. Claim it that all your efforts will be paid off soon. Blessings and good fortune will come to those who have a clean and humble heart.
3 Important activities that promotes a healthy lifestyle

3 Important activities that promotes a healthy lifestyle

This post will tackle about the important activities which we should do and must be able to perform daily to promote a healthy lifestyle, to avoid illnesses and to improve the quality of life that we are living.

Important activities to promote a healthy lifestyle
Image source: Photo library, provided by Pexels.

1. To promote a healthy lifestyle, we should eat a healthy meal.

Every breakfast, lunch, and dinner and drink enough water. Each meal is crucial in achieving overall health, specially breakfast because avoiding or skipping it is not good. Each meal should provide you with a balanced diet which composed of the essential nutrients that our body needs to perform its daily function well. Such foods that are really helpful to include in each meal are foods that are rich in nutrients, such as:

  • Energy boosting foods, like carbohydrates that can be found in rice, bread, beans, potatoes and oats.
  • Body building foods, these are foods that helps your body to maintain a stronger muscles and bones. Food examples of this group are: lean meats, poultry, fish, prawns, crabs, lobster, milk, eggs, yogurt, and cheese.
  • Your meal should also include body regulating foods. These are foods which contains a good amount of vitamins and minerals that are found mostly in fruits and vegetables. Foods such as apples, bananas, oranges, green leafy vegetables, broccoli and tomatoes.

2. To promote a healthy lifestyle, we should exercise regularly.

Including at least a 30 minute of exercise daily is a good way to promote a better blood circulation. Some exercises that you can do are: brisk walking, jogging, jumping ropes and other head and leg exercises which keeps your body moving, that you can perform at home even without going to the gym. These simple exercises will enhance your overall health and wellness.

3. To promote a healthy lifestyle, we should perform self-care and hygiene activities.

These are also important in achieving a healthy lifestyle because it helps you to avoid and wash away harmful microorganisms that may come in contact with your body, such as taking a bath. Harmful microorganisms are responsible in sickness and diseases, which makes us vulnerable and can bring about our inability to perform our daily tasks. Self-care also includes rest and sleep, it’s our responsibility to take some rest and not to overindulge our body to do an action. We need to rest in order for our body organs to perform their functions well also. According to study, a proper rest and sleep at night helps our body to regulate blood pressure and promotes cardiovascular health too.

Amazing health benefits of mango fruit

Amazing health benefits of mango fruit

Health benefits of mango fruit

Mangoes are “the king of fruits” because of its sweet, delicious, fragrant smell when ripe and the various health benefits it contains that are very essential to our health.

It’s a good snack that are practical alternative to junk foods and other unhealthy foods. Mangoes can be enjoyed on its own without additional seasonings. They are also a good ingredient in numerous food recipes like, salads, juices, smoothies, jams, ice cream, cakes, quick breads, and other sweets. That can be used as a stuffing or filling for bread- just like one of the example recipe below.

Here are the wonderful health benefits of mango fruits according to our health food source:

  • Mangoes are rich in fiber that helps in digestion and elimination. It contains enzymes that help to breakdown protein.
  • Helps in weight loss management, it contains vitamin and nutrients that helps you to feel fuller. The fibers in it helps to boost the digestive functioning of the body by burning additional calories.
  • It promotes good eyesight, fights dry eyes and prevent night blindness because of the vitamin A it contains.
  • Helps you to cool down during summer preventing stroke (make a juice or smoothie out of it, and just add a little water, honey and ice chips). It is very refreshing and a healthy drink to combat the hot weather.
  • Mangoes have vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotenoids that helps to strengthen the immune system.
  • Rich in glutamine acid (an important protein for concentration and memory).
  • It helps to fight cancer, the antioxidants present in mango helps to protect the body against breast, colon, leukemia and prostate cancer.
  • Mangoes contain high level of vitamin C, pectin and fibers that helps in lowering cholesterol levels. Furthermore, it’s a rich source of potassium, which helps to control heart rate.
  • High in iron content, it’s a good help for people who are suffering in anemia.
  • Mangoes are good skin cleanser (it is done by applying thinly sliced mangoes and putting it into your face for up to 15 minutes, thereafter, you should wash your face or take a bath). It helps to unclog your pores and make the face look fresh. You can also use it as a body scrub (just mash a mango, add milk and honey). It helps your skin feel tender and smooth.

Disclaimer: The list shown above is merely for information purposes only.

Things to give up to achieve peace of mind

Things to give up to achieve peace of mind

This post will tackle about the things that you must be willing to give up to achieve a peaceful mind setting.

The things that you need to give up to achieve peace of mind.
Image source: photo library provided by Pexels

Peace of mind is being able to have a healthy state of thinking, being able to live and stay calm in every situation, and being able to avoid worry, stress, and anxiety.

Be willing to disconnect with your negative attitudes in order to connect with the positive ones!

If you can relate, and you see yourself having these things listed below, it’s very necessary to change how you think now! So that you could be able to go on with life, live peacefully and productively.

Things to give up…

  • Trying to please everybody.
  • Experiences or past events which keeps you worry.
  • Being perfectionist
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • having a controlling attitude.
  • Fear of the uncertain things.
  • Unhealthy relationship
  • stressing yourself to achieve goals immediately.
  • Comparing yourself to other people
  • Jealousy in any form
  • Self-criticism
  • Insecurities
  • Overthinking of what others might say or think about you.
  • Being fearful
  • Indulging too much in social media.
  • Staying in your comfort zone.
  • Gossiping and giving negative comments to other people.
  • Being guilty of the things that was already done.
  • Possessions that limits your happiness.
  • Being unrealistic with the life that you have.

Achieving a peace of mind is very vital in every human being because it’s an important step to achieve a comfortable life.

Without it your mental health will be compromised because of the negative impact that it could bring to you, such as poor outlook in life, inability to achieve your goals, indecisiveness etc.

Surprising health benefits of avocado

Surprising health benefits of avocado

Health benefits of avocado fruit

Avocado also called as “alligator pear” has a rich, creamy, and a mild flavor when fully ripe.

This fruit is incredibly healthy and nutritious! That’s why it is used in many recipes including both sweet and savory dishes, such as salads, sandwiches, ice cream, milkshakes, and other desserts.

Here are the health benefits of avocado according to our health food source:

  • Promotes eye health, it protects against age-related macular degeneration.
  • Contains soluble fiber, which helps to keep a steady blood sugar levels.
  • Has high amount of folate, which is essential in the prevention of birth defects.
  • Good at maintaining a healthy heart.
  • It can help to control blood pressure and cholesterol level.
  • Helps in reducing the risk of inflammatory and degenerative disorders.
  • Contains anti-aging properties, can cure bad bread, increase nutrient absorption, and helps in skin care.
  • It can reduce the risk of stroke, helps to protect against cancer, and fight free radicals.

Disclaimer: The list shown above is merely for information purposes only.

Tasks that will help you achieve self-love

Tasks that will help you achieve self-love

Self-love means loving yourself the way you are, you know your imperfections and accepted it, you are making a way to enhance your talents, your gifts, abilities, and capabilities. It is vital to achieve self-love to share it to others without doubting because how can you offer love if you can’t even give it to yourself?

Tasks to achieve self-love

In these tasks, you will create and identify your key strengths so that you’ll be able to live yourself more. You will be building your inner self to be stronger, confident and loved. You will be focusing on self-improvement that is needed to help you come out of that comfort zone that is actually limiting you to show what you can do to the world.

Here are the tasks that will help you achieve self-love:

  • You have numerous things that you are actually good at, list at least 5 of it.
  • We are all unique, and you have that physical features that you love about yourself, list at least 3 of it.
  • There are a countless things you should be thankful for, list at least 10 of it.
  • You have daily routines that you want to maintain because it boosts your self-confidence, list your top 5.
  • Top 3 positive words or compliments you want to tell yourself.
  • Write yourself a letter, a message you want to tell about forgiving yourself to whatever fault you’ve done before, and a letter for yourself regarding the things that you’ve done well.
  • List 3 achievements that you received or things you’ve done that make you proud of yourself.
  • List 3 ways on how you can improve your mindset or the way you think.
  • We aren’t perfect people of the Earth, there are times that we show bad attitudes, list your bad attitudes that you need to quit now!
  • List at least 5 things that make you feel happier.
  • If there is an ultimate advice you can give yourself, what it would be?
  • List 5 positive attitude that you will start doing now!

You don’t need to do it at once, take time. You can even divide these tasks so that you can focus on each given task.

So, these are the tasks that will help you achieve self-love. Finishing these tasks will help you realize how far you’ve become, how worthy you are as a person. It will boost your personality to the next level as well.

The person you need to believe!

The person you need to admire…
The person you ever dreamed to be…
The person who will help you achieve the most impossible…
The person who will give you strength and courage to stand…
The person who will be there to motivate you…
That person is YOU…